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Trinity Episcopal Church
June 17, 2010
We are . . .
an inclusive community of faith,
strengthened by joyful hearts
and engaged minds.
Search Process
As we continue our search for a new vicar, the Bishops Committee met to prepare the data input which will be
used in the computer match process. We had a good working session and our results were forwarded to
Canon Dan Smith. We are making good progress! We now have a completed parish profile and a completed
Church Deployment Profile. Canon Smith hopes to have names of possible candidates for the Bishops
Committee to consider by the end of July. Thank you for continuing to use the prayer card with the prayer
from the Book of Common Prayer to help guide us through this search time. Extras are still available in the
basket at the back of the church.
First Sunday of the Month Plate Collection
The first Sunday charitable plate collection for July will be donated to a yet unnamed charity. You have an
opportunity to help select the recipient! Be thinking about what worthy organization you would like to support
and place the name of that organization on a slip of paper in the plate along with your donation this Sunday,
July 4. Lets see who the lucky winner is!
Dear Friends,
As you may know, the Missouri History Museum in St. Louis is currently hosting an exhibition entitled "Vatican
Splendor: A Journey through Faith and Art" which includes artwork, liturgical vestments & other material, as
well as other items, all on loan from the Vatican in Rome. For more information see
An informal group from Trinity-Kirksville will be visiting the exhibition on Saturday, July 17. The general plan is
to meet up at the Missouri History Museum in St. Louis, see that exhibition, and have a meal together. Since
they recommend that tickets be reserved in advance, it would help to have a count of how many would like to
go. So, if you are interested in going with the group, would you please reply to Julia by e-mail no later than
Friday, July 2 at Of course, if you decide later you'd like to join, I believe individual
tickets are available as well and could be bought at a later date.
Tickets are $19.50 for adults, $17.00 for seniors or college students with college ID, and $13 for children 6 -
12 years of age. (We may be able to receive a $2/ticket discount as a church group, but I need to find out
whether that discount is extended to non-Catholic parishes).
Hope you can join!
Julia & Pete
See you Sunday!
Peter E. Van Horne
Trinity Episcopal Church
We are . . .
an inclusive community of faith,
strengthened by joyful hearts
and engaged minds.
What's nappen|ng At 1r|n|ty
August 19, 2011
Upcom|ng Lvents:
Sunday, August 21, 10:00|y Luchar|st8|shop's Comm|ttee meet|ng to fo||ow
Wednesday, August 24, 7:30 a.m.Morn|ng rayer
Sunday, August 28, 10:00|y Luchar|st
1h|s week |n the news: 1hls week, Lplscopal news
Servlce reporLs on Lhe value of 8lbllcal sLoryLelllng, as
well as a sLolen 8embrandL skeLch LhaL mysLerlously
Lurned up aL an Lplscopal church ln Lnclno, CA!
Irom our v|car, Iohnnette+: 8lshop SmlLh wlll vlslL and provlde conflrmaLlon on SepLember 23. lf
you are lnLeresLed ln conflrmaLlon or bapLlsm, please conLacL me as soon as posslble. We wlll be
havlng a shorL conflrmaLlon class for Lhose lnLeresLed ln conflrmaLlon, recepLlon lnLo Lhe Lplscopal
Church, or reafflrmaLlon of bapLlsmal vows.
uo you feel called Lo serve durlng our worshlp servlces? lease conLacL me lf you are lnLeresLed ln
aLLendlng a Lralnlng Lo read or serve aL Lhe alLar. l am currenLly creaLlng Lhe quarLerly schedule, so,
l'd love Lo know lf you wlsh Lo volunLeer.
We have a greaL lnformal commlLLee whlch asslsLs wlLh care and congraLulaLlons for people when
Lhey have needs or speclal evenLs ln Lhelr llves. lL would be greaL Lo formallze a Carlng and Sharlng
CommlLLee. Are you lnLeresLed? lease conLacL me abouL Lhls commlLLee or any pasLoral need of
whlch you are aware.
kudos Lo nancy Mlller for volunLeerlng aL vacaLlon 8lble School and Lo our chlldren who had fun
and heard sLorles of !esus Lold by Lhe mlnlsLers of llrsL resbyLerlan and 1rlnlLy and played by Leens
from llrsL resbyLerlan.
A group of people ls lnLeresLed ln dlscusslng "1he Pelp". (1he movle ls based upon a novel seL ln Lhe
SouLh ln Lhe 1960s abouL a whlLe woman comlng of age and Lhlnklng of Lhe domesLlc workers ln Lhe
Lown.) lL wlll be showlng for anoLher week (see show Llmes aL Lhe uownLown Clnema 8 here,) and
we wlll have a dlscusslon abouL lL and oLher lssues lL brlngs up for us. l am LenLaLlvely schedullng
LhaL meeLlng for 1uesday, AugusL 30, buL lf you are lnLeresLed and Lhe Llme doesn'L work for you,
conLacL me. We wlll serve a llghL dlnner, so, also please conLacL me lf you'll be aLLendlng.

