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Kinds of Polynomials according to the number of terms

1) Monomial – is a polynomial with only one term. Example b2

2) Binomial – is a polynomial with two terms. Example: b2 + 3
3) Trinomial – is a polynomial with three terms. Example: 2b2 – b + 3
4) Multinomial – is a polynomial with four or more terms. Example: 3a3 + 2b2 – b + 3
Kinds of Polynomials according to their degree
1. Constant – a polynomial of degree zero. Example: 2 Highest Degree: 0
2. Linear – a polynomial of degree one. Example: 2x + 1 Highest Degree: 1
3. Quadratic – a polynomial of degree two. Example: 2x2 + 1 Highest Degree: 2
4. Cubic – a polynomial of degree three. Example: 5x3 - 2x2 + 1 Highest Degree: 3
5. Quartic – a polynomial of degree four. Example: -4xy3+ 5x3 - 2x2 + 1 Highest Degree: 4
6. Quintic – a polynomial of degree five. Example: 7x5 - 4xy3 + 5x3 - 2x2 + 1 Highest Degree: 5

STANDARD FORM - terms are arranged from the term with the highest degree, up to the term with the lowest degree. If the
polynomial is in standard form the first term is called the Leading Term, the numerical coefficient of the leading term is called the
Leading Coefficient and the exponent or the sum of the exponents of the variable in the leading term is the Degree of the


Given algebraic expression: 2x2 – 5x5– 2x3 + 3x – 10

Standard Form: -5x5 – 2x3+ 2x2+ 3x – 10.
Leading Term: -5x5
Leading Coefficient: -5
Degree: 5
Kind of Polynomial according to terms: Multinomial
Kind of Polynomial according to a degree: Quintic


Kinds of Polynomials according to the number of terms
1) Monomial – is a polynomial with only one term. Example b2
2) Binomial – is a polynomial with two terms. Example: b2 + 3
3) Trinomial – is a polynomial with three terms. Example: 2b2 – b + 3
4) Multinomial – is a polynomial with four or more terms. Example: 3a3 + 2b2 – b + 3
Kinds of Polynomials according to their degree
1. Constant – a polynomial of degree zero. Example: 2 Highest Degree: 0
2. Linear – a polynomial of degree one. Example: 2x + 1 Highest Degree: 1
3. Quadratic – a polynomial of degree two. Example: 2x2 + 1 Highest Degree: 2
4. Cubic – a polynomial of degree three. Example: 5x3 - 2x2 + 1 Highest Degree: 3
5. Quartic – a polynomial of degree four. Example: -4xy3+ 5x3 - 2x2 + 1 Highest Degree: 4
6. Quintic – a polynomial of degree five. Example: 7x5 - 4xy3 + 5x3 - 2x2 + 1 Highest Degree: 5

STANDARD FORM - terms are arranged from the term with the highest degree, up to the term with the lowest degree. If the
polynomial is in standard form the first term is called the Leading Term, the numerical coefficient of the leading term is called the
Leading Coefficient and the exponent or the sum of the exponents of the variable in the leading term is the Degree of the


Given algebraic expression: 2x2 – 5x5– 2x3 + 3x – 10

Standard Form: -5x5 – 2x3+ 2x2+ 3x – 10.
Leading Term: -5x5
Leading Coefficient: -5
Degree: 5
Kind of Polynomial according to terms: Multinomial
Kind of Polynomial according to a degree: Quintic



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