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Phytochem. Anal. 11, 137–147, (2000)

Testing of Antifungal Natural Products:

Methodologies, Comparability of Results and
Assay Choice

Franz Hadacek* and Harald Greger

Comparative Phytochemistry Department, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, A-1030 Vienna, Austria

Antifungal testing of filamentous fungi generally suffers from incomparability of results. In order to
illustrate this problem, the polyacetylene falcarindiol and the naphthoquinone juglone, two known
antifungal natural products, were assayed in various dilution and diffusion bioassays against three selected
microfungi, Botrytis cinerea, Cladosporium herbarum and Fusarium avenaceum. Broth microdilution, based
on the 96-well microtitre plate format, can be scored by various direct and biochemical methods. As
examples, direct observation with image analysis and the fluorescein diacetate scoring method are
compared. Of the other methodologies used, results obtained by thin-layer bioautography and the radial
growth rate method clearly deviated. Disk diffusion results, however, matched microdilution. In conclusion,
microdilution offers the greatest potential of all bioassays to become the future general standard
methodology. Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: Antifungal bioassay; microdilution; radial growth; bioautography on thin-layer plates; disk diffusion;
falcarindiol; juglone; Botrytis cinerea; Cladosporium herbarum; Fusarium avenaceum.

INTRODUCTION Shephard (1987) estimated the cost to discover and

develop a new fungicide at around 30 million US dollars.
Consequently, research is mainly carried out by leading
Large demands for fungicides exist in agriculture, food pesticide companies in Europe, Japan and the United
protection and medicine. Plant pathogens are estimated to States. Automated screens, targeting specific modes of
cause yield reductions in crops of almost 20% worldwide action, have now been widely adopted (Major, 1995), all
(Oerke et al., 1994). In order to cope with the needs of the based on the microtitre plate format, to allow screening of
fast-growing world population, yields must be improved 10,000 or more compounds per week. The majority of
by optimizing inputs, including fungicides (Knight et al., them are cell-based assays; however, their comparability
1997). Moreover, food quality has to be guaranteed by to conventional in vivo screens is much debated (Knight
controlling fungi that produce mycotoxins. Filamentous et al., 1997).
fungi can also cause opportunistic systemic mycoses, Other groups of researchers, such as university-based
associated primarily with patients with AIDS or those scientists or those working in smaller companies,
receiving treatment with immunosuppressive agents. interested in detecting antifungal activity, cannot nor-
Antifungal chemotherapy relies heavily on fungicides mally afford high-throughput-screening equipment. Of-
and many efforts have been made to standardize test ten, lack of appropriate facilities or the small amounts of
procedures in order to increase reproducibility between test compounds available do not permit in vivo assays
laboratories (Cormican and Pfaller, 1996). As a result the which typically involve concentrations (100–500 mg/L)
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards of high volume sprays being applied to living plants
(NCCLS) proposed in 1997 a standardized antifungal previously inoculated with pathogenic fungi; in vivo
susceptibility test method for yeasts (M27-A; National assays have been extensively reviewed by Kato (1986),
Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, 1997) Shephard (1987), Heaney and Knight (1994), and Bartley
containing guidelines for broth macrodilution and and Youle (1996). Instead, in vitro assays are the method
microdilution. A modification of that method (M38) for of choice for many pharmacists, biologists, plant
filamentous fungi appears promising and its standardiza- pathologists and chemists interested in the biological
tion is in progress (Espinel-Ingroff et al., 1995, 1997; activity of natural products isolated in their laboratories.
Pujol et al., 1996; Espinel-Ingroff, 1998). However, Antimicrobial in vitro screening methods have pre-
because filamentous fungi do not grow as single cells, viously been reviewed by Gadd (1986), Rios et al.
standardization is more challenging than with unicellular (1988), Paxton (1991), Mayfield (1993), and Cole (1994).
yeasts and bacteria (Gadd, 1986). The present article presents a comparative evaluation of
various dilution and diffusion bioassays illustrated by
* Correspondence to: F. Hadacek, Comparative Phytochemistry Department, application to two antifungal natural products. The
Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, A-1030 Vienna, Austria. polyacetylene falcarindiol and the naphthoquinone ju-
Contract/grant sponsor: “Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien”.
glone were assayed against three different microfungi,
Contract/grant sponsor: Austrian National Committee for the Intergovern- Botrytis cinerea, Cladosporium herbarum, and Fusarium
mental Program “Man and Biosphere”. avenaceum. Falcarindiol occurs in various genera within

