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TSPIPA10 Section 2 MANDATORY AND NON-MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Ia this docunsea oust: fnvicares a mandatory requirement should: indicates best practice and isthe prefewed option. Fan altemative method is used hen 9 suitable and suicient sik assessanent nist be completed to shows that the altemative method delivers se, or Verte, level of protection, Tae Toad (Rev 0904) TISPPANO SPECIFICATION FOR NEW AND MAINTENANCE PAINTING AT WORKS AND SITE FOR ABOVE GROUND PIPELINE AND PLANT INSTALLATIONS ‘SECTION 1 - PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SCOPE s¢ 9 and Appendix B. 18 Environmental sequirements se 10 and Appendix B. 2. REFERENCES his specification makes reference tothe document listed as ofthe docurnents apply. including al ad 8 DEFINITIONS 31 General For the purposes of this specification, the definitions given in 32 Miscellaneous coating which complies with the requirements of the Environmental Protection so a contract to which this essors ad perited RERBRAERG: tes on wish wes at reny & oi dew polats the teaperature at which th saturation vapour pressuse over water TISPIPA/10 Section 2 4 froma time to time by Transco and notified in wrt GRERIRRE lest sotn of tis act cnining set in eal pola fal and somseines a pigaseot that i applied toa meal to ensure good adhesion and perform protective paint system applied over it. alvanized steel surface on which a cohesive oxide layer hae form ‘normally dull and lacking ia metallic sheen, protection typically lstiag tion: protection typically lasting wei 10): platelet shaped pigment which lies parallel a susface within a paint inst the permestion of w from which stand ater and droplets have been removed but wh es galvanizing» alvanized steel surface on which sthsgrude sr Imo ptiomet 2s mally a bright unwenthered zine surface. Some steel way exhibit a dark sence paint technologists» person suit the contract qualified to act as a teclunioal adviser to Transco forthe puapose of ue mucizwan time dosing which a coating material supplied as separate components are tobe sLafler they have been mixed together the ratio of the actual vapour pressure tothe saturation vapour pressure over a plane water surface atthe same (dry bulb) temperature, expressed as a percentage baa sarae ncarsstion: prienlty ove peers nes ear ER rosary aerial wed por pstucanueu far ine metal snes (see BS pstpmneese stirs on which droplets a standing water are present 3.3 Mandatory and non-mandatory requirements In this document: must: indicates a mandatory requirement should: indicates best proctice and is the preferred option. If en alternative suitable and sufficient risk assessment must be completed to show that the ale the same, or beter level of protection ative method delivers (Rev 0904 'SPIPA/10 Section 2 SECTION 2 GENERAL PAINTING INFORMATION 4 SELECTION OF PAINT SYSTEM iting job i nique, therefore its essential to be lective nd to specify oval 42 Fornewps fn the coe of panting ign and selection of «paint system isa very important factor 43. Formaintenauce painting. sp snent may be required in certain al design fo pasting nodificaton or ame; 44 ‘tage possible when painting or re ‘he following? ince aor paint technologist should be obtained at the eles siting isto be caried out. This will assist in making a decision on a) The mest appropriate cost oa(s) of surface preparation ) The most appropriate cost effective paint syster(s) ta give te required service life 48 For painting of new items or plant this advice see 4) should be somght o ensure thatthe paint systems ae cost effective 3 the conseptal thods of painting should be based oa a suvey Mates of a sl ote 5. ‘CONDITIONS TO BE MET BY THE CONTRACTOR 81 General The Contractor should tae into oo ation the following general conditions! 