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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279

A preliminary investigation of the fish food web in the Gironde estuary,

France, using dietary and stable isotope analyses
S. Pasquaud a,*, P. Elie a, C. Jeantet a, I. Billy b, P. Martinez b, M. Girardin a
Cemagref, Groupement de Bordeaux, Estuarine Ecosystems and Diadromous Fish Research Unit, 50 avenue de Verdun, 33612 Cestas Cedex, France
Université Bordeaux 1, UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC, Paleoclimates Research Unit, Avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence Cedex, France
Received 23 August 2007; accepted 17 December 2007
Available online 18 January 2008


Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotopes and stomach contents analyses were used to investigate an estuarine fish food web and identify the
contribution of these two methods to the knowledge and understanding of the food web’s structure and its functioning. The nine most abundant
fish species during the warm period in the Gironde estuary (southwest France, Europe) are examined. Observation of the stomach contents re-
flects a variety of feeding modes between fish species that consume a diverse assortment of prey, with limited dietary overlap. Nevertheless,
when regarding the whole fish community, few prey species dominate the stomach contents. Nitrogen isotope ratios indicate a high intraspecific
variability inducing an interspecific covering of the signatures. However, a tendency to d15N enrichment according to the trophic position of the
species studied was observed. Fish assemblages show a trend towards enrichment of their carbon isotopic signatures from the upper estuary
(20.8  1.8&) towards the lower estuary (18.3  1.6&). But whatever the capture zone considered, most of the individual d13C values
for each fish analysed are comprised between 22 and 16&. Only few specimens, belonging to migratory amphihaline species, have signif-
icantly lighter values.
The stomach contents method of analysis has the advantage of giving an initial view of the ichthyological trophic structure of the system by
describing the food relations between a fish species and its prey. From these results, hypotheses can be drawn about the network’s functioning,
suggesting a sharing of resources between species and a ‘‘wasp-waist’’ control of this estuarine food web. The stable isotope analysis method
enables us to improve our structural knowledge by positioning the different species in a food web, with their position being determined by the
number of energy transfers (analysis of d15N). Conversely, in environments as complex and changing as estuaries, it appears difficult to precisely
identify and quantify the sources of the organic matter at the base of the fish estuarine food webs using analysis of d13C isotopic signatures.
Nevertheless, the results obtained by using these two methods in parallel suggest that more detailed functional ecological studies could be
carried out in future.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: d13C; d15N; stomach contents; fish; food web; estuarine ecosystem

Regional index terms: Europe; France; Gironde estuary; Lat. 45 200 N; Long. 0 450 W

1. Introduction fluctuations in physicochemical factors and the biotic commu-

nities are characterized by a strong spatial and seasonal hetero-
Estuaries are particular ecosystems in which the abiotic en- geneity and variability (McLusky and Elliott, 2004).
vironment is especially characterized by rapid and intense Nevertheless, they are amongst the most productive systems
at various levels (Day et al., 1981; Costanza et al., 1997) and
they play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity in aquatic
* Corresponding author. systems, particularly for fish. However, these ecosystems are
E-mail address: (S. Pasquaud). often subjected to considerable anthropogenic pressures such

0272-7714/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
268 S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279

