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Identification of the Main Constituents in Sandarac Resin, a Natural Gum Base

Article  in  Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan (Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi) · May 2006
DOI: 10.3358/shokueishi.47.76 · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Naoki Sugimoto Sato Kyoko

National Institute of Health Sciences, Japan National Institute of Health Sciences, Japan


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76 J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan Vol. 47, No. 2


Identification of the Main Constituents in Sandarac Resin,

a Natural Gum Base
(Received August 18, 2005)

Naoki SJ<>BDID῍1, ῏, Masanori KJGDN6C6<>῍2, Takashi K6ID῍2, Kyoko S6ID῍1,

Atsuko T696῍1, Takeshi Y6B6O6@>῍1 and Kenichi T6C6BDID῍1
(῍1 National Institute of Health Sciences: 1ῌ18ῌ1, Kamiyoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158ῌ8501, Japan;
῍2 School of Bioresources, Hiroshima Prefectural University: 562, Nanatsuka, Shobara,
Hiroshima 727ῌ0023, Japan; ῏ Corresponding author)

Sandarac resin, a natural gum base, is described as “a substance composed mainly of sandara-
copimaric acid obtained from the secretion of sandarac trees” in the List of Existing Food
Additives in Japan. To evaluate its quality as a food additive, the main constituents in a sandarac
resin product were investigated. Three constituents were isolated and identified as sandaracopi-
maric acid, sandaracopimarinol and 4-epidehydroabietic acid by MS and 2D-NMR. Quantification
of the main constituent, sandaracopimaric acid, was performed by HPLC and its content in the
product was determined to be 11.6῍.

Key words: food additive; gum base; sandarac resin; Tetraclinis articulata; sandaracopimaric

and quantified the content of the main constituent,

sandaracopimaric acid (1), by HPLC.
Most natural food additives have many constituents,
Materials and Methods
but to date, there have been few investigations on the
constituents in most of them. It is necessary for the 1. Sample and chemicals
evaluation of natural food additives to analyze the con- A sample of sandarac resin product was obtained
stituents as completely as possible, since the chemical through the Japan Food Additives Association. Silica
nature and concentrations of the constituents may gel 60 F254 (20 cmῌ20 cm, Art. 1.05715) (Merck Co.,
di#er depending on the extraction and processing Ltd.) was used for TLC. Silica gel 60N (63ῌ200 mm Cat.
methods, and the collection season of the plant of No. 37565ῌ79) (Kanto Chemical Co., Inc.) was used for
origin. We have been investigating the main and minor open column chromatography. All chemicals were of
constituents in various food additives, for which there reagent grade and were used without further purifi-
are no analytical data and/or reports, in order to devel- cation.
op o$cial analytical methods1), 2).
The List of Existing Food Additives in Japan3) stipu- 2. Spectroscopic analysis
lates that sandarac resin is a natural gum base, which is NMR spectra were recorded on JNM-ECA800 and
a substance composed mainly of sandaracopimaric acid JNM-ECA500 (800 MHz and 500 MHz) instruments
(1) obtained from the secretion of sandarac trees. San- (JEOL Co., Ltd.) with chloroform-d (CDCl3) as the sol-
darac tree is Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast., belong- vent. 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra were referenced
ing to the Cupressaceae family. It is native to Morocco internally to tetramethylsilane (TMS). Assignments of
and is a coniferous tree closely related to arborvitae. the proton and carbon signals of all isolated compounds
The existence of several diterpenoids in the leaves of T. were confirmed by pulse field gradient (PFG)
articulata has recently been reported4). Sandarac resin heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC),
has been used for many years as a natural resin for PFG heteronuclear multiple bond connectivity (HMBC),
artwork. Many reports5), 6) have been published on the double quantum filtered correlation spectroscopy (DQF-
characterization and identification of natural resins for COSY) and nuclear Overhauser e#ect (NOE) experi-
painting. It was reported that the dominant component ments. High-resolution electron impact mass spec-
in sandarac resin used for painting is sandaracopimaric trometry (HR-EI-MS) spectra were obtained with a JMS-
acid (1). However, the main constituents of sandarac 700 (JEOL) mass spectrometer. Melting points were
resin as a food additive have not been clarified. In this determined using a MP-S3 apparatus (Yanaco New
study, we identified several constituents of sandarac Science Inc.) without correction.
resin as sandaracopimaric acid (1), sandaracopimarinol
(2) and 4-epidehydroabietic acid (3) by MS and 2D-NMR,
April 2006 Identification of the Main Constituents in Sandarac Resin, a Natural Gum Base 77