2) Tn order thot Contactor be clealy informed of Traasco requtemtents, the conte! or specification fora particular job aust be drawn up after aking into account th appropriate elaases, Appendices aad SPA) in Section 3 All parts toe painted should be as specified SPA(s) in Section 3 1b) The method af surface p reference to the appropri Transco with reference tothe appropriate ansco with paration foreach part should be as specified by Ts SPA(s) in Section 3 ©). The painting systeaa to be applied o each part should be as spesitied by Transco with reference to the appropriate SPA(s) ia Section 3 4) All painting should be earned our in aecondance with» progsaime of work which must be prepared by the Contractor and agreed by the Engines aud should be ordered contract doe Paints should be liste 9s separct te comply with PAD FORO (Rev 09 TISPIPA/10 Section 2 52 Local site regulations Relev atious should be detailed in writing b 53. Independent inspection does not in any way relieve the Contenster of his responsibilities under the term or conditions ofthe contra! a structure should be orded Detaled records ofthe surface preparation and paint systera applied to any [Eept together withthe results ofthe inspection snd testing eamed owt, The information isto in the daily inspection and the weekly summary sheets, andthe close out reports, The information collected should insu, asa nininmin the parameters shown on the inspection form inched in Appendix C of this docuinent, These forms should be available contract, and a fll se made available to Trausco at the end of thee ine daring the 54 Testareas 54.1 The Contactor may be requived to prepare and post test are quality of surface preparation with a satisfactory fila thickness aad finish tot nt film is obtained, 542 The equipment and techniques used for the cepted surface preparation and application of paint tothe test areas must be representative of those tobe used forthe main posting work, 55 Access equipment 85.1 tis of particular impom ie is made to Appendix B and tha all relevant requirements are caried out 58 General cleanliness 56.1 Whenclesning. sui tion or painting Operations are being caried out oa ste, the Contractor aust ensue thst adequate protection is given to suroundiag arens and adjacent structs to avoid spotting. over-spray, or contamination produced by these Operations, 56.2 The Contractor will be responsible for ther abrasive, empry containers, brushes sues ete. from the ste aul umsst ensue that the disposal of waste prodets complies svith the appropriate statutory requirements notal of all paint and corrosion products, spent 56.3 mall cases. the operation smsst be camied out in complisnce with the current environ reutemsents (sce Appendix B), 57 Equipment to be protected and masked before preparation and painting ine Contractor aust protect and mush atetials to 517.4 Prior toony cleaning, surface preperation or p equipment aad areas in need of protection, Care should be taken with the we of masking preven! potsble malfunction ofthe plat. ‘Typical items to be masked are fi 2 equipment, weld heads, spray heads, vents on control equipment, lame traps lubrication points aad nameplates preparations, atmosphere sensing 57.2 The Contractor nnst sponsible for removing all masking materials. W020 (Rev 090. TSPIPA/10 Section 2 88 Paints containing metalic zine Spesia care must be ten to enstre that paints containing metallic zine (ine-rsh paint allowed contaminate sinless steel as this can cause embeilemient ave net ‘These paints must not be applied withia 7 um of any weld end preparation to avoid vapourisation of the 2ine during wel 5.9 Preparation of surfaces 5.9.1 Conditions for final surface preparation 89.1.1 When the conditions in the working zone are sich that the metal su final surface preparation must not normally te canvied out. 26 ate moist ot damp, 59.1.2 The operation of any surfice preparation or cleaning method must not be allowed t@ ‘contaminate wet paint films Equipment wed on site for spas. rurfsce preparation must be of the type which does not cause Electrically operated tools should not nonmally be pennitted on site. 59.1.5 Power tools operates by compressed air mst have oil and vapour vaps fined to the compressed air lines, _ Before surface preparation Operations commence, all contaminants including ‘uster soluble salts on the working surfaces, anist be zennoved by’ washing with on appropriate Solvent Lor grease and $94.7 Allalgne and mould growth should be treated witha biosidel agent and left fee miinaum of 24 b. Ir should then be removed by serubbing with sti bristle brushes nd clenn water or by use of high pressure ater washing. 594.8 All surfaces should normally be thoroughly dry before painting commences. 