as fishing, harbour activities, dredging or industrial and urban (DeNiro and Epstein, 1978; Minagawa and Wada, 1984;
discharges, threatening their integrity. Describing and attempt- Hesslein et al., 1993). Stable isotopes therefore represent an
ing to understand their structure and their functioning, through integrative record of the food that has really been assimilated
the study of natural variations and anthropogenic effects, con- by the organism during a period prior to the sampling. The
stitutes an essential step in maintaining and restoring the qual- isotopes that are most commonly used in aquatic ecology
ity of estuarine areas and providing sustainable management are carbon, 13C and 12C, and nitrogen, 15N and 14N (Peterson
for these systems (Pasquaud et al., 2007). and Fry, 1987; Peterson, 1999). The analysis involves studying
Assuming, like Platt and Denman (1978), that ‘‘the struc- the isotope ratio, 13C/12C (or d13C), and/or 15N/14N (or d15N).
ture of a community of species resulted from trophic interac- For a living being, the carbon isotope ratio provides an esti-
tions’’, several recent scientific works emphasize food web mate of the origin (fluvial, marine, etc.) of the assimilated
ecology as central to an understanding of how aquatic systems organic matter (DeNiro and Epstein, 1978; Fry and Sherr,
function (Ulanowicz, 1986; De Jonge, 1990; Baird et al., 1991; 1984; Post, 2002) and the nitrogen to carbon ratio gives an
Baird and Ulanowicz, 1993; Livingston, 2002). These authors indication as to its trophic level (DeNiro and Epstein, 1981;
put interactions between the different living parts of the Minagawa and Wada, 1984; Wada et al., 1991).
system at the heart of ecosystem considerations. The above The application of these stable isotopes has become a pow-
considerations dictate the need to describe the estuarine food erful tool for identifying food web linkages (Wada et al., 1991)
web by characterising trophic relationships, sources of organic in rivers (Finlay, 2001), flood plains (Lewis et al., 2001), salt
matter and energy flows between the components of the sys- marshes (Currin et al., 1995), lakes (Kling et al., 1992; Vander
tem (West et al., 2003). Zanden and Rasmussen, 1999) and marine systems (Michener
Through the necessity to synthesize and to improve our and Schell, 1994). But, few studies use this method on the
knowledge about the trophic structure of estuarine ecosystems, scale of entire fish communities in an estuarine environment
new techniques to describe and quantify organic matter flows (e.g. Kwak and Zedler, 1997; Garcia et al., 2007).
have appeared with the development of data-processing and in- The overall aim of this study is to evaluate to what extent
terpretative tools, such as trophic models (e.g., Wolff et al., the stomach contents and stable isotope analytical methods
2000). can provide us with knowledge of the structure and function-
Whipple et al. (2000) put forward that ‘‘Construction, ing of estuarine fish food webs. Our first objective is to present
validation and application of models is an useful method to the results of these two methods on the main species of fish in
evaluate predation and fisheries mortality and the impacts of the Gironde estuary and the second is to analyse their respec-
these processes on population dynamics’’. Most of the models tive contributions.
tackled by this author, especially process-based models, re-
quire qualitative or quantitative data about species interactions 2. Materials and methods
in the system, as well as the analysis of dietary compositions.
So, local and relevant studies are often necessary, in particular 2.1. Study area
to describe the trophic regimes of species.
An Ecopath model (Polovina, 1984), one of the main static The Gironde is a macrotidal estuary, located in South West
approaches in modelling trophic flows, has been recently real- France (45 200 N, 0 450 W; Fig. 1) opening into the Bay of Bis-
ized in the Gironde estuary from available data and knowledge cay. It is 76 km long, up to 12 km in width and has a surface
about this system (see Lobry et al., in press for details). This area of 635 km2 at high tide; it is thus one of the most exten-
work highlights the need of diet biomass data, particularly sive estuary systems in western Europe (Salomon, 2002). It is
for the main fish taxa present in the system, and similarly fed by two rivers, the Garonne and the Dordogne, which drain
the need to study the trophic seasonal dynamics. a watershed of 81 000 km2. Their confluence forms the Bec
That’s why a recent work has been undertaken on the deter- d’Ambès, the approximate upstream salinity limit. In this
mination of the seasonal trophic relationships concerning the vast area where continental freshwater and ocean seawater
main Gironde fish species (from summer 2003 to spring 2004; are mixed together, many hydro-sedimentary processes occur,
unpublished data). Stomach contents analysis has appeared to making it one of the most turbid estuaries in Europe (Castaing
be the most reliable method in order to obtain this kind of infor- and Allen, 1981; Sautour and Castel, 1995). This high turbid-
mation (Pasquaud et al., 2007). This technique is considered to ity restricts light penetration considerably and thus limits the
be a standard practice for diagnosing fish trophic relationships production of phytoplankton. The base of the food webs in
(Hyslop, 1980; Cortès, 1997). It consists of the direct observa- this zone therefore consist, for the most part, of a varied nutri-
tion of stomach contents, providing an instantaneous record of tional pool containing a high proportion of detritus (Irigoien
what an animal has consumed and in what quantity (Costa and Castel, 1995).
et al., 1992; Elliott and Hemingway, 2002). The climate of the region is temperate and under oceanic
In recent years, increased interest and utilisation of stable influence. There is moderate variability in water temperature
isotopes of organic matter has been used to study the architec- (between 2  C in January and 26  C in August) and monthly
ture of the aquatic food webs (Deegan and Garritt, 1997). The rainfall fluctuates between 50 mm in summer and 100 mm in
stable isotope method is based on the fact that the atoms that winter (Tank et al., 2002). The river drainage has a seasonal
make up living beings are derived from the atoms of their food precipitation pattern; with high discharge periods in the
S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279 269

Fig. 1. Map of the marine part of the Gironde estuary, black stars showing the location of the sampling sites.