3. TLC and HPLC conditions (610 mg), including compounds 1῍3, was fractionated
Analytical and preparative HPLC conditions: pump, by preparative HPLC (see preparative HPLC conditions)
PU-1580 (JASCO); detector, UV-1575 (JASCO); column, to give pure compounds 1 (146 mg), 2 (94 mg) and 3
Mightysil RP-18 (4.6 mm i.d.῎250 mm (for analysis), 20 (113 mg), respectively.
mm i.d.῎250 mm (for preparation), Kanto Chemical); Compound 1: sandaracopimaric acid7), colorless nee-
column temp., 30ῐ; solvent, acetonitrile(CH3CN)῍water dles, mp 171῍172ῐ (from MeOH), [a]D ῍17.7῎ (c 0.13,
(H2O)῍acetic acid(AcOH)῏90 : 10 : 0.3; injection volume, EtOH) (lit. : mp 171῍173ῐ, [a]D ῍19.8῎ (c 0.2, EtOH)).

10 mL (for analysis), 100 mL (for preparation); flow rate, HR-EI-MS: m/z 302.2220 Mῌ (Calcd. for C20H30O2 m/z
1.0 mL/min (for analysis), 8.0 mL/min (for preparation); 302.2246).
detection, UV 210 nm. Compound 2: sandaracopimarinol9), amorphous solid,
26 26
TLC conditions: developing solvent, chloroform [a]D ῍9.5῎ (c 0.092, MeOH) (lit.9): [a]D ῍20῎ (c 0.1,
(CHCl3)῍methanol(MeOH)῏75 : 1. After development to MeOH)). HR-EI-MS: m/z 288.2440 Mῌ (Calcd. for
about 10 cm, the spots of constituents were visualized C20H32O m/z 288.2453).
by spraying the plate with 50ῑ sulfuric acid (H2SO4) Compound 3: 4-epidehydroabietic acid10), colorless
followed by gentle heating. prisms, mp 149῍150ῐ (from aq. EtOH), [a]D ῌ128῎ (c
0.094, MeOH) (lit.11): mp 144῍145ῐ, [a]D ῌ106.6῎ (c 0.8,
4. Isolation of compounds 1, 2 and 3 MeOH)). HR-EI-MS: m/z 300.2094 Mῌ (Calcd. for
Sandarac resin product (5.0 g) was dissolved in CHCl3. C20H28O2 m/z 300.2089).
The solution was added to a small amount of silica gel H- and 13C-NMR data of compounds 1, 2 and 3 are
with stirring and then the solvent was evaporated in shown in Table 1.
vacuo. The silica gel with absorbed sandarac resin was
applied on an open silica gel column and fractionated 5. Quantification of sandaracopimaric acid (1)
by eluting with CHCl3῍MeOH (100 : 0ΐ0 : 100 gradient), Sandarac resin product (50 mg) was dissolved in
with monitoring by TLC. The eluates were concentrat- MeOH (10 mL). The quantity of sandaracopimaric acid
ed in vacuo, a#ording seven fractions (Frs. 1῍7). Fr. 2 (1) was determined by using an absolute calibration

Table 1. NMR Data of Compounds Isolated from Sandarac Resin

Sandaracopimaric acid (1) Sandaracopimarinol (2) 4-Epidehydroabietic acid (3)

