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MA BFROX ‘Avlenber ofthe inde Goup MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) R134 (Please ensure that this MSDS is received by the appropriate person) Date: July 2011 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Chemis Formula cures Siver Pisco 720429) shoulder aod ‘and. Bulk conaner Ge. ‘ican Oxygen Limited Johannesburg, 2001, Tet No: (11) 490.0400 Fax No: (O11) 4900506 (86 011 1185 Or O11) 873 4382 (thous ‘T_COMPOSTTIONINFORMIATION ON INGREDIENTS Chem Names! 111.2 Tealortane Company Wenision Enmereney mane CaN stir UN No 359 Harchem Waring 2Cnonanamble gs HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION te repaded we pres eels a all ics RISA ees not suppor fe can ats a simple Int tobelow the lvls csr to supp ie, Adverse Health eects. The inhalation of high concentrations of R148 ‘pat daptesion, with nin ergy. sd Smaesttc eee, Comin eshing Neh yards iste vapours decompose whet apse ohigh temperate wth the ‘yur sei eaton memati and ‘cet Maori ‘lolopel Hazards Const wih he iol pass could aase et darage the espn ngs. (For alderman sce “Adee Heat et" above, Chena Prompt medical attention is mandatory in all eases of overexposure 19 ‘ined bathing appeasConcione pres stl bested ‘ unonaioatedars and atlefesh ae Quick removal fom the entaiatd ae ie ot import. Uncossiass pons sh! be ‘essen aid suplemeatl oxygen. The use of adenine Sat vgs shod be aonb, Eyecontac (Vapour) Noknown fect uanes of wepid wae or wih Seale saline soon, Sosk medical (Cigud)—tnease of fost fom cotet with go R134, place te retin prin wa tener, aboot 404°C: If warm wer ir nt allble er i snpraciel to ase wap the Alfeced part genly in blankets Enourge he frowed Version2, Tapetion mouth wth water, and give 20-30 ml to dink On imaine medi steton 3 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing As R134a is non ammable, it will po media entribute 10 the fie, but could hep ith the einguishing by reducing the oxygen conten of the ar by dilaton to below the vel to support combustion Specie hazards. R34 does No support if. Han et simple asphynant by itingthe concentration "of ‘nygea inthe airblow te levels to suppor lif. Emergency actions It possible, shut off the soiree of excess ISH, Evacuate ae, All yindrs boul be removed fom the vicinity of the fie. Cylinders that cannot be removed shook! be cooled with ater om a safe distance. Cylinders which have been exposed to excessive est should e ley identified and retured 40" the supplier CONTACT THE NEAREST AFROX BRANCHL SelFconainel breathing apparatus. Safety gloves and ses or hots, oul! he worn when handing cslindes. Environmental Rin is hevir than sind could accumlite Precautions in lowying teas. Cae shoul be taken when tering a psenaly oxen deiient environment Ie posse, ventilate he affected area Protective Clothing ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions Dono ener any areas where R134 Tas Been piled nests have shown tha it is safe 0 dos. Bnvironmental — RISa does not pose a hava othe Precautions sovronmert Small spills, Shut off source of the RIM, Vena the Large spills Evacuate the area, Shut off the source of the spill his can be done without isk Restrict sees othe ata ntl completion af the lean ‘ip procedure. Vent the area exing fered ‘tasai acessary. 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE Samy secured in drt prevent bem om being koched over Use 3 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Occupational AS RISMa sa simple asphyxia avid exposure hazards any arcs where ple has taken pce tmsphere w be safe and remember tht He fs ies than. Engineering Engincsring contol meses are refed 0 Control measures rece oxygen depleted stmemphere. General etch leds Rrcedmgh vetoes, ‘chart fom chr esha vention sens nie tha sient sh sr enters or et lays be woe when ening aca were fen depletion may hve occured. Safe trom when banding de skin Roknown effect. Lof2 Ma RBFROX ‘Avlenber ofthe inde Goup MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) R134 (Please ensure that this MSDS is received by the appropriate person) 9. PHYSICAL. AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL DATA (Chesca Symbol cwRcrs Molecular Weight 1203 Boling pint 6 101.325 KPa 268 Density (strated vapour at boing point S26 kg/m? ‘Auto-gition temperate me ‘Onnoe depletion potent 0 Halocarton global warning potential 2s Colour Colours Taste Not applicable Odour Sigh ethereal 10 _ STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Conditions to avoid Te dition of oxygen concentration in the tumosphee to levels which enna spor ie Never se eylinders rollers o sappet, fr any her purpose than the storing of R343 NNeverexpe the elindes wo excessive bea 8 this may ease suicient bul-up of presse to upture the cylinders Since the perormanesof plastic mates affected by polymer varatons, compoundiag agents, filler and moulding processes, verify compatibility” using actual avicted pars fects on specie elaomers depend on the ature of ‘the pomer, the compounding formalaion wed tnd the ering of eleanizing condions. Acual samples should be tsed der end-wse conditions, before specifying estos for erica components. Harardous RISA vapour will decompose when exposed to high temperatures from flames ot ‘esi eitance heater. Devamposition my Produce txie and inating compounds, such hydrogen fore. Incompatible smatrials cate Toxicity (TWA 8412 e) 1000 9pm Noknown effet Noknown effect. Noknown effect Mutagenicity Noknown effect Reproductive Hazards Noknown effect. (For Ture information se Seton 3. Adverse hel effets) 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION [As R34 hasan Ozone Depletion Potent (ODP) of Os well sa ‘ey low stability in water it does ot pe waza tthe colo TS DISPOSAL. CONSIDERATIONS Disposal Methods ‘Skin eye contact Chronic Toxicity Carcinogenicity Disposal sles to the destrction RI, and may be necessary when R134 his ‘come badly contaminated with other ruts, ad no longer meets the scented ‘ecifeation. All badly contaminated ‘rics shoul he sen o qld waste isposal fi for free wean ‘A member of The AFROX Group 1M TRANSPORT INFORMATION ROAD TRANSPORATATION UNNo. 3159 ERG No 126 azcem warning 2€ Non-lammable gs SEA TRANSPORTATOION Iba 3159 Cass 22 Label Now tmmabl es AIR TRANSPORTATION ICAOMATA Case 319 Chass 22 Packaging insuctions Cargo 20 Marini quantity slowest Cargo song Passenger 75k TF REGULATORY INFORMATION Non fanless R20 Harmful by ination R34 Ligui phase could cause burs Red Risk of explosion if ested under ‘confinement S2 Kespout of rich of iden 9 Kesp container ina welled place SIS Keep away fom heat S21 When sing do not smoke 536 Wea suitable pace eahing SEI In case of filexplonion do ot breathe fumes S51 Use only in wel vented areas S56 Do not discharge into the environment Dispose to an authorised wast colton pin Refer to SABS 0265 for explanation ofthe above 16 OTHER INFORMATION Bibliography Showa Denko KK. Gaseous Products Divison ‘information on RIS, March 1992 IATA Dangerous Goes Regulitions 196 EEC Hazard clas Risk phases Safe phrases 17 EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY Information contined inthis publication i acurate atthe date of publication. ‘The company doc not sccept sbi arising from the {ke of his information, othe ws, applition adpation ce process fof any products described heen ‘Te Stripe Symbol andthe word AFROX are AFROX Group Trademarks. For product and safety enguiries peas phone (0860020202 (24 he) 2of2

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