In your prayer t|me next week, please remember:

!"#$%&#'"()*+,"#-.//0"*.": kuwenzor| - (Uganda), and 8enezer|, Lhelr 8lshop
!"#.01#-./2,"*."#3*.+&4&#.5#60*7!1he D|ocese of Lu| and Stephen, Lhelr 8lshop
!"#$%&#3*.+&4&#.5#8*44.01*7##St. 1|mothy's Lp|scopa| Church, Creve Coeur (1960), and Iack, Lhelr
9.1):;*:&7##1he people of Norway, Lhe people of Iop||n, the fam|ne v|ct|ms of Soma||a, kenya,
and Lth|op|a, and Lhe M|dd|e Last
!"#.01#+."(1&(,$*."#,":#&<$&":&:#2,1*4%#5,/*)=7##We pray for Margaret (Marla), A| (!o), Stan
(8arbara), Chuck (!oanne), Andy (krlsLa), 1homas (1alle, aLrlcla), u|nton, Iess|ca (klrsLy), Ann
(eLe and !ulla), Dav|d (Marla), L|z (ulane's nlece), kocky (!ean), 8etty (Sally's moLher), Iohn
(!essle's husband), kex (CynLhla's faLher), L||as, Larry (karen), Suz|e (!essle), 8ob (ulane), 8r|an
(ulane), Char|ette (Shannon), Lhe famlly and frlends of kr|st|n, Ld|th (1alle), for Lhe frlends and
famlly of Me||nda (1homas), 2oe Lynn, Greg, and those we ho|d s||ent|y |n our hearts.
ueadllne for submlsslon of lLems ln nexL week's news ls 12:00 noon, 1hursday, August 2S. lease
send lLems Lo Marla aL crankycrlcker[ .
lL's sLlll noL Loo laLe Lo slgn up for Lhe 2011 Mak|ng D|sc|p|es Conference
aL Lhe CaLhedral, sponsored by Lhe Lplscopal School for MlnlsLry. 1hls
year's conference ls Love Peals: 8edlscoverlng Cod's romlses." lL asks:
uoes a communlLy help love heal? uoes readlng scrlpLure ln communlLy
change how we hear lL? Can lL change how we llve ln Lhe world? CosL ls
$20. AL leasL Lwo people from 1rlnlLy plan Lo aLLend, so Lhere ls an
opporLunlLy Lo carpool.!
Vacat|on 8|b|e Schoo| report from Nancy M|||er: Cn AugusL 1 - 3, chlldren from 1rlnlLy and llrsL
resbyLerlan Look parL ln a comblned vacaLlon blble school wlLh a alesLlnlan MarkeLplace Lheme.
1he klds had a fanLasLlc experlence! 1hey en[oyed Lravellng back ln Llme Lo hear sLorles abouL
!esus, learn [oyful muslc, and creaLe some arLlsanal crafLs lncludlng baskeLs, sandals, and bread.
AfLer Lhe lnLense summer heaL LhaL week, Lhe chlldren cooled off aL a pool parLy on Wednesday
afLernoon. 1he week culmlnaLed wlLh some of Lhe klds sharlng Lhelr songs ln Sunday worshlp aL
boLh churches.
Irom Mar|a: Several Lhank-you's are ln order. llrsL, Lhanks Lo kevln for Laklng care of Lhe WPA1
whlle l was on vacaLlon. lL's much appreclaLed. Second, Lhanks Lo all who parLlclpaLed ln Lhe
ouLdoor LucharlsL. Lach of you made lL very speclal! l was happy Lo hosL lL. (.S. We have several
lefLover ullly 8ars and uC Sandwlches ln Lhe freezer for coffee hour Sunday. Sorry, Lhe 8usLer 8ars
are long gone. Several people saw Lo LhaL!)

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