autumn (rain) and in the spring (snowmelt), and lower dis- the cold (approximately from November to March) and
charges in the late summer. Thus, during a typical year, tem- warm (approximately from July to October) seasons show
perature, salinity and river flow in the estuary exhibit a clear the most distinct structures (Lobry et al., in press). In that pre-
seasonality with lower water flow and higher temperatures liminary investigation, the warm period was chosen for further
and salinities over the summer months (July, August, study, preferred to the cold season due to higher species diver-
September). sity over the summer months.
As part of established fish monitoring and surveillance
schemes, the waters of the Gironde have been sampled regu- 2.2. Fish sampling
larly since the early 1980s by two different and complementary
methods (see Lobry et al., 2003 for details). These sampling Sampling for stable isotope analysis was carried out in
surveys have initiated some recent works (Lobry et al., 2003, September 2004. The study of the fish stomach contents, aim-
2006), improving the structural and dynamic knowledge of ing at characterizing their seasonal trophic relationships, was
Gironde fish assemblages. undertaken from summer 2003 to spring 2004 (unpublished
As a whole, the Gironde’s fish assemblages seem to be data). In that study, data collected in July and in September
dominated by marine species. The relative proportion of resi- have been selected to consider the same period of the year
dent species is very small. Moreover, the Gironde would for the two studied methods, taking into account the integra-
appear to be the European estuary with the largest migratory tion time of the isotopic signal (Perga and Gerdeaux, 2005).
amphihaline assemblage (Lobry et al., 2003). Annual commu- Date were collected once monthly across seven sampling
nity variability exists, but seasonal variations are undoubtedly stations (Fig. 1), located in the marine part of the Gironde es-
more important when determining the species composition of tuary. Fish sampling events were restricted to daylight hours at
the Gironde’s estuarine assemblages. Three main ecological high tide by relative small coefficients (comprised between 48
seasons corresponding to three distinctive fish assemblages and 75) in order to standardize them. Benthic and demersal
that have been described (Lobry et al., 2006). Among them, fish were sampled using an otter trawl with a 4 m vertical
270 S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279

opening and a cod-end with a mesh size of 8 mm. Pelagic fish 2.4. Stable isotope analyses
were sampled using a surface grid 4 m  1 m, with a net with
a mesh size of 18 mm in the main part of the device and Analyses of isotopic abundances require different pre-treat-
2.8 mm in the end part. To optimise stomach content analysis, ments of the biological samples. To limit, as much as possible,
sampling hauls were limited to 15 min in order to minimise the variability of the lipid body compartment of the fish having
regurgitation or abnormal feeding. All the sampled fish were any influence on the analysis, dissection of the dorsal white
identified, enumerated, measured (total length), weighed and muscle was preferred (Hesslein et al., 1993; Dufour and
then stored on dry ice on board the sampling vessel, before Gerdeaux, 2001; Pinnegar et al., 2003; Bardonnet and Riera,
freezing in the laboratory at 20  C while awaiting further 2005). For small fish, all the muscle tissue was recovered by
analysis. At the laboratory, the most abundant fish species removing the digestive tube, the skin, the head, the fins and
and the same age classes were chosen for the both analyses the main bones, thus eliminating all sources of nitrogen and
(Table 1). carbon which might distort the analyses (Bardonnet and Riera,
2005). All samples were then rinsed in Milli-Q water, freeze-
2.3. Stomach content analyses dried for 48h and ground into a fine, uniform powder using
a pestle and mortar. To remove any traces of carbonates, the
The stomach contents of 494 individuals from the nine small fish that had been recovered whole were treated with
most abundant species during the sampling period in the hydrochloric acid 1 M (Bardonnet and Riera, 2005) before
Gironde estuary were analysed (Table 1). All items present once again being freeze-dried and ground.
in the stomachs were examined under a binocular microscope, Measurements were carried out using an Isoprime isotope
identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level and enumer- mass spectrometer (Micromass, UK), coupled to a Carlo
ated. The volume of each prey was assessed by multiplying the Erba elemental analyser. Values are reported relative to atmo-
number of individuals by a prey-dependant volumetric coeffi- spheric nitrogen (N2) for nitrogen and the Pee Dee Belemnite
cient (Hyslop, 1980). standard, a marine limestone fossil, for carbon, in the delta
Dietary analysis is traditionally assessed by occurrence, nu- notation (d) expressed per mil (&) using the formula:
merical and volumetric/gravimetric methods (Hynes, 1950;   
Hyslop, 1980). Baldó and Drake (2002) based their analysis d ¼ Rsample =Rstandard  1  1000;
on these traditional indices and came to the conclusion that, R ¼ heavy isotope=light isotope
because of the degree of correlation, all were suitable for
describing trophic relationships. Nevertheless, each of these Precision of the isotopic analyses was 0.2& for carbon and
measures provides different insight into feeding habits of 0.3& for nitrogen.
predators (Cortès, 1997). The volume or gravimetric measures
reflect dietary nutritional value (Macdonald and Green, 1983). 2.5. Statistical analyses
It is for this reason that in the current study, results are ex-
pressed by the volumetric percentage, calculated for each In order to test possible spatial, intraspecific and interspe-
item consumed by a fish species. The occurrence, numerical cific variability in isotopic results, a two-factor variance anal-
and volumetric percentages of each preys for all analysed ysis (ANOVA) was carried out on the signals obtained for d13C
stomachs were also calculated, indicating the relative contri- and d15N. The alpha threshold, the significance threshold for
bution of these different preys for the entire fish assemblages the test, was fixed at 1%. Since the ANOVA analysis requires
(Baldó and Drake, 2002). Fish samples with empty stomachs data to be standardised, this was verified beforehand using the
were excluded from this analysis. KolmogoroveSmirnov test.

