What Is The Main Objective of The Sustainable Development Goals of The United Nations

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1. What is the main objective of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?

The main objective of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is to reduce
poverty and hunger, achieve food security, achieve environmental sustainability, ensure global
partnership for development, promote gender equality and empower women.

2. According to Hickel, what must be done instead of urging poor countries “to catch up “with rich

Hickel says that what must be done instead of urging poor countries to catch up with rich ones is
to provide them with meaningful employment opportunities. This would not only increase the
income levels of these countries, but would also help eliminate poverty and hunger.

3. What is the standard response to eradicating poverty?

Answers to this question vary greatly depending on the individual, but the important thing is that
we are striving for a future where everybody is able to live with dignity. The poverty that we see in
so many of our neighbouring countries serves no purpose of helping them, and only makes
people suffer. What we need is a system that eradicates poverty, not just in its current forms but
also in the future.

The answer to this issue varies significantly from person to person, but what matters is that we're
working toward a time when everyone may live with respect. People only suffer as a result of the
extreme poverty that we observe in so many of our neighboring nations. A system that eliminates
poverty in all of its forms—both present and future—is what we really need.

4. What is the threshold of the Earth for adequately sustaining life?

The answer to this question will determine our future course. It is evident that human populations
and their collective effort to transform the planet are pushing the planet beyond its nutritional

5. What are the two indicators of the quality of life given in the article?

The two indicators of quality of life given in the article are “socioeconomic status” and “standard of
living”. Socioeconomic status refers to a well-defined term that includes income, employment and
education. While standard of living correlates with quality of life, it differs from socioeconomic
status in that it simply looks at material benefits such as shelter and food security.

Socioeconomic position and standard of living are the two measures of life quality mentioned in
the article. Income, work, and education all fall under the umbrella of socioeconomic status, a
phrase with a clear definition. While standard of living and quality of life are related,
socioeconomic status is different in that it only considers tangible benefits like access to food and

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