Received 24 April 1999

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 1 September 1999
Accepted 1 September 1999

the Apiaceae and Araliaceae (Kemp, 1978; Kern and Exposure (15–30 min) of fungi with unpigmented
Cardellina, 1982; Muir et al., 1982; Villegas et al., 1987), mycelia and spores to iodine vapours significantly
and has even been identified as a phytoalexin in infected enhanced contrast in order to detect inhibition zones.
tomato leaves (Elgersma et al., 1984); it was chosen to
represent aliphatic lipophilic compounds. Juglone can be Paper disk diffusion. Test compounds (6 mg) were
found in the genera Carya (Hedin et al., 1980) and dissolved in 600 mL acetone and two-times diluted from
Juglans (Krajci and Lynch, 1977) of the Juglandaceae, 0.7 to 10.0 mg/mL; 20 mL aliquots were applied to 9 mm
and is responsible for the allelopathic effects caused by diameter paper disks (no. 2668/2; Schleicher and Schuell,
the walnut tree Juglans regia (Bode, 1958); it serves as an Dassel, Germany). After evaporating the organic solvent,
example of a polar, aromatic natural product. As results disks were placed in the centre of 3 cm diameter agar
varied considerably we feature broth microdilution (used plates previously inoculated with 0.5 mL spore suspen-
in clinical research) as the most promising antifungal in sion (104 CFU/mL). After 3 days, growth was measured
vitro bioassay. Its use should improve consistency (mm) with a ruler. A Super-VHS video camera was used
between those laboratories involved in natural product to capture still video images onto a hard disk. MIC was
research. determined as the lowest test compound concentration
causing mycelium-free zones.

EXPERIMENTAL Broth microdilution. Test compounds were dissolved in

acetone (2 mg/mL) and mixed with 4% (w/v) malt extract
Fungal inocula. Botrytis cinerea (Vienna Institute of broth, to which 0.2% (v/v) Tween 80 was added to
Applied Microbiology no. MA1510), Cladosporium improve emulsification, to give a concentration of
herbarum (Vienna Institute of Applied Microbiology 400 mg/mL in stock solution. Microdilution was per-
no. MA1511), and Fusarium avenaceum (Vienna In- formed in sterile disposable microtitre plates (96 U-
stitute of Applied Microbiology no. MA1512) were bottomed wells). Aliquots (50 mL) of 4% (w/v) malt
cultured on 4% (w/v) malt extract–agar medium (Merck, extract broth were dispensed in every well except the
Darmstadt, Germany) or 4% (w/v) potato dextrose–agar first. Stock solutions were two-times serially diluted
medium (Merck) in 9 cm Petri dishes at room tempera- using a 50 mL multichannel pipette. Compounds were
ture and in darkness. In order to obtain conidia, fungi tested in duplicate. Stock solutions of the negative control
were cultured for 3–10 days. Harvesting was carried out were prepared with pure organic solvent. Stock inoculum
by suspending conidia in 1% (w/v) sodium chloride suspensions were adjusted to 104 CFU/mL; 50 mL
solution containing 5% (v/v) dimethylsulphoxide aliquots were dispensed into each well. The final
(DMSO) or Tween 80. A sterilized Drigalski spatula concentrations were 0.1–200 mg/mL for each compound.
was used to separate spores from hyphae. The spore Microtitre plates were incubated 18 h at 25 °C in dark-
suspension was filtered (pore width 53 or 105 mm, ness.
depending on spore size), transferred into 1.8 mL Germ-tube inhibition was determined by two methods:
cryotubes and stored at ÿ20 °C. Colony forming unit direct observation and fluorometric measurement of
(CFU) values were determined by plating 20 mL of 10- esterase activity. In order to determine germ-tube size,
times serially diluted suspensions and counting germi- 10 mL aliquots of lactophenol blue (Merck) were
nated spores/dilution concentration. dispensed into each well (to stop growth and to enhance
contrast) and 10 germ-tube images per concentration
Test compounds. Falcarindiol was isolated from roots of were captured to hard disk (magnification 140-times);
Peucedanum cervaria (L.) Lapeyr. by repeated chroma- sizes were calculated in pixels (NIH Image 1.60 software;
tography on silica gel 60 (0.025–0.040 mm; Merck) with National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA).
hexane:ethyl acetate (85:12, v/v) as the mobile phase and Esterase activity was determined following the method
with UV detection at 254 nm. Chromatographic and of Chand et al. (1994), the verification of esterase
spectroscopic data were identical to published data. production being based on the conversion of fluorescein
Synthetic juglone was obtained from Professor Hartmut diacetate (FDA) to the fluorescent dye fluorescein, the
Laatsch (Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of concentration of which may be determined by emission at
Göttingen, Germany). 635 nm with excitation at 485 nm. Fluorescence readings
in the microwells were performed using a Labsystems
Bioautography on thin-layer plates. Test compounds (Helsinki, Finland) Fluoroskan Ascent FL and a Perkin-
(10 mg) were dissolved in 500 mL acetone and twice Elmer (Wellesley, MA, USA) HTS7000 bioassay reader.
diluted from 0.03 to 200 mg/mL. Test solutions (10 mL) Prior to emission reading, 5 mL aliquots of a 0.25% (w/v)
were applied as small spots on TLC plates (Si 60; solution of fluorescein diacetate (Sigma, St Louis, MO,
0.25 mm; Merck) to give a concentration series of 0.1– USA) in acetone were dispensed into each microwell; the
200 mg/application zone; the organic solvent was evapo- microtitre plate was then incubated for 90 min at 37 °C to
rated by a stream of air. TLC plates were homogeneously facilitate hydrolysis. The percentage of inhibition
sprayed with about 30 mL of 4% (w/v) malt extract broth compared to the control was determined from the
containing conidia (105 CFU/mL). Plates were incubated calculation:
for 3 days in a moist chamber at 25 °C in the dark and the ‰…sample ÿ blank†=…control ÿ blank†Š 100
appearance of blank zones in the mycelium layer
indicated antifungal activity. TLC plates were digitised where the sample was the serially diluted test compound
by a flatbed scanner. Minimum inhibitory concentrations incubated for 18 h, the control was the stock solution with
(MIC) were determined from the lowest test compound pure organic solvent, and the blank was the control with
concentration causing recognisable mycelium-free zones. ungerminated conidia suspension. Means of three emis-

