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1.0 While handling chemicals use masks, gloves & gumboots.

2.0 Use goggles while handling liquid chemicals

3.0 Ensure that the chemicals are not spilled on floor or on the product while taking from containers.

4.0 Always use mugs / buckets of higher capacity than the quantity of chemical to be taken.

5.0 Do not forget to close the chemical containers after taking required quantity.

6.0 Keep the chemicals in its designated place so as to avoid reaction between chemicals.

7.0 Do not try to smell or taste or swallow any chemical.

8.0 Incase of accident contact of chemicals with body wash the affected area of the body with lot of
running water in water shower.

9.0 In case of accidental contact with eyes wash the eyes with lot of running water and apply eye drops.

10.0 Inform Health and safety Representative and take medical help, if required.

11.0 Keep the surrounding always clean.

Subject for any revision at any given time or otherwise this policy is valid for 12 Months
• The above Policy and procedure are subject to any modification or adding any new clauses depends upon the needs.

• This policy is subject for review or revision at any given point if the management feels necessary

AKR - 01 Aug 2022

Next Revision 31 Mar 2023


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