3. Results
Table 1
Total length range (mm) of the nine fish species studied and number of sam- 3.1. Feeding ecology
ples used for the two methods of analysis
Method Stomach content Stable isotope The feeding ecology of each fish species was described
analysis analysis from the stomach contents analyses. Of the 494 fish stomachs
Species TL range Sample TL range Sample analysed, 421 contained prey (85%) and were considered for
(mm) number (mm) number this analysis. Forty-two taxa, from a range of locations in
Sprattus sprattus 46e133 63 63e110 6 the water column (zooplankton, hyperbenthos, nekton, epiben-
Engraulis encrasicolus 38e80 51 49e59 7 thos, benthos) were identified (Table 2). Upon first examina-
Potamotoschistus minutus 23e77 110 29e65 7
tion, these fish species showed a wide variety of feeding
Dicentrarchus labrax 53e220 14 79e195 6
Dicentrarchus punctatus 90e151 9 75e189 5 modes, evident from a diverse assortment of prey. The dietary
Argyrosomus regius 30e235 142 54e300 20 overlap among species appears limited.
Anguilla anguilla 289e740 26 267e760 21
Platichthys flesus 73e272 37 121e333 11 e Sprattus sprattus and Engraulis encrasicolus, (marine pe-
Solea solea 77e265 42 90e198 12
lagic fish), present a similar zooplanktivore trophic
Table 2
Importance of prey taxa (O, occurrence, N, numerical and V, Volumetric percentages) in all analysed stomachs and relative volumetric diet composition (%V) of nine fish species collected during the warm period
in the Gironde estuary
%O %N %V %V
All stomachs Sprattus Engraulis Pomatoschistus Dicentrarchus Dicentrarchus Argyrosomus Anguilla Platichthys Solea
sprattus encrasicolus minutus labrax punctatus regius anguilla flesus solea
Size range (TL; mm) 46e133 38e80 23e73 53e220 90e151 30e235 286e740 73e272 77e265
Number of full stomach 421 53 41 86 14 7 132 21 30 37
Nauplii larvae 14.7 72.7 15.5 87.2 31.9 1 0.3
Mysis larvae 4.1 0.3 0.6 0.4 4.5 1.8
Cypris larvae 15.2 3.0 2.1 2.4 5.8 6.6
Eggs 2.9 3.6 0.8 0.1 20.5 1.2 0.8

S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279

Mollusc larvae 7.2 1.0 0.2 1.1 1
Acartia spp. 13.8 8.5 0.7 7.9 16.9 0.1 0.2
Eurytemora affinis 0.5 0.5 1.3 0.5 0.1 0.3
Copepods spp. 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1
Neomysis integer 8.7 0.3 0.7 7.2 5.2 1.6
Mesopodopsis slabberi 33.6 4.1 9.5 9.3 34.3 0.7 33.5 0.1 0.1
Schystomysis spp. 7 0.4 1.0 2.4 6.0 3.3
Gastrosaccus spinifer 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2
Mysids spp. 2.4 0.1 0.1 0.3 6.7 0.4
Idotea pelagica 2.9 0.1 0.3 11.9 0.6 0.1
Synidotea laticauda 9.4 1.3 12.1 1.5 32.0 56.7 4.5 73.9 5.2
Isopods spp. 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1
Gammarus spp. 1.4 0.0 0.2 4.5 0.5 0.2
Decapoda natantia
Palaemon spp. 11.4 0.5 6.1 23.6 9.3 13.3 11.8 1.1 0.2
Crangon crangon 20.8 0.8 8.8 11.2 16.5 11.2 24.5 1.5 1.5 4.5
Shrimps spp. 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2
Teleost fishes
Sprattus sprattus 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.8
Engraulis encrasicolus 0.2 0.0 0.2 4.7
Pomatoschistus spp. 3.6 0.1 3.3 11.7 2.1
Argyrosomus regius 0.2 0.0 0.2 4.7
Solea spp. 0.5 0.0 0.6 14.1
Fishes spp. 1.4 0.0 1.2 22.4 2.3
Cyathura carinata 3.6 0.2 1.4 10 0.4
Corophium volutator 1.7 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.4
Decapoda brachyura
Carcinus maenas 0.5 0.0 0.3 2.4 2.1

