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= _forlearners of English OXFORD UNIVERSITY Press OXFORD AcxxowLi DAMEN Univesity ress ‘Marat Nigel Chlvers Advosate Art ‘Great Clarendon Stvet, Oniand.0oxa 6 fen ate United Engle " Acces: Tain Thom psc (Oxford University Pres isadeportment ofthe Sera Pipps Maye ‘University of Oxford tfirthersthe Universi sobjorive Sarma ake Cater fence inresearch scholanblp, and education by tor Victoria tll Publishing woeldwide. Oaford sa registered trade mark Sf Oxford University Pres inthe UK ad in certain Arctiir:son Finlay ther countries Desa: Phil Hargraves ‘Oxford University Press 36 Printed in Chin Database righ Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2016 2020 2019 2018 3047 2016 woa76s4a21 ‘No unauthorized photocopying Allsights reserved. No part this putilcation may be ‘reproduced, stored ina netseval system. or transmitted. inany feemor by any means, without the pri ‘Pernieon i wertiag of Ocoed Usaveriy Pest, ot ‘exprenly permed by lw by Hence or under tees agreed with the appropriate reprograpics rights ‘organization. Enguities concerning repro ‘ouside te scope of the abuve shouldbe sens tothe ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, tthe address above ‘You mus not circulate this work inany ther formand youmust impose this same condition om any acquirer “Thislctionary includes some words which have or are assed to ave proprietary wat araensuhs ‘orotherwise.Thirinclasion does not empl thathey Ihave acquired fer lal purposes & non-proprictary at general significance not ay ther jdzement concerning ‘thei egal stars. eases where the editorial staff have ‘some evidence thata word has proprietary sata hits {ndicated inte enty for shat word bak no judgemens ‘Cancerning the legal satus of ouch words ie made of inspled there Links to tiod parry websites are provided by Oxfordin ‘good futh and for information only. Oxford dicaime ‘Sap responsibility fr the materiale contained in any thd pty website referenced in this work rene 5780 194040458 Pack teen 970 1840 CD Contents 1 The Alphabet My Classroom 2 Numbers = In Class a 26 Maths and Science 46 27 Our 48 3 My Family 2 hoa 2 4 My Body : 5 My Day ' ° - ' 30 Onthe Farm 7 Homes and People 9 The Living Room "7 Sports and Games 1 10 The Kitchen 18 a Sports and Games 2 58 11. The Dining Room 19 34 Inthe Park 60 12 My Bedroom 20 35 At the Playground 2 13. The Bathroom 21 36 On Holiday 14 Toys 22 The Weather 15 Feelings 24 = The Seasons a 16 Magic Friends * 39 What's the Time? 68 17 Busy Friends 40 What's the Date? 69 eereer Songs 70 18 Inthe Cafe Alphabetical Word List 79 19. Fruit and Vegetables In Town i 2 Transport x6 22. People at Work 38 23° People Who Help Us 40 NX 1 The Alphabet we MB a, We. we, A oo hy e ¥: rai , Bn Gn &,. GP frog Be oF a -., A, Bi D, pics hated ‘ev oa, = we e's Tom. T-O-M 2 ) Numbers one wo Wr wee Df Se wow me meet we SCI « dddddd soon J 1 co RAR AMA ES 10m RP RIP RAP RAL 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70. seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety Oe mee Gore BE GE LH OR BE ee oN OU PF WhDr =. 11 eleven CPRee st Sas 12 twelve rere eRe RE 13 mime N&R’ We be irteen +} of - HOR QODOR & BOW GB fourteen YS di Se 15 AMf ~ mAb fv fifteen x AE ~ Ae EP SP cP oe PP cy one ae 16 | sixteen 1 oe 1p P Bs ae _ 47 rrr reer er seventeen ff ff f ff a / Sraverery wea 18 eighteen Wee sw ya & EC KEWELL E 19° nineteen 2 WEL EMRE Z wee eee ye ee 20 twenty Seu ewes ££ FE 100 one hundred 1000 onethousand 1000 000 onemillion oS =e Ghee BE GS LG 0% BE Hello. 