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The Broken Doll

It was a stormy night when mom got back from shopping and got
Audrey a beautiful doll, Audrey was so excited to play with It.' It's
getting dark you should go to bed' mom said. Audrey went to bed
with her new doll and Audrey had a nightmare about someone killing
her. Audrey woke up, It was 5 am and she noticed something was
wrong, she looked beside her and saw that the doll was gone. Audrey
got out of bed but her heart skipped a beat as she heard weird noises
coming from the kitchen. Her blood ran cold when she saw her doll
broken on the counter and a knife covered in blood right beside the
doll. Audrey's heart was racing as she looked down and saw
someone's intestines on the kitchen floor. Whose intestines and blood
was It?

written by Malia Milodanović

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