Positiond a)
dC dHb) ( J in Hz) dC c
dHd ( J in Hz) dCc dHd (J in Hz)

1 38.3 1.13 dt, 5.0, 12.8 39.0 1.00 dt, 5.1, 12.4 39.4 1.38 dt, 4.3, 13.2
1.64 br. d, 12.8 1.71 br. d, 12.4 2.24 m overlapped
2 18.6 1.55 m overlapped 18.4 1.45῍1.60 m overlapped 20.0 1.6 m
1.98 m overlapped
3 37.0 1.31 br. d, 12.8 35.5 1.32῍1.47 m overlapped 37.5 1.08 dt, 4.0, 13.2
1.78 dt, 5.0, 12.8 2.24 m overlapped
4 47.3 ῌ 37.9 ῌ 43.9
5 48.9 1.91 dd, 2.7, 12.8 47.9 1.34 m overlapped 52.9 1.57 dd, 1.5, 12.1
6 24.9 1.26 m overlapped 22.5 1.30 m overlapped 21.0 2.16 m
1.45 m overlapped 1.47 m overlapped 2.01 m overlapped
7 35.5 2.11 br. dt, 5.5, 14.2 35.8 2.06 br. t, 11.8 32.1 2.86 br. dd, 4.6, 14.2
2.21 ddd, 1.8, 4.6, 14.2 2.23 ddd, 1.8, 4.3, 11.8 2.78 dt, 4.6, 14.2
8 136.6 ῌ 137.1 ῌ 135.1 ῌ
9 50.6 1.80 br. t, 7.8 50.6 1.75 br. t, 7.5 145.5 ῌ
10 37.8 ῌ 38.2 ῌ 38.4 ῌ
11 18.2 1.50 m overlapped 18.9 1.44 m overlapped 125.5 7.17 d, 8.0
1.60 m overlapped 1.58 m overlapped
12 34.5 1.36 dt, 3.6, 12.3 34.6 1.32῍1.47 m overlapped 124.1 6.99 dd, 1.7, 8.0
1.45 m overlaped
13 37.4 ῌ 37.5 ῌ 145.8 ῌ
14 129.2 5.21 br. s 128.8 5.20 br. s 126.9 6.88 d, 1.7
15 148.9 5.76 dd, 10.5, 17.3 149.2 5.77 dd, 10.6, 17.4 33.5 2.81 hep., 6.9
16 110.2 4.87 dd, 1.5, 10.5 110.1 4.87 dd, 1.4, 10.6 24.1 1.21 d, 6.9
4.90 dd, 1.5, 17.3 4.90 dd, 1.4, 17.4
17 26.1 1.03 s 26.0 1.03 s 24.1 1.21 d, 6.9
18 184.4 ῌ 72.3 3.12 d, 10.9 183.7 ῌ
3.39 d, 10.9
19 16.8 1.20 s 18.0 0.80 s 28.8 1.32 s
20 15.2 0.83 s 15.7 0.83 s 23.3 1.11 s

All signals were assigned based on DQF-COSY, HMQC, and HMBC experiments.
a) Recorded at 200 MHz. b) Recorded at 800 MHz. c) Recorded at 125 MHz. d) Recorded at 500 MHz.
78 J. Food Hyg. Soc. Japan Vol. 47, No. 2