'm Emma. ¥ Emma is seven, { ~ | What's your name? How old are you? W i » [sister J brother J Katie is Emmo’s sister. Have you got a sister? Tom is Emmo's brother. Have you got a brother? aa ‘Sing Wave Hello! moustache a thumb —— ~~ head ol finger shoulder _ fs \ PT back arm a TT hand | | | \] leg i Look at the picture. Find afoot on eye achin abeard a moustache Point to your head knee stomach neck nose stomach tongue tooth (cdl, ‘Count your fingers. Count your toes. \ Sing Baogie on the Beach! Uae have a shower Q @ bru os Ca an my teet = © @Q—— . Sanne a tk ta — have breakfast catch the bus ee play with my friends 7. a have dinner ‘wash my hands | ee do my homework goto bed Look! Emma is cleaning her teeth. What's Emmadoing now? | What do you do in (= the moming? . ae Sing This Is My Day. 6. Clothes J raincoat |= Se tights trousers Mum's wearing a dress. What are you wearing? Who's wearing ... atie? a raincoat? jeans? a watch? socks? | sweater pocket jeans slipper What colour is the ... Draw a sweater. coat? T-shirt? glove? | skirt? Colour it red. Unit2 Me 13 7 Homesand People | Count the people in the picture. Count the men in the picture. emi) i ay a “nh Draw a house with four windows, Find three children in the picture. two doors, a garden, a gate and. jing. Find five grown-ups in the picture. gant Unit3 MyHome 15 3s The Hall n light upstairs stairs ] key } downstairs a What colour isthe ... © Who’... key? | light? ~ upstairs? | on the phone? floor? ) phone? MB cating aletter? holding a key? Sing Upstairs, Downstairs! () 16 a 9 The Living Room E CD player armchair 7 DVD player carpet Where's .. What can you see on the... Mum? | Katie? a TV? bookcase? | carpet? Emma?) Sam? x |, Ce ul ed calendar VECTEEEenee = 5 |e rc a | What's on the ... | ‘What's Tom got? cooker? fridge? shelf? How many pink plates can you see? pepper ee salt“ Ne Grit" # Count the bowls forks knives glasses plates a > What other things can you see on the table? Point and say. chair 4 12. My Bedroom bed hairbrush story book What's this? What's in your bedroom? What's this? " } a i cm eee \ ———— Ss Whats in your bathroom? Unit 3 MyHome 21 Can you find these toys in the picture? * Look at the picture, Point and say. «How many children have got bricks? a computer game? aball?. aol | monster pirate What toys have you got? Draw your favourite toy. me Come and Play! Look at the picture, Find a person whe feels ... surprised excited bored sad_—_sbrave Prue ne E How are you? Draw a picture of how you feel. * : iS r,

ee bigredbus long silver train atthe station? Ey ji By new yellow bike little black taxi on the bus? ‘at the bus stop? * GD @e« 4 driving the bus? flying the plane?__ riding on the bus? Sing I'm Riding My Bike. What's his job? What's her job? : a What's your mum's job?) co 6@ eR) fi { 4 i } . What's your dad's job? Be ez AVS = Draw a picture. utr LIT 39 23 People Who Help Us eX oo gq [ae fo a PLM clover.) : : r¢ i + acough ... a headache iF di A, a | , medicine What's her job? @ RS EP wos... J © y ry " onastretcher?, crying? fH _heving some medicine? a ta a 7 ee Tec: SO Nex . Ye Tmill, — - doctor Sing What's The Matter? @) Unit6 MyTown 41 poster peg — playground screen headphones computer What's this? 3) <<. @) —; f school bag ) Whats in your classroom? What's your teacher's name? Draw a picture. Sing In The Classroom! (®) Cel 25 In Class look at the teacher stand up ce sitdown open your book understand the teacher close your book work in pairs te ask a question answer a question tell a story Talk to a friend. Say... _ «& ly ° abcde D a oo know the alphabet find a pencil write your name Munday x. monday / spell a word draw a picture cut something out talk toa friend oO be quiet Or Sing Jt Isn't Very Easy To Be Quiet! @) listen to music Find a pencil. Draw.a picture. Colour a picture. Write your name. Tero) } measure Tom is 120 centimetres tall. How tall are you? 26, Maths and Science / @ ca moon Find a square, a circle, a triangle and a rectangle in your classroom. HOA q4+6=15 add plus subtract minus 9-653 (Ax 3212 * ™ e Bee e 12+3=4 = edd numbers 1, 3, 5,7, 9 even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 equals shapes triangle | rectangle square circle Emma is weighing things. Say the odd numbers Are they heavy or light? —~ Then say the even numbers. a A 123 7 8 10 Cy 27 |} Our World | me —— pyramid ) @ fn w fh Where is the fish? Where are the camels? Where is the tiger?’ Where are the horses? Cera etal rel e mountain country ii flag ground ] What's this? Wnosthist ag s iw aN fh h Sing What Can You See? ©) LU ames earl s-) triangle guitar Ke hand: clap your hands Season Clap your hands. Sing Music Time! @) Ei} Look at the picture. What colour is the ... sun? house? dog? cat? ‘What colours can you see in your classroom? Point and say. Draw and colour a picture of a rainbow. What colours are in your picture? 