59.2 Abrasive blast cleaning methods 59.21 Safety requirements associated with abrasive blast cleaning must comply with curent segulations, 8922 The type of abrasive used should be capable of providing a blast cleaned profile (peal~to- ‘wough height) of aot less than 30 am and not greater thas 7S uum. unless otherwise requised by the appropriate SPA in Section 3 ‘The profile should be measured using Testex replica tape or by Engineer altemative device approved by the $923 Non-metallic abrasives mist be of a silica fice type. Air for blasting umst be clean. dey ‘ee, Other blasting media may be used with the agreement of the Engineer oil 692.4 Abrasive used in an open blast systema should be of the expendable type. The reance of expendable abrasive must not be permitted. A closed blasting system (e.g. vacuum blasting) may also be used, For closed vacuum blasting systems. the reaise of abrasives may be pemmitted provided that such, systemss efficiently clean and monitor the sizeof the abrasive 5926 Wer blast systems or enclosed recover based paint last systems. must be used for the removal of lead 3020 (Rev O04) TSP/PA/10 Section 3 ‘SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATION (SPA) RRB BRB TIAN PATTING FOR INDOOR USE. OR SHORT TERM PRIN 18 GENERAL, 184 This SPA2 applies to nev and my carbon steel surfaces operating below 100 *C ntenance painting for indoor use or short term protection of The Operations chart shown in Table SPA2a relates to new painting and Table SPA2b to maintenance painting. 19, PREPARATION OF SURFACES 494 All surfaces not tobe painted should be masked in aecondance with 57 192 Before cleaning Operations cor with an appropriate medium all surface contaminants must be removed by washing 19.3 Surfaces should be prepared as specified in 5.9.4 to comply with the requirements of BS 7079 ‘St 3 quality as a minimum. The method of cleaning should normally be by mechaical wire brushing but other methods of preparation may be proposed to Transco for consideration as a variant. 19.4 The edges of existing sound conting must be feathered 20. NEW PAINTING FOR INDOOR USE AND FOR SHORT TERM PROTECTION (TABLE SPAZA) 20.1 Compliant materials normally based on drying oil or water bom acrylic paints aust be specified and applied in accordance with clause 7. 20.2 Onc coat of primer should be applied, nomnally by brushing. The paint must overlap outo any existing coating by atleast 100 mm, The manufacturers recommended overcontng times uxt be adhered to. 203 One coat of MIO build coat should be applied to all primed surfaces normally by brushing. 204 Ifa decorative appearance is required, one coat of undercoat and finish can be applied. The tmndercoat should be of a complementary colour to the finish coat 21. MAINTENANCE PAINTING OF SYSTEMS FOR INDOOR USE AND FOR SHORT TERM PROTECTION (TABLE SPA2B) 214 Areas requiring maintenance painting should be prepared in accordance with 19.1 and 19.2. 212 Dam accordance with sound coating. areas should be prepared in accordance with 19.3 and 19.4 and spot repaired in 1 to 20.3 using primer and MIO. The coating must overlap 100 mm onto the existing 21.3 Depending on the required finish, either one full coat of MIO or altematively one fill coat of finish to the sequired colours should be applied undercoat TO" (Rev 09104) TSPIPA/10 TABLE SPA2a - Operation chart for new painting ‘Operation | Subject of operation ‘Comments [Relevant clauses in TISPIPAIO umber | secuon2 | seetiona 7 soll 7 ro 2 | Rensvean depois we? Ween, BS 7079, 5:35 msieum o4 we 1 | cles seas 96 5 | sept paimer Manson ey Sh ces 5 7 mao 5 | svat caceous om ose | tinue Shick $n” 2 203 pols Underet Minuza la midaeis 5 pe 7 set | apts tis iano ey se tckaes 25 ua” 7 “These values to be deremiaed by trans of et Biz Usckness gauge ay specvied mie S| Operations 7 and 8 acca be eames ous ifa decorative dnl is ese TABLE SPA2b - Operation chart for maintenance painting ‘Operation | Subject ot operation ‘comments Relevant clauses in TSPIPANO a Section 2 ‘Section 3 1 [Naso ee 37 Tr 2 | Removes degonte wo 3 | Wie bao BS 7079. St3 a+ a munianen oa 193 4 | tesa aess 596 5 | spot prime ‘Mimo ey lin ices 45 am 7 22 6 | Spormicsseous wan onice | nus dr im ack 50m 2 203 7 oh ‘Misusnim dry Sis mickneas 15 a 7 ns 8__| spoty amis Mia de Si vices 25 um” z 13 9 [py iat ‘Misia dry Sia tacess £0 = 7 me a cemplenon of 07 ‘Altemavely oper ‘Taese Sales to be determuned by means of vet hs hicks gauze a» spected ua clase S sation 6. Fa decorative Hath i Fequied, opeiatons 7 and Goals are tobe cared ook ToRd (Rev G04) Tie Roe Coane iane! T/SPIPA/10 Section 3 _ SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATION (SPA) (S263 PAINTING OF METAL SURFACES FOR HOT DUTIES: 22, GENERAL hich are likely o operate at O@}SGiorabowe 221 This SPA3 applies to the painting of surfaces 9 222 Areas where the operating temperature of the metal surface is likely to reach, but uot exceed, 149 °C should be painted as specified clause 23, 223 Areas where the operating temperature of the metal surface is likely to be between 149 °C and 340 °C should be protected as specified in clauses 24 and 25 respectively 2%. SADAMIAGALTENERRSTUNE® MOM 107STOMBIE CA5.E 27236 23.1 Preparation for painting of new installations and maintenance painting 23.4.4 All surfaces not to be painted should be masked as specified in $.7. 