Jagannath Cult Through The Ages

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Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669

L ord Jagannath is considered as

form of Vishnu or incarnation of
Krishna by the Hindus. Many
and various linguistic as well as
ethnical sects. In the background
of various tenents, Jagannath
Purana describes Lord Jagannath cult and its universal aspects has
as universal deity and Srikshetra as relevance in present day. The
most holy place on the earth. From concepts of equality, unity, work
time immemorial Puri of Odisha has culture, national as well as
been recognised as Sankhakhetra international integration do form
and Lord Jagannath has been called essential ingredients of
Purusottam, the supreme Jagannath cult.
consciousness. Sivapurana says,
'Purusottam kshetra is the only place The Jainas claim that the
on earth which can liberate creatures name of Jagannath is derived
from earthly bondage and it is the from the word ‘Jinanath’. They

Jagannath Cult Through the Ages

Dr. Saroj Kumar Panda

place where the Supreme Lord has assumed argued Jagannath is the manifestation of
wooden form'. Rishabhanath because Rishabha means ‘jagat’.
The Buddhist scholars claim the evolution of
The origin of the sacred deity goes back Jagannath triad derived from the ‘Triratna’ theory
to pre-Vedic period. Till now, it is difficult to of the Buddhist philosophy; the Buddha, the
ascertain the exact date of the origin of Jagannath Dhamma and the Samgha. Sri Jagannath as the
cult. But various evidences corroborate the fact manifestation of Lord Buddha is also accepted
that the cult has been growing since long by a number of Odia laureates. Both the Jainas
assimilating and incorporating the theological and and Buddhists claim the Car Festival of Sri
philosophical concepts of Jainas, Buddhists, Jagannath symbolises a strict adherence to their
Saivites, Saktas, Vaishnavas, Sauras, cults.
Ganapatyas, Sikh, Islam and Christianity. The cult
has integrated the diverse and centrifugal forces According to tradition, Sankaracharya
of tribals, non-tribals, Brahmins, Non-Brahmins (788-820AD) in course of his spiritual conquest

JUNE - 2017 85
ISSN 0970-8669 Odisha Review

of India, stayed at Puri. He founded one of his Sankaracharya, Ramanuja, Kabir, Sri Chaitanya
four pithas here, the other three being in Sringeri, and Guru Nanak have also visited Puri and were
Dwaraka and Badrikasrama. This pitha known greatly influenced by the assorted philosophy of
as the Goverdhan pitha, still exists here at Puri. Jagannath cult. In Bible, the life sketch of Jesus
During his stay at Puri, Sankara defeated the told that near about 12 years Jesus was vanished
Buddhist Pandits by his vast learning and from Jerusalem. It is a fact that Jesus was in
irrefutable arguments. He converted many of them Srikshetra during this period. During his stay at
to his own faith and proclaimed Jagannath as Puri he learned about Sanatana Hindu Dharma.
identical with the great Brahminical God, The book “The unknown life of Jesus Christ”,
Purushottam of Gita. It seems Sankaracharya “Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ” and the
converted Jagannath from a Buddhist to a “The life and work of Jesus in India” proved that
Brahminical deity to strengthen the influence of Jesus stayed in puri.
Brahminism at Puri, which was a strong centre of
Buddhism before his time. In spite of many cultural invasions and
various thoughts ‘Jagannath culture’ is maintaining
Jagannath cult is an experiment in religion. its uniqueness i.e. ‘Unity in Diversity’. The
The elementary concept of Saivism, Saktism and speciality of the cult is that all the religions of the
Vaishnavism were combined to a composite whole world have been merged within it to make it
during Ganga Dynasty. The movement of flexible, open and generous. The cult is based
Jagannathism aimed at making a synthesis of upon ideals of democracy, principle of equality
various cults and sects found in religions but in ,justice, honesty and integrity. So the cult of Lord
the process it did not exclusively represent any Jagannath is a beautiful combination of worldly
one of them. Rather it has reduced the and cosmic realities.
heterogeneous elements to a homogeneous form.
In a way it is a Sarvadharma Samanwaya
(balancing all religions).

Lord Jagannath is the God of all religions.

Muslims like Kabir, Haridas,Salabega devoted Dr. Saroj Kumar Panda, Principal, Gadibrahma Degree
their entire life before Jagannath and sang Bhajans College, Delang, Puri, Email-saroj_kumarpanda
and Janans in the praise of the Lord. @yahoo.com

86 JUNE - 2017

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