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How to get through the first day of school.

(phone starts ringing)

Phone guy: “Hello,Hello? Uh,I wanted to record a message for you to
help you get settled in on your first day. Um,I actually studied here in this
school before you, I’m finishing up my last week as a matter of fact. So I
know that it can be a bit overwhelming, but I’m here to tell you there’s
nothing to worry about,you’ll do fine.Anyways, let’s get through your first
week alright?”

“FIrst there’s an introductory greeting from the school that I’m supposed
to read, it’s kind of a legal thing you know. Welcome to Glen Waverley
Secondary College, a magical place for kids and teachers alike, where
school work comes to life. GWSC is not responsible for the damage to a
child’s brain or person. Upon discovery of brain damage, a physiological
report will be filed within 90 days or as soon as the problem has been

“Blah,blah,bal, now that might’ve sounded bad, but there really isn’t
anything to worry about. The year 12s do tend to get a bit quirky at night
and wander a bit but do I blame them? No, if I was forced do those
stupid homework for 15 years straight and I never got a bath, I’ll
probably be a bit irritable at night too.”

“Now concerning your safety, the only risk as a year 7 in this school, if
any, is the fact that the year 12s probably won’t recognize you as a year
7, they’ll probably see you as an unclaimed member,since this is against
the rule here, they will try to make you join all sorts of clubs, this won’t be
so bad, but it just mean extra homework.”

“Yeah they don’t tell you these sorts of things when you sign up, but hey,
the first day should be a breeze! I'll chat with you tomorrow,remember to
check your timetables and only camouflage as a year 9 is absolutely
necessary, gotta make it believable, Alright good day.”

Jeremy Jiang 7G2

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