23.1.2 Before cleaning Operations commence, all surface contaminants must be removed by washing ‘with an appropriate medium, 23.1.3 Allareas must be prepared for painting as specified in $.9.2. 23.2 Application of paint to prepared areas 232.4 A heat resistant, aluminium pigmented epoxy or urethane primer should be applied ia accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations to all areas of exposed metal. Paint should be applied within four hours of blast cleaning but before any sust blooming or contaniination occurs. 23.2.2 Within the manufacturers’ recommended overcoating times. further coats of primer should be applied to achieve a total mininwn appropriate. 23.2.3 Heat resistant paints are normally pigmented with aluminium flake. therefore a finish toa designated colour ay not be possible 24, FOR DUTIES AT TEMPERATURES FROMM50%C T0340 °C (TABLE SPA3B) 241 Preparation for painting of new installations and maintenance painting 24.4.1 All surfaces not to be painted must be masked as specified in 5.7. 244.2 Before cleaning Operations commence, all surface contaminants must be removed by washing ‘with an appropriate medium, 244.3 All areas nust be prepared for painting as specified in $9.2. 242 Application of coating material 242.1 Thermally sprayed aluminium (TSA) must be applied to prepared surfaces in accordance with BS EN 22063 and or BS 2569: Part 2 242.2 Where TSA is deemed to be impractical due to operational restraints, or judged to be too high a standard of coating for this temperature range. paint systems based on inorganic zine silicate or polysiloxane primers can be used. Paints nuist be applied in accordance with the manufacturers secommendations, 716- 3020 ( Rev 09°04 24.2.6 — With the use of inorganic zine silicate, mud cracking of the ufacturers. recommended film thickness is exceeded, 26. 25.4 Alll preparations must be carried out in accordance with 23.1 282 2524 and or B ion of coating material his the preferred coat hoice. andl be applied 69: Past 2622 Where TSA is deemed to be imp inorganie zine silicate or poll ractical dine to operational the manufacturers’ recommendations, 25.23 With the use of inorganic zine silicate. nmid cracking of the ers! recommended film th led 25.2.4 FOR DUTIES AT TEMPERATURES ABOVE S40 °C(TABLE SPASC) Preparation for painting of new installations and maintenance pai T/SPIPA/10 Section 3 coating will result if sestraints, paint systems based on iloxane primers can be used, Paints must be applied in aecordauce with coating will result ifthe in TISPIPANO Section 9 Remove ative Apel primer Dey fil ines depends on pamer weed iy addonal coats | Dry film tuckness depends on primer used (Rev 0004) TWSP/PA/10 Section 3 TABLEGPASB™ Operations chart for hot duty surfaces from 150 °C to 340°C Subject of operation Comments Relevant clauses in TISPIPA/TO jon 2 Section? ‘Remove surface Boe Clean ‘opis Seem ‘System fo be exoven fom te I options below ‘Optional systems Thermally sprayed Ta accordance with BS 2560" Part ? and or nnn BSEN 22065, ‘Apply im scrordaace with maafacurer © | Polvuoxane morgane | Appin accordnace wath manstiowrens | -18- 3020 (Rev 09103) TSPIPA/10 Section 3 TABLE SPA3c - Operations chart for hot duty surfaces operati ‘Operation Subject oF Comments Relevant clauses in T/SPIPANNO ‘Number operation Section? | Section’ a 3€ of he following coating procedures, NOTE ~ Thermaly sprayed! aluminium isthe prefered system and wil provide the longest servi Option 1 - Theemally sprayed aluminium system sprayed aluminum * ‘ppp sealer snafus eatmetons p pplvheatto cue [Ta aecontace with mamufrar 324 sealer saeractions Chesiploa operating Option 2 inorganie zine silicate system 7 — | Appi in accerdance with menutruress tastmenoas ® Appi i accordance with cory mnufsruecs atcticas Tn aecordeace sata aeractions Che ‘Option 3 Polysiioxane inorganic system | Potpstocane ie leon z em rant 'SPIPA/10 Section 3 SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATION (SPA) 26. GENERAL 26.1 This SPA applies to the painting of ferrous surfaces on which the presence of eo dusing painting cannot be operationally prevented 27 PREPARATION OF SURFACES 27A Any oil or grease must be removed. a2. Allustces ste st ees speed in £9.21 seieve BS TOTS SAH gy immediately prior to paint application. In general. a degree of rust blooming is acceptable. but in a cases, the manufacturers’ instructions must be followed. 