(continued on next page)
272 S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279

behaviour, feeding essentially on larvae, mainly repre-



sented by nauplius stages of crustacean (respectively
%V ¼ 87.2% and 31.9%) and on copepods of the genus
Acartia (%V ¼ 7.9% and 16.9%). Nevertheless, the diet

of E. encrasicolus is distinguished from that of S. sprattus

by a consumption of mysids (Mesopodopsis slabberi,


62 Neomysis integer and Schistomysis spp.).
e Pomatoschistus minutus, estuarine resident species, shows
a highly diversified diet containing zooplanktonic, hyper-

benthic and benthic prey. However, the mysid Mesopodop-



sis slabberi (%V ¼ 34.3%), the isopod Idotea pelagica

(%V ¼ 11.9%) and the shrimp Crangon crangon

(%V ¼ 11.2%), hyperbenthic species, represent the great-

est volumes ingested by P. minutus.

e The marine demersal fish Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicen-

trarchus punctatus and Argyrosomus regius base their
feeding mainly on hyperbenthic and nekton compartments

with a high amount of Synidotea laticauda, shrimps (Pa-


laemon spp. and Crangon crangon) and teleost fish (e.g.

Sprattus sprattus, Engraulis encrasicolus, Pomatoschistus

spp., Solea spp.) found in their stomachs. Argyrosomus.

regius is distinguished from the others by a high consump-

tion of mysids (%V Mesopodopsis slabberi ¼ 33.5%).

e The feeding of Anguilla anguilla, a diadromous bentho-

demersal fish, consists almost exclusively of hyperbenthic


and epibenthic species with the highest volumetric

percentage of the isopod Synidotea laticauda (%V ¼
73.9%), the shrimps Palaemon spp. (%V ¼ 11.8%), and

crabs, mainly Pachygrapsus marmoratus (%V ¼ 5.1%).

An eel predation on Argyrosomus regius has also been



highlighted in that study.


e The diets of the two flatfish sampled in this study, Solea

solea and Platichthys flesus, consist of hyperbenthic (e.g.

Synidotea laticauda, Crangon crangon) and benthic prey


(polychaetes). The polychaete, Nereis sucinea, is the


most represented prey in ingested volume term. Plati-

chthys flesus has a more diversified trophic range, consum-
ing a relatively large amount of epibenthic prey, in

particular the isopod Cyathura carinata (%V ¼ 10%).


When regarding the whole fish community overall, the




crustacean larvae, the copepod Acartia, the mysid Mesopodop-

sis slabberi, the isopod Synidotea laticauda, the shrimps
Palaemon spp. and Crangon crangon, and the polychaete


All stomachs

Nereis succinea were the most important consumed prey items

over this period of the year.



3.2. Trophic levels

Pachygrapsus marmoratus

The trophic levels of the nine fish species are characterized

Rhithropanopeus harrisii

by d15N values. The ANOVA analysis carried out on their

Streblospio shrubsolii
Liocarcinus holsatus

Plant/algal material
Nereis diversicolor

nitrogen content showed no spatial variability ( p ¼ 0.49).

Annelida polychaeta
Table 2 (continued )

Polychaetes spp.
Nereis succinea

Consequently, the capture zone was not taken into consider-

Polydora spp.

ation for this approach. The average d15N content of the estu-
Nereis spp.
Crabs spp.


arine ichthyofauna is presented in ascending order (Fig. 2).


Comparison of d15N contents according to size class for the


different fish species showed no significant differences, except

S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279 273

D. labrax*
A. anguilla
P. flesus
A. regius'
D. punctatus
D. Labrax**
S. solea
S. sprattus
P. minutus
A. regius''
E. encrasicolus

8,0 8,5 9,0 9,5 10,0 10,5 11,0 11,5 12,0 12,5 13,0 13,5 14,0
Lighter δ15N Heavier

Fig. 2. Mean d15N signatures and standard deviations (&) of the ichthyofauna in the Gironde estuary. *: total length range ¼ 186e195 mm; **: TL range ¼ 85e
95 mm; 0 : TL range ¼ 150e300 mm; 00 TL range ¼ 54e125 mm.

in Dicentrarchus labrax (R2 ¼ 0.72) and Argyrosomus regius This trend is also observed when considering the mean d13C
(R2 ¼ 0.60). These two species were therefore separated by signatures of each fish captured in upper, middle and lower
size class (Fig. 2). zones of the studied area (Fig. 4). But whatever the capture
The d15N signals obtained for each species that made up the zone considered, most of the individual d13C values for each
ichthyofauna sampled were around 9.1&  0.6& for Engrau- fish analysed fell between 22 and 16&. Only few speci-
lis encrasicolus and 13.6&  0.1& for large Dicentrarchus mens have significantly lighter values. Some Anguilla an-
labrax. Overall, in the values obtained for each species, there guilla, sampling in the upper and in the middle zones and
were considerable standard deviations, in excess of 1& in S. two Platichthys flesus, one catching in the middle zone and
solea and the group of small Argyrosomus regius. This may the other in the lower zone, have the lowest values.
therefore lead to variable positioning across different trophic
levels, depending on the individual. The average d15N content 4. Discussion
of the fish sampled in the Gironde estuary thus shows a high
level of intraspecific variability. Knowledge of the dietary pattern of fish is extremely im-
However, a trend of higher d15N enrichment levels with portant for an understanding of the biological interactions
a higher trophic position can nevertheless be seen. The small
pelagic fish (Engraulis encrasicolus, Sprattus sprattus) have -24