30 Onthe Farm donket AOE psy kien ami ~~ a A Napier se A ‘ ey w@ Se goose frog mouse av The horse has got four legs. A puppy is a young dog, What is a kitten? How many legs has a ... got? oo a spider chicken bee 7 [= er cow goose ak ra Ss ey elt sheep What animals can ... fly? run?» jump? Sing Listen To The Animals? Look at the picture. Find ... What's your favourite animal? Drow a picture. two spotted animals three striped animals three black and white animals two animals with wings A Eee eta nae How many paws has a lion got? How many wings has a parrot got? ¥ How many fins has a whale got? Sing Snap! Goes The Crocodile. baseball ry 5 basketball mae cloudy } What's the weather like? It's — &e ms 66 Unit 10 Weather and Time oF oe 38 The Seasons What's the weather like in... spring? | summer? autumn? winter? | K | ‘e g What's the weather like today? Draw picture. Sing Is It Hot And Sunny? &) randTime 67 39 What's the Time? 60seconds = minute 7 days = 1week 6Ominutes = hour 4 weeks. = 1 month 24 hours = Iday l2months = 1year 40 What’s the Date? J OO RPOEEOTTRTOP OOOO Months of the Year January & February 2) March = > T * Aprit Mm May June July August gq; September October we November | December a = Monday Tuesday Wednesday Poe rdagthe™ It’s Friday the Thursday fifth of August, Friday Saturday a Sunday Emma plays the violin on Saturday. What do you do on Saturday? ‘What do you do on Sunday? Tom's birthday is on 5* August. When's your birthday? g ‘What's the date today? d * Unit 10 Weat! andTime 69 Songs 70 The Dinosaur Dance A,B,C, Dis for Dinosaur, Do the Dinosaur Dictionary Dance with me! A,B,C, DEF Do the Dinosaur Dictionary Dance with me! GHL TKL Do the Dinosaur Dictionary Dance with me! M,N, O, PQR Do the Dinosaur Dictionary Dance with me! s.T, Uandv. Do the Dinosaur Dietionary Dance with me! W,X, Yand Z Do the Dinosaur Dictionary Dance with me! ABC, Dis for Dinosaur. Do the Dinosaur Dictionary Dance with met 2 ® @Qw Wave Hello! Hello, hello. What's your name? Hello, hello, I'm Emma! Hello, hello, What's your name? Hello, hello. Wave Hello! This is my mum. Hello, Mum! This is my dod. Hello, Dad! This is my sister. Hello, Katie! This is my brother. Hello, Tam! This is my family. Here's my uncle. This is my family. Here's my aunt. Here's my grandma, here's my grandpa. This is my family. Hello! Hello! Hello, hello. I'm Emma! This is my family. Wave hello! Boogie on the Beach! Show me your thumb! Show me your fingers! Show me your hands! Show me your arms! Boogie on the beach! Boogie on the beach! Boogie on the beach! Go, go, go! Touch your head! Touch your toes! Touch your shoulders! Touch your nose! Touch your ears! Touch your neck! Touch your chin! Touch your chest! Boogie on the beach! Boagie on the beach! Boogie on the beach! Go, go, go! Touch your face! Touch your knees! Touch your stomach! Touch your feet! One, two. I've got two feet! How many toes on my feet? Boogie on the beach! Boogie on the beach! Boogie on the beach! Go, go, go! How many toes? How many toes? Count with me! One, two, three, Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, Tve got ten toes on my feet. Boogie on the beach! Boogie on the beach! Boogie on the beach! Go, go, go! This Is My Day Iwake up, [wake up, Iwake up in the morning. Tbrush my hair, I brush my hair, I brush my hair in the morning, 1.g0 to school in the morning, This is my day! This is my day! Thave lunch, I have lunch, Thave lunch in the afternoon. Iplay with my friends, I play with my friends, Iplay with my friends in the afternoon Igo home in the afternoon, This is my day! This is my day! Ihave dinner, I have dinner, Thave dinner in the evening, Ido my homework, I do my homework, Ido my homework in the evening. Igo to bed in the evening. This is my day! This is my day! 5 Upstairs, Downstairs! Upstairs, downstairs, in my house! What's in the hall? What's in the hall? A phone and a mat, stairs and a key, In the hall Upstairs, downstairs, in my house! What's in the living room? What's in the living room? Asofa andan armchair, curtains