27.3 All git and dust nmst be removed from the blast-cleaned surface by washing with elean water 26.2 Alps mmo pict 28.3 An Operations char for panting in accorémce withthe above procedure is given in Table Pasa TABLE SPAda - Operation chart for painting damp metal surfaces ‘Operation | Subject ot Period betore next ‘Comments: Rolevant clauses in PAI ‘number | operation operation | V inimarn | taximom ‘Section’ Sections Remove all surface | 306d] A 7 T 2 | Biastclan | a so2 | ma SESSCHCE=Y ertnbetnentesr| erertrsse! Steere 4 3 | Woah | 7 | Remave opis | ma ed anding water | S| Amiyaynen | tnemnce 7 752 7020 (Rev 0908) nate) TSP/PA‘D Section 3 30.2 The pH of the holder water should be determsined prior to auy major adjusted to ensure that an acceptable value (within the ra rior to painting. No further dosi painting proposal aud PH to plo) is achieved at least six saomths should be carried our until sis mouths after completion of painting 30.3 ‘The need for the isolation of all electrical equipment fitted to the gasholder. particularly in respect of elecirical antietreeze systems ams be assessed. 30.4 The Engineer must ensure that Grid Control is notified and k to prevent ac sa proceduses are complied with ial movement of the gasholder during the painting contract. 30.5 All surfaces not to be painted or areas which may be adversely painting Operations should be identified by the Engineer and ui by the Contractor ted by preparation and ible protection agreed aud catvied out Typical areas and items of equipment ro be protected ares a) Water seals bj Guide carriages, ©), Lubvication facilities, ) Steam, ater or antisfreezs injection facilities (ineluding nozzles). ©) Anti-siphon vents 4) Flexible hoses. g) Electrical antifreeze facilites (including cables) 1h} Junction boxes, i) Instrumentation, 3) Control equipment and associated services ancl any other operational equigment suspended in the cups or taak, 30.6 The Contractor nmst be alerted of the possible toxic nature of the deposits and point debris and the appropriate action and eertifieation required for their disposal (see B.3.1) 30.7 Where necessary, the Engineer should arrange for the oil to be removed from the surface of the water seals before cleaning and surface preparation commence. Examination of the eups must also be carried out prior to the cupping up of each lif. 30.8 The Contactor must not attempt to lower water levels unless specifically directed to do so by the Engineer, In all cases, the removal of water must be eamtied out under the direct supervision of the Engineer or his nominated represeatat 30.9 The Engincer should arrange for the gasholder Lifts to be positioned as necessary. to fucilitate preparation and painting. The area on whieh work is taki 9g place should normally be at the tank baleony eupping level. 31. SURFACE PREPARATION FOR PAINTING 31.4 A mumber of preparation techniques may be used on a project ée.g, blast cleaning. water jet cleaning. mechanical cleaning. manual cleaning. et). uutions must be taken to prevent debris éiom the work enter vulnerable work areas, the cups, the tank, and any other 7030 ( Rev OD G4} aa TISPIPASIO Section 3 TABLE SPASe- Operations chart for maintenance painting of low pressure gasholders: Immersed Areas} ‘Operation | subject of operation | Period before next Comments Relevant clauses in Number operation TISPIPANO Maximum | inimum ‘section 2 [section 3 Immersed Areas Posten 2 [Protect cetines aren 3 [Remove sediment rom eupe Pretiminory consideranens ower water [Pretemmary considerations 5 |suctace reparauon for las 7079 $3302 mumamnm | 59 panics avi 6 |ctesn att surtaces mmetiaielyprior topo | 296 lpplicaioa 7 [apptsepoxypaintimostue | 2h [Fa coat dr fm haces fetesaat grade) 100 ym anaimaus 8 [Restore water feels [Before texine ste 3020 (Rev 0904) 7: erty Appendix 2 Copyright © TWI te ‘SP/PA/10 Section 3 SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATION (SPA) 36, GENERAL 36.1 This SPA‘ applies to the painting at site of the non- ous surfaces spesified below ‘oy Weathered galvanized surfaces. ©) Previously painted 7 ® qquivalent). 