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 11: 137–147 (2000)

sion readings of sample and control, and two readings of microdilution, well visible in both scoring methods. This
blank were used, all within the same microtitre plate. effect is caused by a trailing endpoint of the inhibition
MIC was determined as the lowest test compound effect. The situation was quite different with respect to
concentration completely inhibiting spore germination. radial growth rates. Values were not only significantly
higher, but the EC50:EC90 ratio was reversed with
Radial growth rate. Test compounds (12 mg) were juglone, showing the broader fiducial limits. These facts
dissolved in 2 mL acetone and twice diluted from 0.03 to illustrate the differences between the two dilution assays,
6 mg/mL; 1 mL acetone was added to 30 mL of 4% (w/v) the former relying on submerged growth and the latter on
malt extract agar to give 1.5–200 mg/mL agar media. surface growth of the test fungus.
Aliquots (2 mL) of medium were dispensed into 3 cm
diameter Petri dishes (Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark) and MIC values of antifungal compounds
stored for 24 h at room temperature to solidify (during the
whole process the agar medium was maintained at 50 °C). In the literature, antifungal activities are often reported as
Conidiospore suspensions (10 mL; 105 CFU/mL) were MIC values, which typically denote the lowest concen-
used to inoculate the centre of the agar plate. After tration of test compound which inhibits growth. Although
incubation for 3 days, diameters of visible colonies were reproducible and yielding values expressed in mg/mL,
measured with a ruler and percentage inhibition was MICs are still a function of the conditions set by the tester
calculated from means of three replicates compared to (Rex et al., 1997). This also applies to MIC values
controls. A Super-VHS video camera was used to capture presented in Table 1. To complicate matters, the
still video images onto hard disk. MIC was determined as definition of MIC value may be ambiguous. In diffusion
the lowest test compound concentration completely bioassays, MIC is defined as the lowest test compound
inhibiting spore germination. concentration causing a visible inhibition effect, whilst in
dilution methods, MIC denotes the lowest test compound
Statistics. Broth microdilution and radial growth rates concentration totally inhibiting growth: strictly speaking,
are quantitative bioassays. EC50 and EC90 were calcu- these values are not comparable.
lated by probit-log analysis as described for quantitative
bioassays by Finney (1971, 1978) and Roberts and Boyce Conidia suspensions
(1972). The Mann–Whitney U-test was used to compare
distributions of control and sample group values. One of the major requirements to carry out most
Calculations were performed using SPSS 6.1 software antifungal bioassays is to obtain conidia from the chosen
(SPSS Corp., Chicago, IL, USA). test fungus. If the desired fungus does not sporulate then a
radial growth assay remains the method of choice. Plant
pathology manuals generally contain many recipes for
axenic culture media suitable to induce sporulation in
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION various microfungi (e.g. Singleton et al., 1992; Dhingra
and Sinclair, 1995). A great number of perthotrophic and
In all bioassays, juglone proved to be a more efficient necrotrophic fungi generally produce conidia when
antifungal natural product than falcarindiol against cultured on artificial media, contrary to biotrophic fungi.
B. cinerea, C. herbarum, and F. avenaceum, results The latter group can only be tested with in vivo assays
generally in agreement with previously published data using clamydospores or teliospores (Dhingra and Sin-
(e.g. Ikekawa et al., 1967; Kemp, 1978; Villegas et al., clair, 1995). In bioassays with bacteria and yeasts,
1987; Rahalison et al., 1994). EC50 and EC90 have been especially in clinical studies, culture collection type
calculated for broth microdilution and radial growth strains are used preferentially. This procedure is not as
rates, but not for paper disk diffusion and bioautography commonly employed with filamentous fungi. As a
on TLC plates. The latter two bioassay techniques depend general rule, however, fungal strains included in
on diffusion of the test compound into the medium, and bioassays should be deposited in a culture collection
thus concentration within the medium is not homoge- specifically to enable other researchers to obtain the same
neous in contrast to the dilution methods. MIC values isolate for comparative purposes. Methods for preserving
were determined visually as the lowest concentration conidia and mycelia have been extensively reviewed by
causing an effect. Table 1 presents a summary of the Dhingra and Sinclair (1995). However, the most suitable
results. preservation method for a particular fungus must often be
MIC values obtained by the radial growth rate method optimised empirically. Procedures described in the
were significantly higher for all compounds tested experimental section should apply to the majority of
compared to those obtained using the broth microdilu- microfungi.
tion. The different scoring methods of broth microdilu- Another relevant issue is inoculum size. Gehrt et al.
tion did not provide identical results, however, (1995) demonstrated the species-dependent propensity of
differences fell within an acceptable range. Disk diffu- some microfungi to show lower susceptibility in broth
sion MICs, despite the different nature of the bioassay, microdilutions starting at 105 CFU/mL. Similar effects
compared rather well to broth microdilution MICs. Thin- have previously been observed for some bacteria (Strat-
layer bioautography, of all assays, provided the lowest ton, 1993) and yeasts (Rex et al., 1993). The authors
MIC values and thus turned out to be the most sensitive correlate these effects with the mode of action of the test
method of all. compound: drugs attacking enzymes are especially
In dilution bioassays, fiducial limits of EC50 and EC90 affected. Increasing numbers of microbial targets may
provide additional information about the nature of the exceed the given amount of a test compound to inhibit
inhibition effect. Falcarindiol showed very broad fiducial totally the growth of the micro-organism population in the
limits and a significant increase in the EC50:EC90 ratio in system. Similarly, as the number of fungal propagules is

