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2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 5-7 June 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Classification of Parkinson’s Disease by Analyzing

Multiple Vocal Features Sets
Kazi Amit Hasan Md. Al Mehedi Hasan
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
Rajshahi, Bangladesh Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Email: Email: mehedi

Abstract—Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a growing and chronic these researches, numerous features were obtained by using
neurodegenerative disease with a great amount of motor and non- some speech signal processing methods and extracted features
motor symptoms. In the initial stages, most of the PD patients were fed into different machine learning algorithms.
face difficulties in regular movements. Vocal disorders are one of
the common symptoms of them. Vocal disorder centric diagnosis The analysis and investigation of PD are difficult in some
systems are one of the leading areas in recent PD detection cases because of their overlapping symptoms. Only 75% of
studies. In this paper, the dataset was taken from the UCI the clinical investigation of PD is validated to be idiopathic
Machine Learning repository and a feature extraction technique Parkinson’s Disease at autopsy due to the symptoms overlap
was applied. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is used for with other diseases [6]. An enormous amount of research
extracting the features as the dataset was full of features and the
topmost 50 features are selected according to ANOVA F-score. activities are performed in the PD classification. Classification
Multiple machine learning classification methods were applied methods can escalate the accuracy and efficiency of the re-
and compared with other related existing works. Experimental ferred diagnosis system as well as can make the diagnosis time
results show that the highest accuracy score of 0.91 was achieved more effective. In recent studies, TQWT features produced
with the Random Forest Classifier method by feeding the selected better results than other vocal features. MFCC and TQWT
features. ANOVA as a feature extraction technique successfully
extracted the significant features that differentiate PD patients combined features also improved the classification accuracy
from healthy individuals and also improve the classification [4].
accuracy. In this paper, different classifiers are used and applied to
Index Terms—Parkinson’s Disease (PD), Feature Extraction, recognize Parkinson’s disease. A feature selection technique,
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Classification Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is used in this research and the
topmost 50 features are selected according to ANOVA F-value.
I. I NTRODUCTION The extracted features were fed into different classification
In recent years, health informatics systems perform a vital algorithms and final prediction is generated from that. The
role in identifying and monitoring different diseases. Parkin- overall workflow is shown in Fig.2 in Methodology section.
son’s disease (PD) is a rapidly growing neurodegenerative Various classification methods are implemented for evaluating
disease with a great amount of motor and non-motor signs the accuracy of the classifiers. As per the classification accu-
[1]. The early death of dopamine generative neurons in the racy, random forest classifier yields 91% correct classification
substantia nigral region results in Parkinson’s disease (PD) [2]. rate.
As PD progresses, the amount of dopamine produced in the
brain diminishes gradually and the affected person becomes
unable to control his/her actions normally. People ranging A. Dataset Description
from 55-75 years are more at risk of affecting by PD. The The dataset used in this research was collected from the UCI
increasing risk expands the necessity for accurate PD diagnosis Machine Learning Repository [7]. This specific dataset was
and monitoring. In the US, there are about one million people also used in research [4], [8]. The dataset contains the data of
who got affected by Parkinson’s disease. Medications and 188 Parkinson disease affected patients, where 107 of them are
surgeries are possible treatments to cure their symptoms. Still, men and 81 of them are female. The age span of Parkinson’s
no effective solution and therapy for Parkinson’s disease is Disease patients is varied between 33 and 87 years. Along
discovered [3]. with this, the control group contains 64 healthy individuals
PD detection methods focus on observing and estimating where 23 of them are men and 41 of them are female. The
the severity and austerity of the indications using numerous age varies between 41 to 82 years of the control healthy
types of devices. One of the most popular signs of PD is the individuals. This dataset was collected from the Department
vocal difficulties, faced by 90% of PD victims in their earlier of Neurology in Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul
stages of the disease [4]. This vocal problem-based systems University. The frequency response remained fixed to 44.1 kHz
are in the uppermost positions on PD detection studies [5]. In of the microphone while gathering the data. After the doctor’s

978-1-7281-7366-5/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE


Data Preprocessing

Feature Selection


Fig. 1: Correlation among the features before extracting them Results

from the dataset.

