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'10 30- 1lict)- lc14-1 - jI) 3TffRff, 1948 (1948 cbl ii)
ci) RI-5 c IT Cl{jcI 3M 3f1k?11T cf TRT-3 TT Mcc1 I11LI )1
31 3ti1-1() 311c1 jici 1Vfr1
ffci fff c 1i c ff T/ftfT ic1 1jlc z c
t Ri1i ii ciii ct cp I -1(T) ci
-02 RciRci 1I\ill'1 111c1 cb4tflR tp fTy zcpjc

31t)-1(3T) z T-o1 w1ci 3T 3TffJFT c llT-2 Z

())z c 1i1ci 1(31) cb [-Q4 4cI1d 4

34)-1 (ai)

¶T jIcP 31T'CTh YRC11 1kci

3I11R ci (2016-100) ftE cc'c *Jcticp 31TR c1
1 2 3 4

2021 122.8 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8072.69

3Ikc1, 2021 123.0 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8085.84

I1c11, 2021 123.3 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8105.56

3Icc, 2021 124.9 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8210.75

1clJ- , 2021 125.7 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8263.34

2021 125.4 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8243.61

Ii :- 48981.79
ci1 2021 Ici1 31c1i cbl 3ThR1 - 48981.79+6 = 8163.63

F:/-MW. VD,A from 18-02-2022- I

1: çj cj .111-i:— (i) uii, (2.) ii1c PIH-i, (3.)
c iv
Thi, (4.) tl cr4tii cb 1iimi (j tflçj4 P-i 4-{1UI (fkT) 3T1IT, 1993 cb
3TtT ic'ciit.Ii c) 'cP)/ &ft 19T is-U-2849, 2850, ff -30.09.2021 mii
'1I-834, I1lcb-30.09.2021

1i ic -01.122016+0104.2017
+ 01.10.2017 + 01.04.2018+
1II T1T 01.04.2022
01.10.2018+01.04.2019 + ___
0 II1I 01.10.2019 + 01.04.2020 + ____ _____
fb 1?i1c— 9\iIl C)
f0 t 01.10.2020+01.04.2021 +
01 .04.2022 I
01 .10.2021 fff
____ (ii 3+4)
-lc19 9jc c

1 2 3 4 5
227.00+5.00+5.00+7.00+2.00+ 11.00 304 1
1. 3Ictk'I 11.00+9.00+9.00+4.00+12.00+2.00=
237.00+5.00+5.00+7.00+3.00+ 12.00 318.00 .1R1k1
2. 3cIel 11.00+9.00+10.00+5.00+12.00+2.00=
290.00+6.00+6.00+9.00+3.00+ 14.00 389.00 1 '-i
3 c1 14.00+11.00+12.00+6.00+15.00+3.00
= 375.00
353.00+7.00+7.00+11.00+4.00+ 18.00 474.00 M111
4. 3cIc'i 17.00+ 14.00+14.00+7.00+18.00 +
4.00 = 456.00
6535.00+131.00+133.00+204.00+ 327.00 8757.00 R19i
5. 70.00+312.00+261.00+261.00+
131.00+327.00+65.00= 8430.00

.iR-i)c'i ii Rici -iicii mf'irr Thr

tR 31Th1TfF 1ti fri tR qc1 Fci 1'il.-I rii c) c'
I qci
\3c1 3t) fl-4 3Tbci c T TT IiI4
i1c{ 1II T1T cPI &T 11I 'i1IflI I ZIf 1TZT

4-j\3jc TT Hii I 31 ICf -iIl R1T -jIc1l1 cc1

2021 3ThT1 3UT tT 01 3TTT, 2022 1 1ii

F:/-M,W V D A from 18-02-2022-2

MCICt, t: ti iithTh qn i-jt *jtiøici- * am4 tw
95dII Wff cf) Tft Zft 3T2fflT fl TT1Tht Wii * cfl -f 6114 t eiI1 tI I

c3 9
(i-5/tNoo-4o-15/2o21 oo
fZeN 'wniyM i*

(iia.-ctrls. ft&r)
ti,ci 'aftiq I


kilt r a&ff k-iRi[ci aJ jcnr. Ii%R

- gji s14'IIThl Ict,qi 'iit 5? -u*cik *kTr ;•
31tc 348 1 (3) * avfri at?Mt wii .3kIcM Sr ITB k1M11

(*il-5/roso-4o-1s/2o21 Tot-79'7)
Ic1lk &I"44ie1 airki ñ,

2- —
(i'I- cl1i( fksrr)
qi tiRii I

F:J-M.W. V.D.A from 18-02-2022-3

Patna, dated-
S.O. Date In exercise of the powers conferred by section -3 of the Minimum
Wages Act, 1948 (XI of 1948), read with the clause (B) of sub-section(1) of Section-5 of the said
act, the Governor of Bihar is pleased to introduce the formula for Variable Dearness Allowance in
the minimum rates of wages fixed! revised for the different categories of employees employed in
the scheduled employments mentioned in column-02 of schedule 1(B) here to appended for the
months shown in column-i of the said schedule shall be shown in column-04 of the schedule 1(A)
for the purpose of clause (d) of section -02 of the said Act.
Schedule-I (A)

Index No Link Factor Changed Index No.

Month & Year Base Year Change for base for base year
(2016-100) year (1960-100)
1 2 3 4
July, 2021 122.8 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8072.69

August, 2021 123.0 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8085.84

September, 2021 1233 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8105.56

October, 2021 124.9 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8210.75

November, 2021 125.7 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8263.34

December, 2021 125.4 4.63 X 4.93 X 2.88 8243.61

Total 48981.79
Second Half Year y Average of the year 2021 July-Dec. 48981 79 -- 6 = 8163.63


Name of employment (1.) Papad Industry (2.) Sailars employment (3.) Agarbati Industry (4.)

