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Life is full of events - both good and bad.

Some things will be forgotten over time,

and some will stay in your heart forever. Life is full of surprises and shocks, good

and bad news, and unexpected turns. Fortune can benefit some people in life, and

help them to reach the pinnacle of glory and happiness.

The Best Day of My Life

Recently I received the best gift from my dad. Since childhood, I always wanted a

dog, and recently he had brought me one. I was studying in my room, dad entered

my room with a labrador in his hands. I jumped from my bed with happiness. I also

started crying as I could not believe my eyes. My mom and dad were always against

having a dog. But he brought it, and made it the best day of my life.

Significance of My Best Day

I still remember myself bursting into tears and happiness at the same time. That

night I held Bruno the whole time. The next moment I saw myself buying stuff for

the dog. I bought food, clothes, toys, and many more things which would make him

happy. That night I held him tight and slept beside him. I could not sleep the whole

night due to the excitement.

I looked at him throughout the entire night with utmost happiness and surprise.

That day was the best day of my life as I got my best friend. A best friend who

would never leave me. A best friend who will always be there for me whenever I

need him.A best friend who will make me the happiest. A friend who will love me to

the fullest. That dog gave me the ultimate happiness and, this is how the day

became the best day of my life. I named the dog Bruno.

I am always looking for him whenever I come back from school. He always jumps,

licks me, and wags his tail after seeing me. My friends come along with me to play

with him. Bruno also became their friend.

What I Love about My Dog

The thing that I love about Bruno the most is that he can gel well with people. My

sister was not that comfortable with dogs. But Bruno made her fall in love with him.

They are now the best of friends. He would jump in happiness whenever he saw

him. She would also run toward him and would pick him up. She feeds him food and

always brings toys and treats for him. She loves her to the fullest and, at the same

time he loves her to the fullest. This is how Bruno became everyone's favourite.

Every person has some happy days and some bad days in their life. Both help people

learn different things from these different experiences. But the happy days are

worth remembering. They help you cheer on your days of sadness and bring back all

the memories that are worth cherishing. The best day has a great impact on our life.

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