Fig. 2: Graphical representation of overall proposed PD clas-
sification system.
examination the repeated renewal of the vowel /a/ letter was
collected from each individual with three replicates. The
dataset contains various vocal features of different feature sets
1) Calculating Sum of Squared Error (SSE)
like Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), Tunable
2) Calculating Degree of Freedom (DF)
Q-Factor Wavelet Transform (TQWT), vocal fold along with
3) Calculating Mean Squares (MS)
other baseline features [4].
4) Calculating F-value.
B. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) In this research, the prime 50 features were chosen and sorted
There is a total number of 130 male and 122 female indi- according to the best ANOVA F-value shown in Fig.3. The
viduals data that are used in the dataset. This also represents scikit-learn [11] tool was used to determine the F-value as well
that the dataset is balanced from the gender perspective. As as the best 50 feature names. When the numerical features are
this dataset has many features, the correlation heatmap will grouped by the target vector, the F-value tests that the means
describe it more clearly. The correlation heat map in Fig.1 for each group are significantly different from each other [12].
clearly indicates the highly correlated features in the dataset. In Fig.3, the best 50 features are sorted in terms of their
This correlation problem is handled by ignoring the extremely F-values. With the ANOVA feature selection method it is
correlated features and selecting the best features by feature confirmed that most of the features are MFCCs and TQWT
selection method described in the Methodology section. features which also obtained in the study [4]. In our re-
search, the highest ANOVA F-value 142.51 was obtained by
mean MFCC 2nd coef feature among all the features. TQWT
A. Feature Extraction features also have higher ANOVA F-values than the rest of the
The dataset has 754 attributes. The correlation among the features.
features is shown in Fig.1. As this dataset is full of features, The correlation among the features is also handled using
an univariate feature selection method is used in our research ANOVA. The correlation heatmap in Fig.4 is clearly better
to find out the most significant features out of these. than Fig.1.
1) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): The dataset used in this
research is full of features. For this, it is a tactful decision B. Classification
to use a feature selection algorithm to find out the optimal
features. Feature selection methods also enhance prediction In this study, the entire dataset was divided into 20%
quality. In this study, as a feature selection technique the training and 80% testing sets. The best scores are shown in
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used and it is also used Table I in Experiment and Results section.
in other different studies [9], [10]. ANOVA is a simple and 1) Random Forest: Random Forest classification is also
strong statistical method that examines the means of a couple used in previous PD classification studies [13], [14]. It is an
or more groups. It also determines how much the groups extended version of the bagging algorithm, fast and robust
are significantly different from each other. Several steps are to over-fitting that takes its origin from decision tree’s nature
performed in ANOVA [10]. [15].
(a) AUC acheived with Decision (b) AUC acheived with Random
Tree classification method Forest classification method

Fig. 5: AUC curves of Decision Tree and Random Forest

classification method.

It is also used in the study [19]. Conditional probability is

used in naive Bayes classifier to get the results [20].
6) Support Vector Machine (SVM): SVM which is also
known as decision boundary function by finding a hyperplane.
SVM is also used in the study of PD classification [21]. In
this research, Linear and Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernels
are applied as classification methods.
Fig. 3: Top 50 features with their ANOVA F-value. IV. E XPERIMENT AND R ESULTS
A. Evaluation Metrics
In this study, five statistical measures accuracy, precision,
recall, f-1 score and AUC curve were used as evaluation
metrics to estimate the performance and efficiency of the
classifiers [22].
Accuracy = (1)
TP + FP + FN + TN
(a) Correlation heat-map of first 10 (b) Correlation heat-map of second P recision = (2)
features after feature extraction. 10 features after feature extraction. TP + FP
Fig. 4: Correlation among the features after feature extraction Recall = (3)
in the dataset. TP + FN
2 ∗ (Recall ∗ P recision)
F 1 Score = (4)
(Recall + P recision)
2) k-Nearest Neighbour: kNN is a simple, powerful su-
where, TP, TN, FP, FN means True Positives, True Negative,
pervised learning algorithm used in previous PD classification
False Positives and False Negatives values respectively [23].
studies [16]. Different values of k in kNN classifier are applied
AUC curves were also used in this research to examine how
and compared with one another. Then the impacts are analyzed
well the probabilities from the positive classes are separated
and pointed out the best value. In our research, the best
from the negative classes. The AUC curve is the degree of
accuracy score was achieved with k=5.
True Positive and False Positive rate which maps the sensitivity
3) Decision Tree: Decision tree based classification is also against 1 - specificity that signifies the overall effectiveness of
used in the studies [17]. It builds classification or regression the model [17].
models in the type of tree structure. In this study, the best
AUC score is achieved with the decision tree. B. Results
4) Logistic Regression (LR): Logistic Regression based The comparison between this research work and other re-
classification is used in different PD classification studies [18]. search work [4] is shown in the Table I. Different classification
LR also used in many classification problems because of being methods random forest, k-nearest neighbour, decision tree,
binary in nature. gradient boosting, logistic regression, naive bayes and support
5) Naive Bayes: Naive Bayes is a supervised learning vector machine are used in this research. The best accuracy
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