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 11: 137–147 (2000)
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Table 1. EC50,a EC90a and MIC values (mg/mL) of falcarindiol and juglone against Botrytis cinerea, Cladosporium herbarum and Fusarium avenaceum determined by various
bioassay techniques
Botrytis cinerea Cladosporium herbarum Fusarium avenaceum
EC50 (95% FL ) EC90 (95% FL) MIC EC50 (95% FL) EC90 (95% FL) MIC EC50 (95% FL) EC90 (95% FL) MIC

Radial growth ratec

Falcarindiol 86 (77±96) 219 (184±273) >200 98 (81±123) 213 (162±348) >200 52 (39±70) 139 (96±273) 200
Juglone 20 (12±35) 153 (75±592) 200 61 (29±135) 147 (82±2172) 100 12 (8±19) 57 (33±147) 50
Broth microdilution (germ-tube growth by image analysis)d
Falcarindiol 21 (8±108) >200 >200 11 (2±589) >200 >200 4 (2±9) 176 (61±1148) 200
Juglone 0.5 (0.2±1) 2 (0.9±16) 1.5 0.5 (0.2±0.5) 2 (1±6) 3 0.2 (0.1±0.2) 1 (0.7±1.6) 0.8


Broth microdilution (FDA hydrolysis)e
Falcarindiol 0.7 (0.2±1.6) >200 >200 0.3 (0.01±1) >200 >200 3 (1±7) 49 (20±305) >200
Juglone 0.3 (0.2±0.4) 0.8 (0.6±1.5) 3 1.6 (1.1±2.4) 3 (2±9) 3 0.05 (0.01±0.09) 0.3 (0.2±0.6) 1.5
Paper disk diffusionf
Falcarindiol 100 50 >200
Juglone 1.5 1.5 1.5
Thin-layer bioautographyg
Falcarindiol 25 12 50
Juglone 0.1 0.1 0.1
EC50 and EC90 were determined by probit-log analysis.
FL = ®ducial limits.
See Experimental section for protocol Ð growth zone diameters were compared with those of colonies growing on pure medium: MIC de®ned as the lowest concentration of the
dilution series which completely inhibited fungal growth.
See Experimental section for protocol Ð after 18 h growth at room temperature, 10 mL lactophenol blue was added to stop growth, and germ-tube size was determined by pixel
counts after capturing images of 10 germinated spores/concentration: MIC de®ned as the lowest concentration totally inhibiting spore germination.
Phytochem. Anal. 11: 137–147 (2000)

See Experimental section for protocol Ð percentage inhibition was determined by calculating [(sample ÿ blank)/(control ÿ blank)]1  100; MIC de®ned as the lowest concentration
totally inhibiting spore germination.
See Experimental section for protocol: MIC de®ned as the lowest concentration/disk causing a visible inhibition zone.
See Experimental section for protocol: MIC de®ned as the lowest concentration/spot causing mycelium-free zones.

Figure 1. Visual comparison of results of antifungal activity of juglone determined by the disk diffusion
method (top rows in each panel), by bioautography on thin-layer plates (middle rows), and by radial growth
rates (bottom rows) against the ®lamentous fungi Botrytis cinerea (top panel), Cladosporium herbarum
(middle panel), and Fusarium avenaceum (bottom panel). In each case the concentration of the test
compound was in the range 1±200 mg/mL.

growing, populations of resistant individuals may expand. conidia, although they are not always unicellular,
However, in the case of microfungi with conidia difficult represent most closely a unicellular life stage. However,
to separate from the mycelium, it is necessary to work with the conidia have to germinate first to grow, and
inoculum sizes even lower than 104 CFU/mL. Besides germination will not always be 100%; spore quality will
quantitative plating, Espinel-Ingroff et al. (1991) have not be uniform throughout the suspension and between
described a spectrophotometric method to determine suspensions. Consequently, standardization of bioassays
inoculum density. for filamentous fungi presents a greater challenge than for
Comparing fungal inocula with yeasts and bacteria, yeasts and bacteria (Cormican and Pfaller, 1996).
one significant difference has to be kept in mind:
guidelines recommend taking inocula from bacterial Diffusion bioassay: bioautography on thin-layer
and yeast cultures during the logarithmic growth phase, plates
since this is when the culture is most homogeneous
(Howcroft et al., 1987). Fungi are multicellular; their Homans and Fuchs (1970) and Betina (1973) have