Employment of Safaies Karamcharis (Exculding activities prohibited under the Employment of

Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines Prohibition Act 1993) / Notification No.-
2849, 2850 Dated.- 30-09-2021 Gazette No. -834 Dated- 30.09.2021

SI. Categories of From Dated-01.12.2016 + Amount of Total rates of
No Worker 01.04.2017 + 01.10.2017 + V.D.A. which is wages effective
01.04.2018 + 01.10.2018 + effective from the from the date
01.04.2019 + 01.10.2019 + date- 01.04.2022 01.04.2022
01.04.2020 ~ 01.10.2020 +
(In Rs.) Column (3+4)
Minimum Wages Fixed (In. Rs.)
2 3 4 5
Unskilled 227.00+5.00+5.00+7.00+2.00± 11.00 304.00 Perday

Fl-MW. v.D.A from 18-02.2022.4

2 Semi skilled 237.00+5.00+5.00+7.00+3.00+ 12.00 318.00 Perday
3 Skilled 290.O0+6.00+6.0O+9.00+3.00+ 14.00 389.00 Perday
= 375.00
4 Highly Skilled 353.00+7.00+7.00+11.00+4.00+ 18.00 474.00 Perday
17.00+ 14.00+14.00+7.00+18.00 +
4.00= 456.00
5 Supervisory/Clerical 6535.00+131.00+133.00+204.00+ 327.00 8757.00 Per month
70.00+ 312.00+261.00+261.00+
131.00+327.00+65.00= 8430.00

These rates of Variable Dearness Allowance will be based on the average of All India
Consumer Price Index on which the minimum rates of wages has been fixed/revised in the
above scheduled employment. There will be increase or decrease in wage of rates shown in
column -4 with rise or fall as the case may be in aforesaid index of the above scheduled
employment and will be deemed as Variable Dearness Allowance components. But even if
the Index fall below the point on which minimum rates of wages have been fixed / revised
there will not be any reduction in the minimum wages fixedlrevised. The payment of
variable Dearness Allowance on the basis of average index of July -December, 2021 will
be payable at the aforesaid rates from 1st April, 2022 and thereafter increase or decrease in
the amount of variable Dearness Allowance will be based on the average of All India
Consumer Price Index number for every six months and will be applicable after the expiry
of three months after said period of six months.

(No-SI M.W.- 40-15/2021 L&R- 9

By the order Governor of Bihar,

(Gajendra Kumar Mishra)

Joint Secretary.

q)-5/tTo-40-15/2021 ToTo— 99 T9T, 1?lifr ) )

:— Ip _uj c1Il, 1i
fTrr, tR, tJ9T t 3Tft9T
tt oo 9T-T 4jI t1 ICVcl) C)lI Ic1
31TT 3Tf4f9T 1T <IsI * &1NTT 3TI5 .4cPI1Ic1 c 4I 'ifl'4 tI
'<Is1-4 m 100 () [f4' 19Icic1. fti i cpi'.iki.i m fTTr, -1e-1I T '4e1T
m .

(4I'- c1I fu)

.jctc1 lft I

F:/-M.W. V.D.A from 18-02-2022- 5

__ -i)312L
¶oio— ° I
-i-ii, 1iici— L I
1rd1— fci, i(i 1ei) *iI, WE TfT TI9, 9 f1t/1ic,
t z4 /1Tt5 3IT?R1, 1R [ /T 41 *i1qici1, ii/
ttT/1T *i * 3T s1 TfZt/1Ti //1']1T/
1i /iIi 19T tr f, fru I
3i1iI,/ '1Iicl, 3ll1I,clt1, *T 1TT/Pf dIc4 - l 41ii/ TR 11TT /Piicp,
'ii, tl9T/q 11f trrfr trT/T 4'kIiI 11c1, tE9T/
3tj 1IiI cII.lI cu1 fIt IR, 'iI P1t iif
III r it iM 1ci I

ci- f.u)

I4I-5/oj-4O-15/2O21 oo— 3&'9 r, ii— 3)3 12 2_

1i1t— 9fr1-1 9, 3N fpT 3Tf IfIzr/1T fT?L 3N TITTT fPT
9-3TZT. fT -q1c19 4fJl Y'U9IIc 'ic-i, fR - 1c141 1'j1c) 1cIc
lR 3ii cii1, trt 9TTf, T—oi/rlr, fR fii'i,
fTT c'II1 , t19T/WIt fT q fIii rtiTrT, tTT/tT ciqR q f
1I1TEZT. tTTr/3q cciq1, fR f1ei, IIe1/ 3ilzfiT (.ii4k
3Tfdrr i i u fi', lw, ii / -ii ii 31TE, tt9T/ &Th4rr, t
1l9uI fT1r, fR, tT9T t.zr 1119{ (fii-1I) fTTr -1cf1 qlqii, fR, ii T jEHT
3Icllcp cj4
2. fT5 iciR t 3& TtT5i * 3c14d TITIT 6 ci1
m 3Tfffi19T m MIt 3e1&T ciI 15T ct CP) I

(i-c clTh fr&r)

'1cc1 Tft1Th

IqIq-5/to-4O-15/2O21 oTo— i1, 1iic— 312 2

:— 31Too 3T'I 1T-TT fwr, mr t19T 1 t4jj9 3cqq) iM

(i- ii fu)
cc1 z{ftffl

Fi-M.W. V.D.A from 18-02-2022-6

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