lower levels of d15N, with average values of between 9.1

and 112& whereas the fish considered as top-predators

(Dicentrarchus labrax, Argyrosomus regius, Dicentrarchus -22
punctatus) and benthic/epibenthic fish (Platichthys flesus,
Solea solea, Anguilla anguilla) have the highest levels, be- -21

tween 11.9 and 13.6&. -20


3.3. Organic matter sources -18

Because of a low d13C enrichment level during trophic tran- -17


sition (about 1&), the levels of this isotope ratio in consumers

provide information on the main sources of organic matter at
the bottom of the food webs. As consumers tend to assimilate -15
organic matter in the area where they were caught, the average
d13C levels in ichthyofauna were separated according to the
three sampling zones where they were caught (Fig. 3). The -13
high standard deviations produced an overlap of d13C levels
in fish caught in the different zones studied. However, the

overall trend observed showed an enrichment of the isotope -11

signal from the upper estuary towards the lower estuary,
with average values of 20.8  1.8& for the upper estuary
(n fish analysed ¼ 13), 20.6  2.3& for the middle estuary Fig. 3. Mean d13C signatures and standard deviations (&) of the ichthyofauna
(n ¼ 44) and 18.3  1.6& for the lower estuary (n ¼ 38). in the upper zone , middle zone and lower zone of the Gironde estuary.
274 S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279

(‰) -26.0

-24.5 P.f A.a
-24.0 A.a A.a
-23.5 A.a A.a P.f

-23.0 A.a
A.a A.a
-22.0 P.f
D.l A.a
-21.5 D.l A.a
P.m P.f P.m A.a
-21.0 A.a S.s
D.l D.p S.s A.a
E.e P.mA.r P.f
-20.5 P.f
D.l P.m A.r
S.s P.f

-20.0 E.e A.r E.e A.a


A.r Sp.s P.m

-19.5 A.r Sp.s
A.r A.r
A.r S.s E.e Sp.s
-19.0 A.a P.m
E.e P.f Sp.s
-18.5 E.e D.p Sp.s
A.r A.r A.r
A.a P.f A.r A.r
Sp.s P.m A.r
D.p A.r A.r S.s A.r
-17.5 S.s S.s
A.r D.p A.r A.r
-17.0 D.l S.s
S.s A.a
-16.5 S.s
-16.0 S.s


Upper Middle Lower

Fig. 4. Mean d13C signatures and standard deviations (&) of fish in the upper, middle and lower zones of the Gironde estuary. A.a: A. anguilla; A.r: A. regius; D.l:
D. labrax; D.p: D. punctatus; E.e: E. encrasicolus; P.f: P. flesus; P.m: P. minutus; S.s: S. solea; Sp.s: S. sprattus.

that occur within an ecosystem (Odum, 1953). Stomach con- to be closely linked with the position of these predators in the
tents analysis appears to be the most appropriate method for water column. For example, the flatfish species S. solea and P.
understanding these interactions in estuarine environments flesus, which dominate the substrate, feed most often on ben-
(Pasquaud et al., 2007). thic prey (e.g. the polychaete Nereis succinea), whereas small
At a species level, even if the stomach content analysis pro- pelagic fish (such as S. sprattus and Engraulis encrasicolus)
vides only a snapshot of the diet, it has the advantage of giving consume zooplanktonic and hyperbenthic prey exclusively.
useful taxonomic data about prey items and an intake estima- So, the use of this method gives us useful information on
tion for each of them at a given moment. This knowledge is the dietary requirements and behaviours of species, allowing
particularly useful when attempting to improve upon the a first description of fish trophic relationships.
construction and validation of trophic models (Lobry et al., On the scale of an entire fish community, analysis of stom-
in press). Many fish species demonstrate a degree of plasticity ach contents provides an image of the trophic structure of the
in prey item choice and change their diet seasonally and/or in system (Fig. 5) and represents the first stage in the understand-
response to prey availability (Costa et al., 1992; Cabral, 2000; ing of its overall functioning (e.g. West et al., 2003).
Laffaille et al., 2001; Elliott and Hemingway, 2002; Mollmann Indeed, in this study the dietary overlap of the fish species
et al., 2004; Salgado et al., 2004). Nevertheless, similarities considered appears fairly weak, due to different assemblages
were found between qualitative dietary data of some fish of consumed prey. Even among species with dietary similari-
species (Sprattus sprattus, Pomatoschistus minutus, Dicen- ties (Sprattus sprattus and Engraulis encrasicolus or Dicen-
trarchus labrax, Argyrosomus regius, Anguilla Anguilla, trarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punctatus and Argyrosomus
Platichthys flesus and Solea solea) from other estuarine envi- regius or Solea solea and Platichthys flesus), some have a diver-
ronments (Costa, 1988; Costa et al., 1992; Cabral, 2000; sified diet (E. encrasicolus, A. regius, P. flesus). This suggests
Cabral and Ohmert, 2001; Maes and Ollevier, 2002; Salgado a considerable sharing of resources which would seem to limit
et al., 2004; Vinagre et al., 2005), as well as in the Gironde, interspecific competition for access to food resources. How-
as determined over the course of the present study. Note that ever, at this warm period of the year, the ‘‘fish’’ food web is
this work also provides the first results of S. sprattus and based essentially on only a small number of prey items (crus-
Dicentrarchus punctatus feeding ecology in an estuarine eco- tacean larvae, Acartia spp., Mesopodopsis slabberi, Synidotea
system. Moreover, the dietary patterns of the fish studied seem laticauda, Palaemon spp., Crangon crangon and Nereis
S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279 275

