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The Facilities team will ensure that:

1. All exits are clearly marked and kept free from blockage to permit easy exiting in case of

2. Fire extinguishers are clearly placed as required by fire code. These will be checked annually by a
certified contractor.

3. An escape plan is clearly posted in each area and all exits are in satisfactory working order with
clear passage.

4. Fire alarms are checked annually for proper operation.

Safety team will ensure that:

1. A review of emergency procedures and the fire escape plan is part of the employees Training.
Employees who attend the program will be informed of the fire escape plan.

2. A fire drill will occur at least 2 months in internal and 6 months as external. Employees will be
prepared for the drill. Nurse/welfare officer will ensure that First Aid Kits are stocked and available in
the premises, in the administrative area, and in shop floor.

Another traveling kit will be available for field trips.

Safety team will ensure that effective lock-up procedures are followed

Subject for any revision at any given time or otherwise this policy is valid for 12 Months

• The above Policy and procedure are subject to any modification or adding any new clauses depends upon the needs.

• This policy is subject for review or revision at any given point if the management feels necessary

AKR - 01 Aug 2022

Next Revision 31 Mar 2023

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