curve based on peak height at UV 210 nm of compound

(1) isolated from sandarac resin product.
Results and Discussion
1. Identification of the main constituents in sandarac
The silica gel TLC profile of the sandarac resin prod-
uct is illustrated in Fig. 1. Several spots were observed
on the TLC plate along with the tailing spot after
spraying the plate with H2SO4, followed by gentle heat-
ing. The spot at Rf 0.28 was the most intense one. The
HPLC profile of the product is illustrated in Fig. 2. Six
to seven peaks were observed, and the largest peak
(peak B) at TR 13.0 min corresponded to the most in-
tense spot on the TLC plate. In order to identify the
major constituents, the sandarac resin product was
fractionated via silica gel and preparative HPLC, a#ord-
ing compounds 1 (peak B), 2 (peak C), and 3 (peak A).
The structures were elucidated on the basis of the spec-
tral data.
Compound 1 showed a molecular ion peak at m/z
302.2220 in HR-EI-MS. The ion peak indicated that the
molecular formula could be represented as C20H30O2.
The 1H-NMR spectrum showed three singlet methyl
signals [d 0.83 (3H, s), 1.03 (3H, s), 1.20 (3H, s)], vinyl Fig. 2. HPLC profile of sandarac resin product
groups [d 5.76 (1H, dd, Jῌ17.3, 10.5 Hz), 4.87 (1H, dd, Jῌ
Peak Aῌ4-epidehydroabietic acid (3). Peak Bῌ
10.5, 1.5 Hz), 4.90 (1H, dd, Jῌ17.3, 1.5 Hz)], a detached sandaracopimaric acid (1). Peak Cῌsandaracopi-
olefinic group [d 5.21 (1H, br. s)], and many methylene marinol (2).
signals. The 13C-NMR spectrum showed a carboxyl
group (d 184.4), two olefinic signals including an exo- according to our assignment.
methylene group (d 110.2, 129.2, 136.6, 148.9), and 15 Compound 2 showed a molecular ion peak at m/z
other signals due to methyl, methylene, and methine 288.2440, indicating that its molecular formula is
carbons. All the 1H- and 13C-NMR signals of compound C20H32O. The 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra of compound 2
1 were assigned based on 2D-NMR results (DQF-COSY, were very similar to those of sandaracopimaric acid (1).
HMQC, HMBC). Compound 1 was identified as sandara- Comparison of compound 2 with sandaracopimaric acid
copimaric acid7), 8) (Fig. 3). The reported 13C-NMR (1) indicated that compound 2 is also an isopimarane
assignments at C-4, 5 and 18 of 1 should be revised derivative having one hydroxyl methyl group [1H:
d 3.12, 3.39 (each 1H, d, ῌ10.9 Hz), 13C: d 72.3], instead of
the carboxyl group at C-18 on sandaracopimaric acid
(1). Since the 13C-NMR data of compound 2 were the
same as the literature data for sandaracopimarinol,
compound 2 was identified as sandaracopimarinol9)
(Fig. 3).
The molecular formula of compound 3, C20H28O2, was
deduced from the molecular ion peak at m/z 300.2094.
The 1H-NMR spectrum showed two singlet methyl
signals [d 1.11 (3H, s), 1.32 (3H, s)], a doublet methyl
signal [d 1.21 (6H, d, Jῌ6.9 Hz)], three aromatic signals
[d 6.88 (1H, d, Jῌ1.7 Hz), 6.99 (1H, dd, Jῌ1.7, 8.0 Hz), 7.17
(1H, d, Jῌ8.0 Hz)], and many methylene signals. The
C-NMR spectrum showed a carboxyl group [d 183.7]
and an aromatic group [d 124.1, 125.5, 126.9, 135.1,
145.5, 145.8], and 13 other signals derived from methyl,
methylene and methine carbons. NOE was observed for
Fig. 1. Silica gel TLC profiles of sandarac resin product the methyl group [d 1.32 (3H, s)] on C-4 with H-5a [d 1.57
and sandaracopimaric acid (1) (1H, dd, Jῌ1.5, 12.1 Hz)]. By comparison of the spectral
a) Sandarac resin product. b) Sandaracopimaric and physical data with published data11), 12), compound
acid (1). Solvent: CHCl3 : MeOHῌ75 : 1. Spots were 3 was identified as 4-epidehydroabietic acid10), 11) (Fig. 3).
visualized with H2SO4/heat. Other peaks on HPLC were still mixtures of two or
April 2006 Identification of the Main Constituents in Sandarac Resin, a Natural Gum Base 79

Fig. 3. Structures of sandaracopimaric acid (1), sandaracopimarinol (2) and 4-epidehydroabietic acid (3)

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