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 11: 137–147 (2000)

described bioautography on TLC plates (Fig. 1) as a are recommended more for polar rather than non-polar
quick and versatile method to detect antifungal natural compounds such as essential oils (Janssen et al., 1987).
products of plant or microbial origin. In comparison to The dipping of filter paper disks into a test compound
other bioautographic methods, such as paper chroma- solution should be avoided. Instead, it is more accurate to
tography (Paxton and Wilson, 1965), and agar overlaying dispense the compound dissolved in a small amount of
(Rahalison et al., 1991), TLC plates have been most organic solvent directly on to the filter paper disk.
widely accepted. De Bolle et al. (1991) described how to Rigorous drying of organic solvent is crucial. Negative
carry out bioautography on polyacrylamide gels in order controls should be included in order to detect solvent
to detect antifungal proteins. The high possibility of effects. Generally, 9 cm Petri dishes are recommended.
compound decomposition during the assay is certainly a In contrast, we prefer to use 3 cm Petri dishes for
disadvantage of this method (Paxton, 1991). Conversely, economical and practical reasons, each dish containing
ease of performance and minimal requirements of just one disk.
microbiological equipment make bioautography on Figure 1 illustrates effects caused by various concen-
TLC plates useful in laboratories lacking sophisticated trations of juglone against B. cinerea, C. herbarum, and
equipment. F. avenaceum. Results obtained from both diffusion
Diffusion bioassays, whilst not suitable for the com- methods, thin-layer bioautography and paper disks,
parison of activities of compounds, do allow the compare well. However, the inhibition shown by radial
identification of active compounds in crude extracts. growth rates, a dilution bioassay with homogeneous test
The high sensitivity of these assays is illustrated by the compound concentration in the medium, is significantly
MIC values of falcarindiol and juglone (Table 1), which lower than in the diffusion assays. This example
were the lowest obtained. The ability to separate complex illustrates the problem of incomparability of results.
mixtures with subsequent identification of antifungal Paper disk assays and agar well techniques account,
compounds carried out on the same TLC plate distin- nevertheless, for the majority of applied antifungal assays
guishes bioautography from all other antifungal bioassay (Cole, 1994). Because it is impossible to measure the
techniques discussed in this work. If this assay is chosen amount of the test substance diffused into the agar
to compare the antifungal potential of different com- medium, diffusion assays are less suitable to determine
pounds, the following issues which have not explicitly MIC values for compound activity comparisons.
been discussed by previous reviewers of this method
must be considered: testing pure compounds in dilution Dilution bioassay: broth microdilution
series, as demonstrated in Fig. 1, will provide concentra-
tion dependent effects of active compounds. However, Dilution bioassays have one major advantage over
besides actual activity, diffusion of the test compound diffusion bioassays, namely the test compound concen-
and organic solvent concentration can also affect the size tration in the medium is defined. Consequently, dilution
of the inhibition zone. Solvent concentrations should be assays are regarded as the method of choice to compare
equivalent, and as low as possible for all test compounds. MIC values (Gadd, 1986; Rios et al., 1988; Paxton, 1991;
Generally, 10 mL aliquots are used as reported in the Mayfield, 1993; Cole, 1994). The advent of microtitre
Experimental section. Thorough evaporation of organic plates has led to significant reductions in test compound
solvent before spraying conidia is crucial. Inoculum size concentrations; furthermore, in combination with spec-
in the spore suspension should be as high as possible, trophotometric or fluorometric plate readers it is possible
usually greater than 105 CFU/mL in order to ensure the to scale up sample throughput enormously. However, as
formation of an uniform mycelium layer. Suitable previously mentioned, filamentous fungi are not single-
instruments for spraying spores are either glass sprayers cell organisms whose growth is as easy to quantify as
designed to apply chemical derivatisation agents to TLC with bacteria and unicellular yeasts where turbidity
plates or airbrushes for colour and varnish application. indicates growth. Turbidity can be assessed either
Both instruments are easy to sterilize. visually, as is the convention in clinical studies
(Cormican and Pfaller, 1996; Pfaller et al., 1997), or
Diffusion bioassay: paper disk diffusion spectrophotometrically at wavelengths in the range of
600 nm (Paxton, 1991; Pfaller et al., 1995). Gadd (1986)
The paper disk diffusion bioassay was first developed for and Mayfield (1993) elaborately review various methods
bacteria (De Beer and Sherwood, 1945) and later to determine growth rates, biomass and cell numbers of
modified for filamentous fungi. The technique was bacteria, including continuous culture, enzyme activity,
standardized by Bauer et al. (1966) and Ericson and bioluminescence, respirometry, microcalorimetry, moti-
Sherris (1971) and later changed in a report of the World lity, fluorescent antibody and gene probe techniques, the
Health Organisation (1977). Agar well diffusion assays latter two mostly applied in natural ecosystems. The more
are also similar (Rios et al., 1988), including the hole– uniform growth behaviour of unicellular bacteria and
plate assay method and the cylinder method. Disk yeasts has certainly contributed to methodology devel-
methods comprise the placing of filter paper disks opment and its subsequent standardization (Mayfield,
containing test compounds on agar plate surfaces 1993). The differentiation into filamentous or mycelial
previously inoculated with the test organism. The fungi and yeasts has been less rigorously applied in the
chemical then diffuses into the agar and inhibits recent literature. One reason is the high degree of overlap
germination and growth of the test fungus. The hole– between the two groups, with mycelial fungi showing
plate method depends upon diffusion of the aqueous test yeast-like growth stages and some traditional yeasts
compound solution from a vertical hole in the agar layer, producing mycelia; the other reason is the more useful
while the cylinder method utilizes stainless steel or development of antifungal test systems with unicellular
porcelain cylinders. After incubation, mean diameters of yeasts.
growth inhibition zones are recorded. Diffusion assays Originally, liquid broth assays for filamentous fungi

