Basic Checklist For GRS

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1) Legal Documents

Factory license

GST Certificate

IEC Copy

Factory layout plan

Stability certificate

Standing order/shift approval, over time

Fire NOC

PCB Consent order

and other applicable permits and license

2) Environmental Related Document

Environmental Policy

Environmental training record

consumption record for Energy and water.

target goals and procedures to reduce energy and water consumption and programme for

Ambient of Air, Noise, Stack monitoring test reports

Boiler operator certificate, Boiler passing certificate

Chemical Handling training record

Chemical Consumption record

ETP waste Water test report

ETP flow chart and log Book

Hazardous waste disposal record and membership

EMS Manual

CMS Manual

and other requirements mentioned on PCB Consent order

3) Social related Documents

Company Policies (social, Child labour, Anti Discrimination, Anti Sexual harassment etc., For pregnant

Minimum wages Notifications

Contractor license & Agreement

Attendance register, Timing, Overtime records of workers

Wages record, ESI,PF, PT and other deduction challans

Personnel files of workers

worker Committees & Committee member details Or Trade Union details.

4)Health and safety related Documents

Fire NOC

Periodic Fire fighting training & Fire Mock drill

Safety equipment maintenance/refilling

Periodic First aid training & certificates conducted

Training health and safety (PPE usage) conducted

Health and safety committee record

Drinking water test report

Food safety Certificate

Risk & Hazard assessment

Health Register

Accident register

5) Production Related Documents

Traceability record/Production record

Customer Compliant handling procedure

Machine cleaning & maintenance record

Recipe card

Chemical approval letter and MSDS

Process Flow Chart

Process Descriptions

Recycled material handling training

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