and a lamp, In the living room, in the living room. Upstairs, downstairs, in my house! What's in the kitchen? What's in the kitchen? A cooker and a fridge, taps anda sink, In the kitchen, in the kitchen. Upstairs, downstairs, in my house! What's in the dining room? What dining room? A table and chairs, cups and bowls, Inthe dining room, in the dining room. the Upstairs, downstairs, in my house! What's in my bedroom? What's in my bedroom? Abed and a pillow, drawers and a rug, In my bedroom, in my bedroom. Upstairs, downstairs, in my house! What's in the bathroom? What's in the bathroom? Abath and a basin, soap and shampoo, In the bathroom, in the bathroom. 71 6 Come and Play! ® Tve got a yo-yo. I've gota doll. We're in the house with our friends. Come ond play, girls and bou: Toys! Tays! We're playing with our toys! T'm on my skateboard. I'm on my rollerblades. We're in the garden with our friends. Come and play, girls and boys! Toys! Toys! We're playing with our toys! Look, I'm a pirate! Look, I'm a monster! We'te dressing up with our friends, Come and play, girls and boys! Toys! Toys! We're playing with our toys! We're playing a computer game. We're playing with bricks, We're in the house with aur friends. Come and play, girls and boys! Toys! Toys! We're playing with our toys! 7. How Are You Feeling? How are you feeling? How are you feeling? How are you feeling today? Tm sad! Look at my clowr T'mfeeling sad today. How are you feeling? How are you feeling? How are you feeling today? I'm surprised! A clown in a box! I'm feeling surprised today! How are you feeling? How are you feeling? How are you feeling today? I'm tired. Where's my bed? I'm feeling tired today. 72 How are you feeling? How are you feeling? How are you feeling today? Tm angry! It’s MY robot! Im feeling angry today! How are you feeling? How are you feeling? How are you feeling today? Tm frightened! Miaow! In the tree! Im feeling frightened today! How are you feeling? How are you feeling? How are you feeling today? T'm happy! Look at my rollerblades! Tm feeling happy today! In the Cafe Today Mmm, cereal! Cereal and milk! Can I have cereal and milk today? Coffee or juice? Coffee or juice? We'te having breakfast in the cafe today. Mmm, chicken! Chicken and rice! Can I have chicken and rice today? Pasta or soup? Pasta or soup? We're having lunch in the cafe today. Mmm, pizza! Pizza and salad! Can I have pizza and salad today? Biscuits or cake? Biscuits or cake? We're having tea in the cafe today. 8 Where Are We Going? Where are we going, Mum and Dad? Are we going to the shop or the market? Where are we going? Tell us, please! Tell us, tell us, please! We're going to the swimming pool! Hooray! To the swimming pool! We're going to the swimming pool, hooray! We're going to the swimming pool! Hooray! To the swimming pool! We're going to the swimming pool, hooray! Where are we going, Mum and Dad? Are we going to the shop or the market? Where are we going? Tell us, please! Tell us, tell us, please! We're going to the cinema! Hooray! To the cinema! We're going to the cinema, hooray! We're going to the cinema! Hooray! To the cinema! We're going to the cinema, hooray! ‘Where are we going, Mum and Dad? ‘Are we going to the shop or the market? ‘Where are we going? Tell us, please! Tell us, tell us, please! We're going to the playground! Hooray! To the playground! We're going to the playground, hooray! We're going to the playground! Hooray! To the playground! We're going to the playground, hooray! 10 I'm Riding My Bike ® Im riding my bike. Ting-a-ling! Ting-o-ling! On the little narrow bridge. Ting-a-ling! Ting-a-ling! Tm riding my bike, my new yellow bike. Ting-a-ling! Ting-a-ling! I'm driving my car. Toot toot! Toot toot! On the fast, wide road, Toot toot! Toot toot! I'm driving my car, my old blue car. Toot toot! Toot toot! I'm driving my bus. Vroom vroom! Vroom vroom! I'm going to the bus stop. Vroom vroom! I'm driving my bus, my big red bus. Vroom vroom! Vroom vroom! I'm driving my train. Choo chao! Tm going to the station. Choo choo! T'm driving my train, my long silver train. Choo choo! Choo choo! Tm flying my plane. Neeeow! Tm