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 11: 137–147 (2000)

of photographic standards to determine 0, 25, 50 and

100% of drug-free growth (Espinel-Ingroff et al., 1995)
or the indices ÿ, ‡, 2‡, 3‡ (Kobayashi et al., 1996). In
order to score microdilution plates, a reading mirror can
be used (Espinel-Ingroff et al., 1995); otherwise, exact
determination of the germ-tube length with a micrometer
scale in a microscope is a cumbersome task. However,
this has greatly stimulated the search for alternative
methods. The possibility of digitizing images from the
microscopic has led to the utilization of image analysis to
determine germ-tube sizes (Hilber and Schüepp 1992; Oh
et al., 1996). In our laboratory a less sophisticated
method is used to quantify germ-tube growth, as
described in detail in the Experimental section and
illustrated in Fig. 2(a).
Paxton (1991) recommended that turbidimetric scoring
of fungal growth be used with caution because of the
dispersed growth behaviour of the many filamentous
fungi and the possible formation of degradation products
absorbing in the turbidity wavelength. Conversely,
Broekaert et al. (1990) demonstrated a straight-line
relationship of turbidimetric scoring at 595 nm to dry
weight of the developed mycelium and thus present
turbidity measurements with a microplate reader as a
possible tool to detect antifungal activity with an
incentive perspective for automatization. In order to
exclude disturbing test compound absorption, medium or
conidia, blank measurements have to be carried out
before sampling. Yeasts are generally scored around
490 nm (Barchiesi et al., 1993; Del Poeta et al., 1994;
Pfaller et al., 1995) or 630 nm (Rodrı́guez-Tudela et al.,
In addition to turbidity, various other elegant methods
have been developed to quantify fungal growth colori-
metrically or spectrofluorometrically. Mitochondrial
dehydrogenases of metabolically active cells reduce
Figure 2. Scoring methods in broth microdilution: (a)
illustration of the direct observation of germ-tube length by yellow 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-
image analysis (IMG); (b) reaction of ¯uorescein diacetate tetrazolium bromide (MTT) to a blue formazan which
(FDA) employed for the determination of growth by the can be measured photometrically (Mosmann, 1983;
¯uorometric method; (c) graph showing the agreement of Hansen et al., 1989). This method has been adapted to
results of both scoring methods. quantify antifungal growth by Jahn et al. (1995), Clancy
and Nguyen (1997), and Adam et al. (1998). Alterna-
tively, Espinel-Ingroff et al. (1997) and Pelloux-Prayer et
were carried out in 20 mL flasks, e.g. as described by al. (1998) used alamarBlue2 which consists of a
Weidenbörner et al. (1989). After a 7 day growth period, reduction–oxidation indicator yielding a colorimetric
fungal biomass was determined after filtering and drying change and fluorescent signal in response to metabolic
to constant biomass. This assay had the major disadvan- changes (Pagé et al., 1993). Fluorescent stains such as
tage of requiring large amounts of test compound. The Celluflor (Hector and Braun, 1986), Fungiqual (Coleman
standardized broth macrodilution method recommends et al., 1989), and fluorescein diacetate (Chand et al.,
the use of 12 plastic test tubes (75  12 mm i.d.) 1994) are also applicable.
containing 1 mL test suspension per concentration. Broth We have compared two scoring methods in broth
microdilutions carried out in 96-well U-bottomed micro- microdilutions for falcarindiol and juglone, namely a
titre plates reduce the medium amount to 100 mL simple image analysis method (IMG) and staining with
(National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, fluorescein diacetate [FDA; Fig. 2(a) and (b)]. The
1997). Consequently, the microtitre plate format will agreement of EC50, EC90 and MIC values between
become the future standard. Wilson et al. (1997) scoring methods is acceptable [Table 1; Fig. 2(c)], taking
described how to assay volatile essential oils in microtitre into consideration their different nature. However, the
plates by sealing the single wells with dental wax to trailing endpoint of activity of falcarindiol, and the sharp
prevent cross-contamination. endpoint of activity of juglone, are clearly evident in the
Visual MIC determination is the most commonly used results gained from both methodologies. The most
method to describe effects of natural or synthetic important issue in microplate reading is the correct
chemicals on filamentous fungi. Direct observation of design of the control and blank. The use of organic
developed germ-tubes also allows detection of morpho- solvents and emulsifiers, such as Tween 20 or Tween 80,
logical deformations, such as swelling, curling and bead are unavoidable in order to incorporate test compounds
shape (Brownlee et al., 1990; Kobayashi et al., 1996). into the liquid media successfully, especially in the case
Scoring inhibitory effects can be carried out with the help of the more lipophilic compounds (Rios et al., 1988;

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 11: 137–147 (2000)

determination is difficult: broad fiducial limits character-

ise this response behaviour. Conversely, EC50 and EC90
with narrow fiducial limits typify highly active com-
pounds, such as juglone (Table 1; Fig. 3). EC50 and EC90
can thus inform in more detail about the nature of the
observed inhibition effect in activity comparisons if 95%
fiducial limits are also presented.