Water column
position S. sprattus
Nauplii larvae

Planktonic/ E. encrasicolus
Acartia spp.

A. regius
M. slabberi

D. punctatus

P. minutus
D. labrax
I. pelgica

S. laticauda

benthic Palaemon spp. A. anguilla

C. crangon

C. carinata

S. solea

Polychaetes spp.
P. flesus
N. succinea Trophic

Fig. 5. Structure of the fish food web during the warm period in the Gironde estuary from stomach content analyses. Arrows represent preferential relationships
(%V 10). Ellipses: preys taxa. Rectangles: fish species analysed.

succinea). According to the literature, these prey are extremely The relative size of a species plays an important role in the
abundant in the Gironde estuary at this time of year (Sorbe, structure of food webs. In any given web, predators are often
1981; Brosse et al., 2000; David et al., 2005; Girardin, pers. larger than their prey and they attain a higher trophic posi-
com.). This observation would suggest a ‘‘wasp-waist’’ control tions as their size increases (Cohen et al., 1993; Woodward
of the estuarine food web, i.e. control by the species that pre- and Hildrew, 2002; Deudero et al., 2004). In fact, generally,
dominate numerically (see Cury et al., 2000). the bigger the predator, the better it is able to eat large
However, using the stomach content analysis method does prey, in other words prey at a high trophic level. However,
not give us detailed knowledge of the different trophic levels, this relationship between size and d15N (synonymous with
nor can we identify the origin of the source of the organic mat- trophic level) was only demonstrated for two predatory fish
ter (Pasquaud et al., 2007). species, Argyrosomus regius and Dicentrarchus labrax, and
The concept of trophic level is very important in both not for any of the other species due to either the number of
theoretical and applied ecology as it indicates the position of an samples per species being too small or their size distributions
individual within a food web, as determined by the number of en- were too uniform. Note that for the same reasons, the relation-
ergy transfers (Pimm and Lawton, 1977, 1978; Levine, 1980; ship between predator size and dietary variability was not
Pace et al., 1999; Post, 2002; Williams and Martinez, 2004). demonstrated by the stomach content analysis method. Estua-
With this in mind, the use of the nitrogen isotope ratio (d15N) rine fish populations are generally dominated by specimens
has proved extremely useful in many studies (Cabana and Ras- that are small in size (juveniles or sub-adults), and the pres-
mussen, 1994; Vander Zanden et al., 1999; Post et al., 2000). ence of large predators of marine origin is rare and only occurs
Analysis of d15N content in the fish caught in the Gironde sporadically (see Baldó and Drake, 2002; Hajisamae et al.,
estuary showed a considerable intraspecific variability in sig- 2003; Maes et al., 2003), especially in the middle and upper
nals. This can be explained by the size and dietary diversity parts of the estuary. A similar observation in the Gironde es-
of the species considered. tuary reinforces this point and confirms the protective function
276 S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279

