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Impact of listening to music on the concentration of students


There are various factors which help students with their academic success.
Concentration is the most important among these factors and plays vital role in the academic
success of a student. Nowadays students use various ways to aid concentration to help them
focus more in studying and achieve good academic results.

Concentration enables us to deal with one particular thing above all others. According
to Rizzo (2006), our minds are full of un-arranged thoughts and vision. These thought and
visions float around our brain continuously begging for attention. Concentration is the ability to
keep unimportant thoughts and vision silent and give most attention to important thoughts.

On the other hand, People use music to relax their minds, entertain it, and to heavily
motivate the minds to achieve things that seems almost impossible. Some people also use music
to help with the concentration process. The study by Chipongian(2000) shows that music has
significant affects over the human body. Physically, while listening to music the human brain
does unusual things. The brain neurons triggers organized electric patterns and create a
temporary affect which makes the brain more receptive to information and boost concentration.
It is also proven fact that music release different bodily hormones when listened to by choice.

Despite the facts above, it is unclear if it is better listening to music to help students
maintain their attention while doing various task. Listening to music may be a distraction under
some circumstances.

The aim of this research is to know the effect of listening to music on the concentration
of students whether as a concentration helper or distraction. This research will serve as tip and
awareness of the effect.

Statement of the Problem or Need:

This research aimed to determine the impact of listening to music on the concentration
of students whether it can induce concentration or a distraction. Moreover, the number of time
students listened in music and the classification of music that most helped them to concentrate in
various activities particularly while studying.
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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: Project Client: Page #

Project Deliverables and Beneficiaries:

The mean concern of this study is to know the impact of listening to music on the
concentration of students to whether it is a helper to induce concentration or distraction.
The findings of this study are beneficial to the following:
For those students who enjoy music and find it helpful in their studying habits, they
will be more encouraged to listen to it. They can also influence other students to try it as they
found it beneficial for themselves. But for some who find it distracting, they can look for other
ways that can help improve their concentration.
It can serve as a guide for teachers for their student’s learning process through listening
to music. They can also have a better understanding of why other students listening to it while in
the class.
Like the teachers, the parents too will have a better understanding of why students
listen to music while studying.

Strategic Context:
This project was made based on my broad observations mostly from higher education,
research and my personal experience as well, on how is the impact of listening to music on
student’s concentration. It is undoubtedly clear that effective studies requires concentration. And
it could not be denied that in this era we are surrounded by erratic noise.
This would also relate the character of my animation in view of student’s concentration
toward music. This could implies it's efficacy.

Time Factors:

In making research time got a big factor. There must be a time bounded and I see to it
that specific time to finish it before the deadline comes for our final presentation.
Research Project Title: As of Date: File Name:

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: Project Client: Page #

Special Provisions:

It has been said that noise is the most impertinent of all forms of interruption and when
left uncheck can be a great source of vexation and disturbance. In my side I prefer to play music
which help me concentrate by blocking out distracting noise.

Related Projects:

This study is related to the following project as it is about the impact of music on the
concentration of students.

A study by Meyla Muslimah and Wulan Apriani (2020) “The Effect of Listening to
Music On concentration and Academic Performance of the Students: Cross-Sectional on English
Education College Students” many students prefer listening to music while studying. Listening
to soft music while studying can keep their mind calm and improve concentration better because
it can give a good atmosphere while studying. The students' current mood and type of music they
listen to also give affect it.

The study says that listening to a music makes impact while studying for it can improve
a student’s mood. It helps students to keep their mind clam and gives them a better concentration
while studying.

In a study conducted by Syed Jafar Sadek Mahmood (2019) “Is music an aid to
concentration or distraction to students?” After going through the primary and secondary
research data I think I can classify music as an aid to concentration. Doing the research, I found
out that music is very popular among students. They prefer listening to classic and rock genre of
music the most. They prefer standard mediums such as headphones and speakers to listen to
music. An average students listen to music at least once a day and spends an hour per day
listening to it. Music also reduces stress of the mind and clears all unnecessary thoughts from it
to make room for concentration. I also found out that although it is an aid to concentration but
there are certain factors which cause music to distract people. First of all, the genre or type of
music has strong impact on concentration. Classic and mild music helps concentrate more while
hard and loud music causes distraction. Another thing is that music helps people to concentrates
or it’s only an aid concentration when someone listens to it by their own choice. If someone is
forced to listen to music then it becomes a cause of distraction. Various secondary research data

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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: Project Client: Page #

also suggested that listening to music without choice has negative impact on the body and mind
and causes damage to listener.
Base on the result of the study music can be an aid to concentration. It has amazing
affects on the body and mind. However, there are certain criteria’s that should be met; otherwise
music will be nothing but distraction.

Project Assumptions and Constraints:

I assume to gather all data by making a questioner and to have a respondents that are
reachable. I have a limited resources that would restrict my project for being successful.

Project Risks:

Limited budget for the project is the risk. Aside from that I do not think there are other
risks for the success of the project.

Project Expenses:

Implementation Expenses:

Resource Expenses Php 100.00

Electricity Expenses Php 300.00
Internet Expenses Php 200.00

Post-implementation Expenses:

Internet Expenses Php 100.00

Primary Contact:

For more question and recommendation please contact these following number:

TNT/Smart: 09096880727
TM/GLOBE: 09658912299

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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: Project Client: Page #

Major Stakeholders:

Researcher: Eden Pearl F. Cutora

Subject Teacher: Ma. Liza Casquejo

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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: Project Client: Page #

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