going to the airport. Neeeow! Im flying my plane, my noisy white plane. Neeeow! gm" 73 74 11 What's The Matter? © What's the matter? Oh, don't cry! Tell me, what's the matter? Oh, don't cry! 4 Ow! Ow! I fell over. Ow! Ow! I cut my knee. T fell over and I cut my knee. Doctor, doctor, can you help me? © & What's the matter? Oh, don't crut Tell me, what's the matter? Oh, don't cru! Achoo! Achoo! I've got a cold! Cough! Cough! I've got a cough. I've gota cold and I've got a cough. Nurse, nurse, can you help me? I've got earache. Ow! My ear! I've got @ headache. Ow! My head! I've got a temperature. I feel ill! Take some medicine and go to bed. 12 In the Classroom! T've got a pencil, I've got a pen In my pencil case, in my pencil case. I've got crayons, I've got glue In my pencil case, in my pencil case, In the classroom! In the classroom! T've gota folder, I've got a book On my desk, on my desk. I've got a ruler, I've got scissors (Qn my desk, on my desk. In the classroom! In the classroom! There's the keyboard, there's the screen For our computer, for our computer. There are the headphones, there’s the mouse For our computer, for our computer. In the classroom! In the classroom! We've got a whiteboard, we've got o map. Inthe classroom, in the classroom. We've got paper and we paint pictures — Beautiful pictures in the classroom. In the classroom! In the classroom! a It Isn't Very Easy To Be Quiet! &) Sit down! Stand up! Sit down! Stand up! Itisn’t very easy to be quiet! No, It itisn’t very easy, it isn’t very easy, ‘t very easy to be quiet! Lean draw a picture, I can draw a picture, Tean draw a picture, I can colour it too. Ican tell a story, yes, Ican tela story, But it isn’t very easy to be quiet! Tean ask questions, I can ask questions, Tecan ask questions, I can answer them too. We can work in pairs, yes, we can work in pairs, But it isn’t very easy to be quiet! No, itisn’t very easy, it isn’t very easy, Itisn't very easy to be quiet! Sit down! Stand up! Sit down! Stand up! isn’t very easy to be quiet! Now sit down and open your book! It's time for ev'ryone to be quiet! No, itisn't very easy, it isn’t very easy, Tt isn’t very easy to be quiet! Ssshhh! 14 What Can You See? ® What can you see in the jungle? Can you see the tiger in the jungle? Can you see the parret in the trees. In the jungle, in the jungle? What can you see in the desert? Can you see the pyramids in the desert? Can you see the camels on the sand In the desert, in the desert? What can you see in the country? Can you see the field in the country? Can you see the river and the lake In the country. in the country? What can you see inthe city? Can you see the roads in the city? Can you see the cars on the roads In the city, in the city? What can you see at the castle? Gan you see a flag at the castle? Can you see the king and the queen At the castle, at the castle? What can you see at the pond? Can you see the grass at the pond? Can you see the green and yellow leaves ‘And a fish Gloop gloop! in the pond? 15 Music Time! ®& Music time! It’s music time! Clap your hands and sing o song! La-la-la! It’s music time! Clap your hands and sing @ song! Ican play the triangle. Ting-ting-ting on the triangle. Ican play the vialin, Eee-eee-eee on the violin. Tcan play the guitar. Strum strum strum on the guitar, Tcan play the piano, Plinky-plink-plonk on the piano, Music time! It’s music time! Clap your hands and sing a song! La-la-la! It’s music time! Clap your hands and sing a song! Tcan play the tambourine. Jing:jing jangle on the tambourine. Ican play the xylophone. Bing-bong-bong on the xylophone. Ican play the cymbals. Crash! Crash! on the cymbals. Tcan play the drums. Boom! Boom! on the drums. Music time! It's music time! Clap your hands and sing a song! La-la-la! It’s music time! Clap your hands and sing a song! La-la-la. La-la-ta-la. La-la-la la ta-la-la. La-la-la. La-la-la-la. La-la-ta la ta-la-la. 75 76 16 Listen To The Animals! There's. kitten on the farm. Meve, mew, mew! There's.a cat on the farm. Miaow! There's a puppy on the farm, Yop, yap, yap! There's @ dog on the farm. Woof! Listen to the onimals on the farm! On the farm! On the farm! There’s a duck on the farm, Quack, quack, quack! There's a sheep on the farm. Baaa! There's a donkey on the farm. Ee-or, ee-or! There's a horse on the farm. Neigh! Listen to the animals on the farm! ‘On the farm! On the farm! There's a bird on the farm. Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet! There's a. cow on the farm. Moo! There's a chicken on the farm. Cluck, cluck, cluck! There's a mause on the farm. Eek eek! Eekeek! Listen to the animals on the farm! On the farm! On the farm! Buzz! Buzz! What's that on the farm? Buzz! Buzz! There are insects on the farm Flying in the trees, sitting on the leaves: A fly and a butterfly, a wasp and a bee. Listen to the animals on the farm. ‘On the farm! On the farm! “ @ Snap! Goes The Crocodile Look! I'm an actopus, Here are my legs! ‘An octopus, an octopus. Here are my legs! Look! I'm a bear, Here are my paws! A bear, a bear. Here are my paws! Jump, jump, jump. I'm kangaroo! Look! I'm a monkey. 00, 000, ooh! Listent Im a lion, Roaaar! ‘Snap!’ goes the crocodile at the zoo! Look! I'm a bat, Here are my wings! A bat, a bat, Here are my wings! Look! I'm an elephant. Here are my ears! An elephant, an elephant! Here are my ears! Jump, jump, jump. I'm a kangaroo! Look! I'm a monkey. 000, 000, ooh! Listen! T'm a lion. Roaaart ‘Snap! goes the crocodile at the zoo! Look! I'm a giraffe. Here is my neck! A giraffe, a giraffe. Here is my neck! Look! I'm a zebra. Here is my tail! A zebra, a zebra, Here is my taill Jump, jump. jump. I'm a kangaroo! Look! I'm a monkey. O09; 000, ooh! Listen! I'ma lion. Roaaar! “Snapt goes the crocodile at the zoo! Look! I'm a shark. Here is my fin! A shark, a shark. Here is my fin! Look! I'm a whale. Sploosh! Sploosh! Sploosht Awhale, a whale. Sploosh! Sploosh! Sploosht Jump, jump, jump. Im a kangaroo! Look! I'ma monkey. Ooo, 000, ooh! Listen! I'm alion. Roagar! “Snap! goes the crocodile at the zoo! 18 We Can Have Fun In The Park! oy) Can you throw a ball? Yes, Iean. Can you catch a ball? Yes, I can, Can you kick a ball? Yes, Ican, We can have fun in the park! Icon walk, walk, walk in the park, Ican hop, hep, hop in the park. I can jump, jump, jump in the park We can have fun in the park! Can you climb a tree? Yes, I can, Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. Can you fly a kite? Yes, I can We can have fun in the park! I can skip, skip, skip in the park. Tcan run, run, run in the park, Ican dance, dance, dance in the park. We can have fun in the park! 4 lf. 19 We're On Holiday! & We're at the hotel on holiday. Mum and Dad, can I go and play? I'm putting on suncream. Tm ready for the beach! Can I go and play? Dad's got his camera for holiday photos! Look at me! I'm playing with the sand With my bucket and spade on the beach. ‘On holiday! We're on holiday! On holiday! We're on holiday! Look at met I'm swimming in the sea! On holiday! We're on holiday! Splish splash splash! 'm swimming in the sea! Dad's got his camera for holiday photos! Look at me! I'm finding shells. I'm putting shells on my sandcastle. On holiday! We're on holiday! On holiday! We're on holiday! Look at me! I'm swimming in the sea! On holiday! We're on holiday! Splish splash splash! I'm swimming in the sea! Ape 77 20 Is It Hot and Sunny? ® 78 Penguin, penguin, what's the weather like? What's the weather like today? Is it hot and sunny? Is it hot and sunny? What's the weather like today? Itisn't hot and sunny, it isn’t hot and sunny, Itisn't hot and sunny today. It’s cold and it's snowing, it's cold and it's snowing, Itscold and it’s snowing today, Tiger, tiger, what's the weather like? What's the weather like today? Is it hot and sunny? Js it hot and sunny? What's the weather like today? Itisn’t hot and sunny. it isn't hot and sunny, Itisn’t hot and sunny today. It's windy and it’s cloudy, it’s windy and it's cloudy, It’s windy and it's cloudy today, Frog, frog, what's the weather like? What's the weather like today? Is it hot and sunny? Is it hot and sunny? What's the weather like today? Itisn’t hot and sunny, it isn’t hot and sunny, Itisn’t hot and sunny today. It's wet and it's raining, it’s wet and it's raining, It’s wet and