Radial growth rate

Contrary to previously described methods, agar dilution

methods in Petri dishes do not require conidiospore
suspensions. Instead, mycelial plugs or disks excised
from the edges of actively growing colonies are used
(Gadd, 1986; Cole, 1994). However, in case of fungi
readily producing masses of easily disengageable coni-
dia, e.g. Penicillium or Aspergillus, inoculation with a
spore suspension is recommended instead. The high
temperatures (50–60 °C) of the molten agar into which
test compounds are mixed may be disadvantageous if
assaying thermolabile compounds. In comparison to agar
diffusion bioassays, however, the concentration in the
medium is well defined and, consequently, estimating
EC50 and EC90 is possible. Scoring inhibition effects is
generally carried out by comparing colony diameters,
Figure 3. Example illustrating the inhibition effects of which are easy to measure on a mm scale. Figure 1
falcarindiol and juglone against Botrytis cinerea in broth illustrates the effects caused by juglone.
microdilution scored by image analysis: (a) structures of the
test compounds, (b) inhibition (% of control growth) of tested Compared to growth in liquid media, growth on solid
concentrations, endpoints and estimated EC50 and EC90 media differs in one essential aspect: submerged hyphal
values. growth takes place under low oxygen concentrations,
whereas fungi growing on agar surfaces are less subject
to this constraint. Moreover, a fungus growing on an agar
Cole, 1994). Any inhibitory or stimulating effects of such surface does not come into contact with a possible toxic
additives on fungal growth have to be considered during compound to the same extent as when growing in
scoring. submerged culture. These circumstances are clearly
Either graphic presentation or regression analysis can reflected in the results, where probit-log estimates differ
be used to describe effects caused by chemicals on fungal considerably from those obtained from broth dilution
growth: Fig. 3(b) illustrates both types of presentation. assays by showing significantly higher values (Table 1).
Broth microdilution is a quantitative bioassay (Roberts
and Boyce, 1972), but concentration–response curves are Comparability of results
not always sigmoidal as can be seen for juglone:
falcarindiol shows a pronounced trailing endpoint, hence As recently as a decade ago, antifungal susceptibility
the curve is non-sigmoidal. Although measurement testing was used only occasionally (Rex et al., 1997). One
distributions between sample and control in the range study found inter-laboratory variations in absolute MIC
from 6.3 to 200 mg/mL are highly significant (p < 0.05), values of up to 50,000-fold employing arbitrary test
the effect stagnates around 50% of control growth. methods (Galgiani et al., 1987), whilst another found that
Falcarindiol and juglone exemplify the two common variations up to 512-fold still remained when laboratories
activity responses one is liable to encounter in this type of used a single published, but non-standardized, methodol-
bioassay. Graphs are useful to compare two or three ogy (Calhoun et al., 1986). In response to these findings,
compounds, but results for three or more substances are the NCCLS established in 1982 a subcommittee for
generally clearer in tabular form. Regression analyses antifungal susceptibility testing which developed a
such as probit-log are conventionally used for statistical standardized broth dilution method to test antifungal
analysis of concentration–response experiments (Finney, susceptibility of yeasts. The standard version was
1971, 1978; Roberts and Boyce, 1972; Nyholm et al., published in 1997. As previously mentioned, the
1992; Forbes, 1993); they can be carried out using unicellular character of yeasts has greatly facilitated the
various statistical packages containing the appropriate standardization process, but this is not the case for
module. EC50 values are presented in order to compare filamentous fungi. However, as a next step, broth
compounds, whilst EC90 values additionally inform about microdilution for filamentous fungi must be standardized
endpoints to be expected. Fiducial limits define the (Espinel-Ingroff et al., 1995, 1997; Pujol et al., 1996,
precision of the estimated EC50 or EC90 values. These 1997a, b; Espinel-Ingroff, 1998), at least for clinical
parameters are more descriptive than an MIC because the studies. The problem of standardization of antifungal
latter just denotes the lowest concentration causing 100% bioassays in order to improve inter-laboratory compari-
of the inhibition effect and it does not reveal anything sons of results not only applies to clinical screenings but
about the nature of the concentration–response relation- also to natural product research, especially if one bears in
ship. Additionally, if the endpoint trails as in falcarindiol, mind that antifungal susceptibilities together with other
which is more the rule than exception, unequivocal MIC biological activities are increasingly incorporated in

