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Academic Honesty and Peer Feedback Template

Academic Honesty
Write a 5-7 sentences paragraph that discusses three root causes of academic dishonesty and explain what the solution
would be for each.

Peer Feedback on Draft

Choose one of your classmates’ outlines to evaluate. Read it carefully and then answer the following questions.

Is the summary introduced properly (title, author, date) and does the summary provide you with a clear idea of the claim and the
main supporting points?

2. Does the thesis clearly state an evaluation of the source and a clear claim supported by 2 to 3 points of critique
which your peer will discuss in the essay?

3. Does each Response paragraph start with a topic sentence that states one point of critique and ties it to the main

4. Does your peer provide textual evidence from the original source in each Response paragraph? Is each textual
evidence cited correctly?

5. Does your peer provide his/her own comments on the textual evidence taken from the source?
Write few sentences for your peer suggesting areas for improvement.


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