attributed to estuarine habitats for juvenile fish (e.g. Elliott and of fluvial (light d13C) and marine (heavy d13C) organic matter
Taylor, 1989). (Fontugne and Jouanneau, 1987). With mean values comprised
Fish in estuaries are often characterized as omnivorous, between 20.8& in the upper estuary and 18.3& in the
sharing common resources, and flexible, being able to exploit lower estuary, the d13C data recorded in that study are closer
temporary peaks in prey populations (Ley et al., 1994). Thus to marine signals than terrestrial signals. Indeed, according to
the ability of certain species to feed at more than one trophic Fontugne and Jouanneau (1987), the marine reference in the
level can also increase the intraspecific variability of d15N Gironde system (corresponding to a mean annual value of
signals. In this study, for example, Solea solea consumes the isotopic composition of particulate carbon) is 20.5&
both primary producers (plant/algal material) and various and the d13C terrestrial reference is 25.9&. As in other stud-
consumers (e.g. Crangon crangon, Nereis succinea). While ies on estuarine food webs (Wada et al., 1991; Riera and
the proportion of different items assimilated varies according Richard, 1996; Deegan and Garritt, 1997) the results can
to the individuals, their isotopic signatures are also clearly hint towards a marine predominance of the organic matter
distinguished. in the studied areas. In the Gironde, this result can be ex-
Despite this intraspecific variability, which leads to an plained by the hydrodynamism of the estuary at this warm pe-
overlap of these signals between most the fish, an interspe- riod of the year and the integration time for the isotope signal
cific variability in the average d15N level emerges, showing of the fish in relation to the moment when our samples were
trophic enrichment with lower values for the small pelagic taken. The Gironde is a macrotidal estuary and hence the sam-
species (Engraulis encrasicolus, Sprattus sprattus) and higher pling areas, which were located downstream from the salinity
values for the top-predators (Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicen- limit, are very much affected by the tide. Moreover, we can
trarchus punctatus, Argyrosomus regius). Thus, using stable consider that the integration period covers at least the end
isotope analysis has an advantage over analysis of stomach of spring and summer (Perga and Gerdeaux, 2005), that is
contents in providing an integrated signal of what has really to say when large quantities of sea water enter the estuary be-
been assimilated by the fish and positioning the species one cause of the low water flow associated with the warm period.
alongside the other. In this study, the benthic/epibenthic fish But, even if the marine species dominated the fish communi-
(Platichthys flesus, Solea solea, Anguilla anguilla) have very ties during this period (link to this hydrodynamism), accord-
high trophic positions, which is sometimes surprising, given ing to Lobry et al (in press), then the Gironde estuary is
their dietary ecology as determined from analysis of their totally under river influence in terms of energy and feeding.
stomach contents. For example, P. flesus, a predator of poly- So, a mixture between estuarine enriched sources such as
chaete annelids and benthic isopods, has a higher average benthic diatoms, and other more d13C depleted sources such
d15N level than A. regius and D. punctatus, fish which tend as terrestrial detritus could better explain these heavy values.
to be ichtyophagous. Sherwood and Rose (2005) have shown Irigoien and Castel (1997) have shown that in this turbid estu-
that d15N levels in benthic species are higher than those in ary the chlorophyll levels in the water column were largely
pelagic species for an equivalent trophic position, which due to benthic diatoms (that are generally very d13C enriched
would explain our observations. Thus a precise estimate of on muddy intertidal flats at the ones lining estuary), and that
the trophic positions of fish based on d15N values requires they greatly support most of preys species consumed by fish
a good knowledge of the variations in d15N at the bottom (see Connolly et al., 2005).
of the food chains, and of the fractionation values between During the cold period (approximately from November to
predators and their prey (Cabana and Rasmussen, 1996; March), the Gironde estuary is under strongly fluvial influence
Vander Zanden and Rasmussen, 1999; Sherwood and Rose, (flood) and its fish assemblages are dominated by resident
2005). Further work regarding these aspects in the Gironde benthic and demersal species (Lobry et al., 2006). It would
estuary is in progress. be interesting to conduct a similar d13C investigation at this
In environments like estuarine ecosystems which are con- period of the year to check this latter hypothesis.
stantly changing, it is difficult to accurately identify the Most of the individual d13C values for the fish analysed in
source, or sources of the organic matter at the base of the this study were across a range between 22 and 16&.
food webs. Analysis of the carbon isotope ratio (d13C) would Only a few individuals belonging to migratory amphihaline
seem to be an useful tool with which this can be achieved (e.g. species (Anguilla anguilla and Platichthys flesus) had a signif-
Fry and Sherr, 1984). icantly lighter d13C signature. Given the ecology of these fish
The average d13C level for the ichthyofauna in each catch- (Daverat et al., 2004; Masson, unpublished data), they could
ment zone reveals a slight spatial variation in the isotope all have spent a part of their period of summer growth up-
signal, with an increase in the signal from the upper estuary stream from the zone studied here and hence could have assim-
downstream towards the lower estuary. The same spatial trend ilated organic matter from a fluvial food chain, for instance,
of the mean d13C values concerning the particulate organic before coming back down to a more marine zone where they
carbon was found by Fontugne and Jouanneau (1987) in the were caught, and where they could have assimilated estuarine
Gironde estuary. Moreover, this has also been verified by sim- and/or marine organic matter. This observation highlights, as
ilar studies on other hydrosystems (Riera and Richard, 1996; other studies have done (e.g. Limburg, 1998; Bardonnet and
Deegan and Garritt, 1997; Bardonnet and Riera, 2005) and Riera, 2005; Guelinckx et al., 2006), the usefulness of this
can be explained by the gradual mixing together of sources isotope tool for revealing fish movements.
S. Pasquaud et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2008) 267e279 277

5. Conclusions Henk van Rein (University of Ulster, Northern Ireland) for

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