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 11: 137–147 (2000)

phytopathologists and ecotoxicologists. Consequently,

ideally, the standardization discussion should involve
scientists of all these disciplines to guarantee the broadest
possible inter-laboratory comparability of results, es-
pecially in consideration of the cost- and labour-inten-
sive processes to isolate natural products from plants or
micro-organisms, costs for drug synthesis and, finally,
costs to perform the tests themselves. The standardization
of the broth microdilution methodology is promising, not
only for clinical research (Espinel-Ingroff et al., 1995,
1997; Pujol et al., 1996, 1997a, b; Espinel-Ingroff, 1998),
but the methodology is also applicable in phytopathology
(e.g. Mischke, 1997; Wilson et al., 1997) and ecotoxi-
cology (Mayfield, 1993). Scoring methods are manifold
and comprise simple indexing, biochemical and physio-
logical methodologies. The alamarBlue colorimetric
method has probably the most potential to become
widely accepted in the near future. Scoring can be carried
out either visually or more exactly with a fluorometric
microplate reader (e.g. Espinel-Ingroff et al., 1997;
Pelloux-Prayer et al., 1998). Comparisons of conven-
Figure 4. MIC ratios of juglone to falcarindiol obtained by tional and colorimetric evaluations have demonstrated
radial growth inhibition (RGR), broth microdilution scored
with image analysis of germ-tubes (IMG), and staining with excellent agreement (Espinel-Ingroff et al. 1997), similar
¯uorescein diacetate (FDA), disk diffusion (DDF), and thin to the results of germ-tube measurements and FDA
layer chromatography (TBA) against B. cinerea, C. herbarum staining presented here. The use of the totally synthetic
and F. avenaceum. medium RPMI 1640 may hold advantages over semi-
synthetic malt extract or potato-dextrose broth usually
employed for axenic culture of filamentous fungi
natural product bibliographies and databases. Incompar- (Dhingra and Sinclair, 1995). A temperature of 35 °C is
ability of results greatly diminishes data quality and generally used for testing human pathogens, including
renders compilation efforts useless. Thus, standardization filamentous fungi. Pujol et al. (1997b), however,
should not be confined to clinical research alone; it identified temperature as one of the less influential
should be extended to all other research fields employing parameters to affect filamentous fungal susceptibility.
antifungal susceptibility testing including natural product To natural product researchers, microdilution in
research, ecotoxicology and phytopathology. microtitre plates is attractive. Generally, quantities of
The susceptibilities of B. cinerea, C. herbarum, and F. test compounds represent the limiting factor in bioassays.
avenaceum to falcarindiol and juglone presented here Natural products are mostly thermolabile; high tempera-
confirm the above outlined problem (Table 1). Figure 4 tures are unavoidable in the incorporation of compounds
displays the MIC ratio, which is the only parameter that into agar media but not into liquid media. The
allows a raw comparison of diffusion and dilution methodology offers potential for high sample throughput
bioassays; comparing the activity ratio of falcarindiol to by automatization on the one hand, and allows direct
juglone overcomes the problem of non-uniform MIC observation to detect morphological anomalies on the
definitions in the various bioassays. Still, even on that other. Additionally, concentration–response effects can
level, Fig. 4 clearly illustrates an incomparability of be studied by regression analysis. EC50 and EC90
results and the need to introduce procedure standardiza- represent ideal parameters to compare activities in
tion, in analogy to the situation in clinical studies contrast to MIC values. A standardized broth microdilu-
(Calhoun et al., 1986; Galgiani et al., 1987). Ratios tion methodology will most certainly meet the demands
obtained in disk diffusion and broth microdilution are of all researchers involved in antifungal susceptibility
more or less in accordance with each other, correlation of testing of filamentous fungi, the gained inter-laboratory
these two susceptibility methods having already been result comparability can contribute to decrease costs by
observed (Trancassini et al., 1986). However, the eliminating unnecessary parallel experiments. Radial
falcarindiol to juglone ratios in the simple radial growth growth rate determination and thin-layer bioautography
rates and thin-layer bioautography assays do not compare have their merits, but also their limitations concerning
at all. Comparing the susceptibility behaviour of the three result comparability.
different microfungi in the various bioassays, however,
F. avenacum always shows the greatest ratio (Fig. 4). In
conclusion, these results suggest some congruence in the
relative susceptibility of fungal species to different Acknowledgements
chemicals, but they lack comparability in the extent of The authors are indebted to Professor Hartmut Laatsch (University of
the inhibition effect that manifests itself in the MIC and Göttingen, Germany) for the donation of synthetic juglone, to Doris
the estimated EC50 and EC90 values. Engelmeier for providing conidia suspensions, to Perkin Elmer
The development of standardized procedures for (Austria) and Bartelt GmbH for supplying fluorometric microplate
bioassays against filamentous fungi, which is most reader demonstration units, and to two anonymous reviewers for
improving the manuscript. Parts of the work were supported by the
advanced in clinical research, should not be confined to ‘Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien’ and the Austrian
one research area; biological activities are of interdisci- National Committee for the Intergovernmental Program ‘Man and
plinary interest, to biologists, ecologists, pharmacists, Biosphere’.

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytochem. Anal. 11: 137–147 (2000)


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