362 All these surfac accordance Table SPAGa\ . especially aluminium and stainless steel must be thoroughly cleaned in ith 5.0.6 and then lightly abraded to provide an adequate key for the new paint system (see 363 should ben that items a) to d) are painted primarily to provide corrosion protection. The are painted for cosmetic purposes only 36. PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR PAINTING 36.1 All forms of surface contamination and disbonded paint nmst be remo arease. salts, ditt and dust, sd. especially oil 36.2 The surface nust then be prepared as detailed in the requirements in Table SPAGs. 37. APPLICATION OF PAINT TO PREPARED SURFACES. 37-4 Compliant materials of the type listed in Table SPAGb amust be speciied by the Engineer and applied in accordance with clause 7, 372 The choice of the generic paint system determines the initial coat requised and this is shown in Table SPAGe 37.3 Foritems a) to d), the minimum dry film thickness of the full paint system should be 120m and include a MIO build coat, Water borne acrylic paint sy MIO fulfils this function, 15 do not require a primer as the par 37.4 Teme) toi) do not require a MIO build coat 37.5 Coating systems should normally be termi p type as the preceding coats. Where an epoxy primer and intermediate coat have been applied. an epoxy acrylic or epoxy polyester topcoat should be specified Jn some siuations, itm yy be required to terminate the paint system at the MIO build coat (Rev 0903) TISP/PA/10 Section 3 TABLE SPAGe-Non-ferroun surfaces - aurtace preparation ‘Surface preparation — Preferred option | First option 0 | New sabaicing Sweepabanvebisw | Handspring “he peered and fr options pe Anew per va | sate Tecan © | Previously pnd alvanaiog | Sweepabsive iat | Handabrading : @) | Atwcinnm Sweepabasve is | Mandabeing | Thin guage auminem shoud nox be Ble leaned and soul be read with an ech primer por ote Spphcten of termite ad ith coms (Chonnate hyocartonslven © | Staines set Sweep abranve Hast ‘ny aluminum oxide shoud be | ee | | Prepamed cdding (Pst D | cimonistroa pace | Seapananne tan | Hacahang wy | Pasion con Socpavametaa | Handaoaane | » | Concrere | In accortance with | ‘Suctace abrasion may not be Sektandacue | Soeeerace emotes utp iomnmendanone Should be rermovad i eqted sing 3020 (Rev 09104) eee TISPIPA/10 Section 3 TABLE SPA6b - Non- rrous surfaces - Paint systems Nonferrous surfaces (Groups of paint systems ] Comments a a a vote | Rm |S an — a | | tener caaae | VAs eomenente paces | dcinemmecapeets 8 Waterborne aciic | Moise cured orsmare tsi ally spony L ethane | abd alhyd | Muticomporcnr | Watertomeacqiie | Monazeced | Aliydes | farses ethane ‘ake aga | Watertomeseqiie | Misa cued | Rarncw concrete a ea coat eee 020 ( Rev 09104) Twittd TSPIPA/10 Section 3 Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (JGEM) Recommendations” + Thee Ressmenion ae anil em Charenscd Tap. Holwell Nay, Ai Road LeagSbtcaph LE IGE SR4. Edition 2.1996 - Low pressure gasholders storing lighter-thaucais gases IGE SR 12 - Handling of methanol Transco specifications TSPSCO2 —- Procedure For The Safe Control of Operations - Issue of permits ro work and forms of authority on the Transco Network ows + Code of Practice for the selection anid application of field applied extemal pipework coatings Pas ~ Technical specification for paint properties and performanees requirements DIS 3.1 = Engineering Procedures - Safety - Health and Safety at Works DIS 3.5 + Engineering Procedures ~ Health, Safery end Environmentel Proveetion Other Transco publications Transeo HSE Requirements Manuel (includes eurent HS&E procedures) Hazards & Precautions Book 1020 (Rev 09.04) cs TSPIPA/10 Ss lon 3 APPENDIX B SAFETY B41 GENERAL Personnel smust comply with all relevant regulations when cle ‘Statutes and Regulations. Appendix A) i. painting and disposal procedures are being earied out (« Attention is drnvwn to the safe 0 365 ine., to DIS 3.1 and DIS section of paint mannfactirer ta sheets, to BS EN 345, 355, 358. 361 8.