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Way out West

You are cordially invited to Way out West, an evening

of double-dealing, intrigue, blackmail, riddle-solving
and murder.

To be held at




starting at


You will be playing:


Way out West is copyright © 2003, 2012 Freeform Games LLP
Way out West
The Setting
It is the spring of 1884. America’s west coast is slowly being
populated with small towns full of settlers, come to prospect for
precious metals, set up ranches and run dubious saloons – and
now the railroad is coming!

Cactus Gulch is one such small town, founded 20 years ago and
tonight it has a festive air as the townsfolk get set to start their
20th anniversary celebrations. However, all is not running
smoothly. Land disputes, disreputable card games, strange folk
from out of town, and quarrels with the local Indians are all
adding to a tense atmosphere.

Join us in the Silver Dollar Saloon as celebrations begin and find

out how the evening unfolds…

Your Character
Your character, the person you will be playing, is indicated above.
Here below is the full cast list, and above is background
information for the game. You will receive more background, your
character’s detailed goals, simple rules and some helpful abilities
on the day.

Way out West is copyright © 2003, 2012 Freeform Games LLP
Way out West – Cast List and
Costume Tips
These tips are suggestions only – you should wear whatever you
find comfortable. However, photographs usually come out better if
you’re wearing a costume!

Cactus Gulch residents

• Lucy Calhoun: Zeke Calhoun’s daughter, young woman,
complete tomboy
baggy jeans, checked shirt, braces / suspenders, boots

• Dan Fairweather: Slow and honest deputy sheriff

jeans, plaid shirt, waistcoat, sheriff’s badge, cowboy hat

• Blaise Sadler: Aging saloon madame

big skirt, revealing top (bodice type if possible), flowers in

• Doc Faraday: Notorious gambler

sharp suit, waistcoat, smart hat, fob watch

• John Paulson: Town’s much-revered judge

suit, waistcoat, gold watch and chain, smart hat

• The Bartender: apron

Way out West is copyright © 2003, 2012 Freeform Games LLP
• Elijah Entwhistle: Traveling preacher
tattoos – LOVE on right hand, HATE on left hand. Preacher’s
hat. Black suit, white shirt

• Mel Easton: City slicker, South West Rail rep

sharp suit, waistcoat, smart hat

• Slick O’Hare: Scruffy ranch hand for hire

scruffy jeans, check work shirt, cowboy hat, has distinctive
scar down left cheek

• Clem Parham: City slicker, Mid West Rail rep

sharp suit, waistcoat, smart hat

• Runs Like a Deer: Indian woman

headband with feathers, ethnic jewellery, plaits

Way out West is copyright © 2003, 2012 Freeform Games LLP

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