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Punjab Group of Colleges Gujranwala

F. Sc Part-I
Poems 1-10
Objective (A)
1. After rain, wondrous light will shine.
a) shining b) dim c) amazing d) dusky
2. How does the sun come out after rain?
a) dim b) dark c) bright d) red
3. The birds stare at the blank-faced coaches of the Night Mail.
a) gaze b) disgust c) praise d) bend
4. Which thing shakes in the bedroom?
a) a plate b) a cup c) a door d) a jug
5. The poet has lived a score springs.
a) 50 b) 30 c) 70 d) 20
6. Cherry stands about the woodland ride.
a) trek b) tree c) boulder d) brook
7. The fearful man said that the spot on his skin was a shocking disease.
a) slight b) minor c) pleasing d) horrible
8. What would the traveller’s feet feel?
a) cold b) granite to grass c) swollen d) pain
9. It looked as if the moon compacted to a rind.
a) flesh b) bone c) peel d) pulp
10. How much radiant do the children look?
a) radiant as lantern b) radiant as the sun c) radiant as stars d) radiant as the moon
11. The poet sees the Sindhi woman was walking through excrement.
a) dung b) buds c) flowers d) blossom
12. What does the Sindhi woman not have in her tread?
a) steady steps b) a ripple c) a foe d) a friend
13. There is a time to sew.
a) stitch b) hug c) descend d) discuss
14. There is a time to keep and a time to -----------.
a) drop b) sew c) loose d) rend
15. And on the pedestal these words appear.
a) base b) front c) upper part d) back
16. The name of the king of the statue was ----------.
a) Hercules b) Midas c) Naushervan d) Ozymandias
17. To whom the mother sparrow should solace.
a) morsel of bread b) comfort c) whip d) push
18. How can life be set on foot?
a) by studying b) by splitting the grain c) by earning d) by crying
19. Those who have died do not consider the hollow men as ------------.
a) cowards b) idle c) violent souls d) sluggish souls
20. We are men with paralyzed force.
a) impotent b) potent c) forceful d) strong
Punjab Group of Colleges Gujranwala
F. Sc Part-I
Poems 1-10
Objective (B)
1. The raindrops produce sweet noise.
a) melody b) bad tunes c) fruit d) ugly faces
2. Who is the poet of the poem “The Rain”?
a) William Blake b) W.H. Auden c) W.H. Davies d) T.S. Eliot
3. The Night Mail pulls up the Beattock.
a) descends b) ascends c) draws out d) comes in
4. What happens to the Night Mail when the gradient is against her?
a) It is late b) It is on time c) It breaks down d) It stops
5. What is the average age of man?
a) 50 b) 60 c) 70 d) 80
6. The cherry hung with bloom along the bough.
a) branch b) blossom c) stem d) twig
7. The poet says that yonder is the midden whose odour will madden.
a) moorland b) pool c) dunghill d) hill
8. Whom were the fears looking for?
a) the poet b) the traveller c) the farer d) the fearer
9. The fruits glowed red-hot from within.
a) sparkled b) darkened c) wasted d) booted
10. What kind of children come there in the street of fruit stalls?
a) Spanish b) Indian c) Dark d) White
11. The poet reflects with his stoop.
a) openness b) bending c) straight forward d) truth
12. What is the condition of the Sindhi woman’s head cloth?
a) It is silky. b) It is blown back. c) It is torn. d) It had fallen.
13. There is time to every purpose under the heaven.
a) aim b) rainbow c) cliff d) peak
14. There is a time to break down and a time to -----------.
a) dig b) wash c) wash d) build up
15. Boundless and bare: lone and level sand stretch far away.
a) dim b) sparkling c) limited d) limitless
16. What was lying near the statue?
a) an arm b) a belt c) a shattered visage d) the shoe
17. The mother sparrow conjoins its beak with little beaks.
a) join b) break c) draw back d) get on
18. The mother sparrow brings one grain of ----------.
a) millet b) wheat c) rice d) sand
19. What does Eliot mean by modern men?
a) the hollow men b) men of action c) violent souls d) ugly faces
20. We are the hollow men.
a) intelligent b) strong c) strong d) forceful

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