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON SITE 22) icieeaataeminmtieeean MAINE (00 TSP'SCO2) The Contractor must comply with the requirements of tis system at all imes, Nowwonkcwill be allowed 10 A representative must be nominated by the Contractor to act on his behalf his duties will inchude obtaining Permits to Wor: or form of authority. This representative will agree with the Engineer atthe beginning ofeach day. or by altemative rangement, the extent of the work tobe undertaken and the precautions needed. Once agreed. thie program will not be modified unless further permission is obtained. The Contractor's nominated representative will be responsible for ensuring that the Permit to Work or form of authority in force is altvays appropriate to the work being undertaken B22 —_ Delay in the provision of Permits to Work: or forms of authority will be avoided if prior waming is given to the Engineer B23 Ifthe cont using Form F10, oR tomes mmaolvomaies ‘No Smoking’ regulations must be observed. and Transco reserves the right to demand the removal from site of any person who disregards this instmetion. act is scheduled to last for more than six weeks, the HSE must be notified using B.2.§ The Contractor must not operate any Transco valves or plant on site. B.2.6 The Contractor smst note that certain areas on the installation are termed ‘hazardous’, When ‘working in such areas, the use of non-spark tools for cleaning purposes and flameproof equipment is required. B27 Where sheeting is used ( 2 protection against accidental paint spillage). it is essential that the material be non-flammable. Tasps lin sheets must not be permitted on the site B28 During the work, the site mst be kept in an orderly manner and no materials or plaat must be placed in any buildings or positions where they could present a hazard to persons passing by on theit normal cluties. a... eae B.2.10 Lf doubt exists regarding the demarcation of hazardous areas. working areas, or the requirement of any form of authority or Permit to Work. the Engineer niust provide an interpretation, B.244 The Contractor nmst acquaint himself with all installation safety and seeurity restrictions ~38- 3020 (Rev 0904) TISP/PA/10 Section 3 B212 responsibilities in 3.2.13 Engine responsibility, un use of equipment, hod of work and the equipment used by the Contractor may be inspected by the y ime without prior notice. No inspection in any way relieves the Contractor of any the Health and Safery at Work ere. Act 1974. or otherwise, in the method of work or 82.14 Aluminum based light metal equipment such as ladders and scaffolding must not be used in potential hazardous areas as these eanse sparking when struck against a steel surface B.2.15 — Until approval has been given by the Engineer. fixed access equipment should be left in position and any movable equipment required to enable works to be carried out (led: should remain on site and be readily available for use. B3 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS B34 B31 ulting from surface preparation and painting Operations covered int this Specification must be properly disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Aet -EPA - (Duty of Care) 1991. B3.1.2__When surface preparation and painting Operations covered in this specification are carried out in the vicinity of rivers, lakes or other water courses. special precautions may be necessary to prevent the possibility of pollution Care nuust be taken to ensure Operations are eanied out in Water Resources Act 1991 scordance with the requivements of the B4 STATUTORY REGULATIONS. B.4.1 All Operations covered in this specification are subject to the Health and Safety at Wark ere. Act 1974 sad other relevant legislations, such as European Union (EU), anid regulations as listed in IGE'SR'12. Appendix 1 B42 Due regard must be taken in respect of the le clothing and other safety aids. use and care of protective lation regarding B43 Tris an obligation that Transco will ensure th cation, be made fully aware of the relevant safety aspects, including the dangers of toxic all personnel involved in the activities covered in this spes materials B44 All activities conceming these substances mist have been subjected to an assessment under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regularions 2002 B45 Containers and any associated packaging must. where appropriate, be marked in accordance with the Cernfication, Packaging and Labelling (CPL) Regulations for Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail 1996 aud Chemicals Hazard Information and Packing (CHIP) Regulations 2002. 3020 (Rev 0904) 730- TRELEA DALY PAINTING NSPECTION REPORT an cone FORT Ra [rar conmacTon oh = Fan sro TSE = Trecraensne PANTO euBeON OF STORE COATE Soran Te TOD FEN exter [etiog OF ant SORTER FAA PRED mae OFTEN aE EERO C CT ine | ORT BIRR TEMP | WERT BILBTENR,] RENE aca] ea we | OYE = Toe | vewrowrc | sTeeLreurs | t ‘DEECRETON OF WORK GENE —] TERTERTNOF PANT CORT ‘AREA WORK ETRE Dy FNS EO ‘GENERAL COMMENTS eu] [rai] ae] ears cametcd

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