it's raining today, Lion, lion, what's the weather like? What's the weather like today? Is it hot and sunny? Is it hot and sunny? What's the weather like today? It's very hot and sunny, it’s very hot and sunny, It’s very hot and sunny today. Eating ice cream in the sun all day, Having fun in the sun, hooray! Alphabetical Word List Aa above actos actor add airport alien along alphabet ambulance angry animal answer ant opple April arm armchair ort ask asleep astrenaut at aubergine August unt autumn ‘awake eway Bb baby back bad badminton baker 63 62 35 47 36 23 62 4 25 52 53 32 17 51 26 63 33 69 67 26 62 26 57 38 balcony ball balloon banana band bank baseball basin basketball bat animal bat sport bath bathroom be beach bean bear beard beautiful bed bedroom bee beetle begin behind below belt between big bike bird biscuit black blanket blind blue boat body book bookcase 22, i, 15 56 24 32 50 35 56 21 55 57 2 2 45 33 55 27 20 20 53 53 63 63 12 20 26 37 53 30 51 20 18 51 37 43 7 boot bored bottle bottom bow! boy brave bread breakfast brick bridge brother brown brush noun brush verb bucket builder burger bus bush businessman businesswoman bus stop busy butcher butter butterfly button ec cabbage cafe cage cake calculator calendar camel camera 37 25 18 28,63 19 14 24 30 10 22 37 51 18 10 39 31 36 49 39 39 36 28 38 30 33 12 33 30,35 54 30 42 18 54 79 camping can car carpenter carrot castle cat catch a ball catch the bus cove cD CD player centimetre cereal chair cheap cheese chef chemist cherry chest chicken animal chicken food child children chin chip chocolate chopsticks cinema circle city clap class classroom clean adjective clean verb climb close clothes cloud cloudy clown coach coat 80 65 60 37 39 33 49 52 60 10 65 7 7 46 31 19 29 30 38 34 32 52 30 15 15 30 31 19 a7 48 50 44 42 28 10 60 44 12 66 66 22 7 13 coconut coffee cold adjective cold noun colour noun colour verb comb computer computer game cook cooker com cough country cousin cow crab crayon cricket crocodile crown cry ‘cucumber cup cupboard curly curtain customer cut verb cut out phrasal verb cymbal 2 ET 28,66 40 st 45 20 42 23 38 18 3 40 49 7 53 55 43 56 54 23 40 33 19 18 a 7 38 al 45 50 Dd ie” Dod dance dancing dark date day ‘December deep dentist desert é = 2 69 10,68 oo 28 “1 48 dining room dinner dinosaur dirty dive divide do doctor dog doll dolphin donkey door down downstairs. draw drawer dress drink driver drum dry duck ovo DVD player Ee ear earache earth easy 299 eight eighteen eighty elbow elephant eleven Emma empty 43 42 7 19 u 2 28 60 az n 4 52 3 55 52 14 62 16 45 20 2 30 36 50 28,26 52 7 7 equal 47 ‘even number 47 excited 24 ‘expensive 29 eye 9 ‘ Ff face 9 factory 35 fall over 40 family 6 fon 19 form 52 farmer 39 fast 27 fat 2» father 7 February 69 feeling 24 feet 8 ferry 37 field 49 fifteen 5 fifty 4 fig 32 fin 55 find 45 fine 4 finger 8 fire 39 fire engine 39 firefighter 39 fire station 38 fish animal 55 fish food 30 fisherman 38 fishing 59 five 4 flag 49 flat 15 floor 16 flour 31 flower 49 fly noun fly verb fog foggy folder food foot football forest fork forty four fourteen fox Friday fridge friend frightened ‘frog fruit full fur Gg game garage garden garlic gate get dressed get up giraffe girl glass glasses glove glue go goal goat gold golf good 53 61 43 30 56 49 19 52 69 18 11,45 24 52 32 26 54 56,58 14 4 33 4 10 10 4 19 12 12 43 " 56 53 51 58 26 goose get gram grandma grandpa grandparent gropefruit grapes grass green grey ground grown-up guitar gumnastics Hh hoir hairbrush hairdresser half hall hand handbag happy hard hat have head headache headphones heavy helicopter hello help high hill hippo hit hockey holiday home homework 52 40 a7 32 32 51 51 49 15 50 58 20 38 68 16 12 24 28 13 10,11 40 42 2B 36 40 26 49 54 Ss? 14 W hop 60 horse 52 hose 39 hospital al hot 28,66 hotel 35,64 hour 68 house 4 hundred 5 hungry 25 hurt 40 li 1 A 6 ice 66 icecream 65 ill 4 in front of 63 insect 53 inside 63 instrument. 