Beauty Is in The Eye of The Beholder

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Beauty is in The Eye of The Beholder

Aloha everyone! In today speech I am going to talk about opinion of many people
about beauty of girl. In these pandemic girls or boys change themselves to be more gorgeous,
pretty or handsome. Some of them go to gym or go on a diet or take care more of themselves,
for example buying a lot of skincare, like body scrub, lip mask, eye mask, serum, etc. But,
some because of the pandemic they gain weight or because of using the mask for whole day,
their face is full of pimples.
Many people think that to become beautiful you need to be thin or slim, have a long
and slim leg or fingers, have a v shape face, have light skin tone, etc. So, other people who
don’t have those criteria is considered to be unattractive. I kind of curious if boy also stress
about their appearance too or not. Because when a girl is like a little bit fat, people will
criticize her to lose some weight or when they like to use clothes that is a little bit revealing,
people will ask them not to use that kind of clothes. Well, of course that kind of clothes
shouldn’t be wear on some condition. In this scenario I’m talking about when hanging out
with friends.
Then, the bully condition. I’m aware not only girl is being bullied about their
appearance, there are some cases too that boy also being bullied because he is fat. Because of
that, the victim of the bully tries really hard to change their appearance to become what the
other think it is normal. After they change, they become really depress on their body, like
having a lot of insecurities, when they slightly gain weight and they do an extreme diet that
can harm their body or some because of the pressure that they feel they choose suicide
By having a beautiful face, that doesn’t mean he has a beautiful heart. We shouldn’t
judge a book by its cover. Sometime he has a nice face or she has a perfect body, but the
attitude is like a Satan. We can’t know it. I remember there is one time, an old man using a
shirt like house wear ones and a short pants and he was taking a black plastic went to bank to
open an account. But the worker didn’t really service or answer this old man. So, the old man
is furious of the worker. Then, the manager come to ask what is the problem. When the
manager sees this old man face, he was shock because this old man is an owner of a company
that also partner with this bank. The manager apologizes to this old man but because of the
old man is too furious with the attitude of the worker, the old man just leaves the bank.
What makes a person attractive is their inner beauty? People with inner beauty are
those that love to make peace with everyone, take care of fellow beings and try to follow the
path of justice. Just like Nelson Mandela who is willing to sacrifice in order to bring equality
and get equal rights for the Black in South Africa.
Only when we know what real beauty is, we will understand what we see in the
outside is just a projection. What matters is the character inside. Just be yourself, don’t hear
hate opinion from the other. Be proud of your appearance because that is what your parents
give to you.
That’s all for today of my speech. Thanks for the attention.

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