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Radiation back-reaction on electrons in relativistically strong and QED-strong fields

N. M. Naumova,1 I. V. Sokolov,2 J.A. Nees3,

V.P.Yanovsky3, G.A. Mourou4


d'Optique Applique, ENSTA, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France

Physics Research Laboratory, University of Michigan, USA

2Space 3Center

for Ultrafast Optical Science and FOCUS Center, University of Michigan, USA


de la Lumire Extrme, ENSTA, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France

ELI - Beamlines Scientific Challenges Workshop April 26-27, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic

Laser intensity gradually increased during 20 years from 1018 to 1022 W/cm2. The next challenge with ELI is coming in the next decade.
Laser-plasma interaction in the new intensity range up to 1025 W/cm2 need new models to be developed. QED effects become an inevitable part of these models.

Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes, being of great help in studying collective phenomena during 50 years, traditionally use classical electrodynamics as a basis. Incorporation of QED effects is on the way.

Why QED effects need to be taken into account? What is the challenge with the new equation of motion for electron? How to validate the model? What we can extract from simulations and experiments? What we can manage to achieve the desired radiation characteristics?

There is a pronounced similarity between processes in strong electromagnetic fields, in different environments.
Particularly, for a relativistic electron interacting with the magnetic field of a neutron star, and for interactions of counter-propagating electrons with relativistically strong laser pulses the same dimensionless parameter,

~ E0 / ES
is essential, which is the ratio of the electric field, experienced by an electron, in the frame of reference, co-moving with the electron,



p B / mc | dA / d | ( p|| ) / c
ES me c 2 / e C

to the Schwinger field,

In the astrophysical environments, >1 occurs in relation to: (1) the high-field limit of gyro-synchrotron emission, (2) possible pair creation, (3) significant electron recoil while emitting.
Before the interaction


>1 can be achieved when 600MeV

electron interacts with a counter-propagating laser pulse of intensity 2x10 22W/cm2. QED effects including radiation back-reaction on the particle motion come to power. After the interaction


At >1 the following inequalities hold:

(1) Electric field acting on the particle in the co-moving frame exceeds
That is, this field is QED-strong.

2 / 3 ES ,

ES mec 2 / e C

(2) While formally calculated within the classical theory, the typical energy of emitted photons exceeds the electron energy so that:

mc 2

That is, the electron recoil should be accounted for; and

(3) The radiation loss rate, calculated in the classical theory exceeds the "Comptonian radiation loss rate:
4 2 0 2 3 e

I cl I C


2 ES I C I cl I cl ( E0 ) 2e E /(3m c ) 3 >1 the actual radiation loss rate differs from I cl

(see Figure :

I cl IC
IC 8 e 2c 27 2 C

It should be re-calculated self-consistently

I QED ( I cl )


Equation of motion for a radiated electron

QED is not compatible with the traditional approach to the radiation force in classical electrodynamics (LAD equation and its known approximations).
An alternative equation of motion for a radiating electron with respect to proper time has been suggested:

dp d

e ik dxk F c d

I QED p i dx i 2 d mc

pi m

I QED eF ik pk 2 I cl m c

The derivation of these equations is given: by re-normalizing the mass operator [1]; from the conservation law for a single-photon emission: for the electron to acquire the extra energy from the classical field, an extra classical current must be generated [2];
from QED in the classical limit, for 1D wave [3]. [1] I.V. Sokolov, JETP 109, 207 (2009); [2] I.V. Sokolov, et al, PoP 16, 093115 (2009); [3] I.V. Sokolov, et al, PRE 81, 036412 (2010).

Equation of motion for a radiated electron

The suggested equation of motion conserves: Total energy-momentum in the system including the external field, the radiating electron and the emitted radiation; Generalized momentum of an emitting electron in symmetric fields; m2c 2 ; Maintains the relativistic identity, p p This set of properties seems to be unique : (1) in the LAD equation the conserving momentum does not satisfy the relativistic identity, (2) the LL equation does not care on the generalized momentum; Probably, the simplicity of the transition to QED-strong fields is also unique for this equation only. This equation is easy to implement in numerical modeling.