50 into: 62 island 65 Jj jacket 12 jam 30 January 69 jeans 3B job 38 juice 31 July 6 jump 6 June 69 jungle 48 Kk kangaroo 55 Katie 6 kayaking 59 82 Ll ladder lake: lomp large lawyer leaf lear leaves left leg lemon lemonade letter lettuce library lift light adjective light noun like: lime lion listen little living room lizard long look lorry low lunch 27, 16 42 60 a7 49 18 52 19 45 39 7 26 39 48 48 29 32 31 16 33 34 15, 29 16 58 32 54 45 26 7 54 2 37 26 n um magic man mango map March market mat match maths matter May me measure meat medicine melon men metre mice midday midnight milk millimetre million minus minute mirror Monday monkey maonster month moon moth mother motorcycle mountain mouse animal mouse computer moustache mouth multiply Mum museum mushroom 33 Pp play a game 60 music 50 play an instrument 50 point as playground 34,42 Nn . pals 45 playtime 56 A pon 1g Plum 32 ame é ponda 55 plumber 39 narrow 28 pope 8 a ° a : porent 7 pocket 3 net s7 park a a “ = 2 parrot a police officer 34 wo = passenger ae police station 34 night a pasta 30 pond Bi hime 4 path 14 poor 26 nineteen 5 patient ion = Ww 54 peed a i a 3 post office 35 sols 3 peach 32 potato 33 November 69 = a2 mat a number 4 peg 42 ona = nurse: 40 pen 43 ae 2 pencit a2 puppy o2 pencil case 43 Purple Sl Oo penguin 55 Push sl pera is puzzle 23 o'clock 68 pepper spice 19 Pyramiel = October 6 Pepper vegetable 33 ° octopus 55 person 15 h odd number 47 pet 52 Q q off 63 petrol station 34 office 35 phone 16 ain ° old 26,29 photo 7 cece 2 olive 33 piano 50, Giese “ on e picnic 64 = 7 one 4 picture 43 ue 70 onion 33 pillow 20 onto 62 pilot 37 ORR open 44 pineapple 32 opposite 63 pink 51 rabbit 52 orange colour 51 pirate 23 race 59 orange fruit 32 pizza 31 rocket 57 out of 62 plane 37 radio 18 outside 6 planet 6 rain 66 over 62 plant 49 rainbow 66 plate 19 raincoat 12 play 11,56 raining 66 read rectangle red relaxed restaurant rice riety ride riding right opposite left right opposite wrong river read robot rock rocket Rollerblade roof room round rubber rucksack rug ruler run running Ss sod soil sailing salad salt Sam sond sandcastle sandwich Saturday scales scorf school school bag science 84 47 51 24 38 30 26 61 38 29 27 48 37 23 65 46 22 14 14 62 43 65 20 42 60 59 scissors screen sea sea creatures season second secretary September seven seventeen seventy shallow shampoo shape shork sheep sheet shelf shell shirt shoe shop short shorts shoulder shawet shy silver sing singer sink sister sit down six sixteen sixty skateboard skating sky sledging slipper 43 42 65 55 67 68 39 69 28 21 47 55 53 20 18 65 12 12 35 26,29 13 10,21 25 SI 50 38 18 44 22 58 59 61 22 13 59 3 slow small smoke snake snow snowball snowing snowman soap sock sofa soft song soup spade spell spider sponge spoon sport sports centre spotted spring square stair stand up stor station stomach stomach ache storm story story book straight strawberry street stretcher striped strong student subtract sugar suitcase summer sun 56, 58 51 7 a 16 36 40 20 27 32 14 41 51 29 43 47 31 67 suncream Sunday sunglasses sunny supermarket surprised swan sweater sweet swim swimming swimming pool swing noun swing verb Tt table table tennis tail take a photo talk tall tambourine top toxi tea teacher team teddy bear teeth tell temperature ten tennis tent theatre thin thirsty thirteen thirty thousand, three through, 65 69 34 25 52 13 31 58 14 60 throw 60 thumb 8 Thursday 69 tidy 29 tie 12 tiger 54 tights 12 time 68 tired 25 toe 9 toilet 21 Tom 6 tomato 33 tongue 9 tooth 9 toothache 4) toothbrush 21 toothpaste 21 top 28 torch 65 towel 2) town 34 toy 22 toy box 20 train 36 transport 36 tree 43 triangle instrument 50 triangle shape 47 trousers: 12 Tshirt B Tuesday 69 twelve 5 twenty 5 two 4 Uu Ie ugly “on umbrella 2 uncle 7 under 62 understand “4 untidy 2 up 62 upstairs 16 Vv van 36 vegetable 32 violin 50 volleyball 57 Ww £ waiter 38 wake up 10 walk 61 wall 15 wash n wasp 53 watch 12 water 30 waterfall 49 watermelon 32 weak 29 weather 66 Wednesday 69 week 68 weigh 47 wet 28,66 whale 55 what 40 where 62,63 white SI whiteboard 42 wide 28 wind 66 window 14 windy 66 wing 56 winner 59 winter 67 woman 15 women 15 word 45 work noun 38 85 work verb 44 = Ree il world 48 Y U oe Z Z worn a year 68 zebra worried 24 yellow 5] 560 write 45 yogurt 31 wrong 27 young %6 yo-yo 22 XX xylophone 50

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