Emission spectra
r0 Q(r0 , )
0 r

K 5 ( y )dy r0 r

K 2 (r )

r0 1 r0

dr0 r0

K 5 ( y )dy r0 r

K 2 (r )


log 10 ( I / I C )
2 2 2

c / C
I cl IC

0.01 0.1 1

log 10 ( /


>0.1 emission spectrum significantly differs from classical

8 e 2c 27 2 C

Emitted radiated power

dI d dr0 I cl p p I QED I cl

Q r0 ,

I QED I cl

9 3 8

dr0 r0

K 5 ( y)dy r0 r

K 2 (r )

log 10 ( I QED / I C )

Interpolation formula (dashed line):


I cl 1 1.04 I cl / I C



log 10 ( I cl / IC )

Frequency and angular distribution of the radiation

dI d



100T ; circular pol. 300 mc; p x , final 130 mc

p x ,initial

dI d d

Photon energy (MeV) 1 - Radiation energy spectrum

2 - Distribution by the dominant frequency c

Such an experiment could manifest the effect of radiation back-reaction and would allow us to measure it.

A signature of the radiated photons in the polarization plane

For super-high-intensity circular polarized laser pulses (a=100-1000) and electron beams of ~1 GeV the radiation angular distribution can be wide: ~a/ .

Linear polarization can restrict the radiation in space.

3D PIC simulation parameters:

Laser pulse: 30-fs linearly polarized
22 I 10 /cm W 2

dI d d

0.8 m

a eA 2 70 / 0 0 mc
linear polarization Plasma:

n0 3ncr L 10

~1%, or 0.26J is in backward scattered high-frequency radiation; above 150keV 0.24J (shown here).

Validating QED effects in the model

Validation of QED effects in the model can be done for : =[0.1, 1]. In the example is shown emission spectrum for : 600 MeV electrons interacting with 30-fs laser pulse of intensity 2x1022 W/cm2. We see that physically absurd prediction (dashed curve) that the maximum photon energy exceeds 1 GeV is eliminated by the QED effects.

log 10 (dI / d )
QED classical

1.1 MeV

1.1 GeV

log 10 ( /


QED-strong fields vs laser intensity & electron energy

Values of parameter for counter-propagating laser and electron beams are between [0.01,10] for ELI facilities. This range of laserplasma interaction can be simulated using : quasi-classical model taking into account QED effects.
2.7 10

Eel MeV

I 10 23W / cm 2

~ Limit of the validity of classical approach of taking into account the radiation losses

Counter-propagating electrons are generated in laser-plasma interaction

Counter-propagating electrons appear when laser pulse interacts with the plasma layer. Due to lower speed of ions the charge separation field is formed, which, accelerating ions in the forward direction, can accelerate electrons toward the laser pulse. The charge separation layer is oscillating, allowing electrons to penetrate there. Electrons, accelerating toward the laser pulse, in the same time generate photons, losing energy. Radiated photons can be scattered coherently in UV range or incoherently in -range.

Nees et al., JMO (2005)

charge separation layer

Schlegel et al., PoP (2009)

For laser intensities of 1023 - 1024 W/cm2 gamma-photons dominate (as the loss mechanism, as the most abundant sort of particles, as the main effect in the electron motion). Electrons are driven by QED-strong field. All reactions with incoming or outgoing electrons have modified probabilities. Intensities 1023 W/cm2 combined with the oppositely propagating 1GeV electron beam could allow us to foresee what will occur at 1024 W/cm2. Diagnostics for >100 MeV gamma-photons are required. Challenges in modeling: Gamma-emission spectrum, radiation back-reaction, QED corrections Radiation transport, gamma-to-pair absorption.

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