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The first video discusses the distinctions between databases, data warehouses, and data

lakes. I’ve learned that a database is a relational database that gathers and stores data through an
OLTP process that records transactions in real time. A database is made up of tables, each with its
structure and columns for storing data. Databases are commonly used for transactional processes,
such as storing sales, customer information, and inventory. Furthermore, a data warehouse is a
centralized store of data extracted from different sources such as databases, applications, and
external data sources. A data warehouse is a database that is used for analytical processing, or
OLAP, and is meant to analyze huge amounts of data. The data is changed and structured in a
way that makes it easier to query and analyze. Typically, data warehouses are used for business
intelligence, data analytics, and decision-making.
Lastly, a data lake is a huge repository that holds raw data in its original format. It's
utilized in big data analytics and can store unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data. In
conclusion, databases, data warehouses, and data lakes are all significant data storage and
management platforms, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Databases are intended
for transactional processing, whereas data warehouses are intended for querying and analysis,
and data lakes are intended for large data processing.
As shown in the second video, the data warehouse is a critical tool for firms to measure
their performance and understand their customer behavior. Businesses may create strategic goals
and make educated judgments by dividing this information down into key performance
indicators (KBIs). These KBIs might vary based on the industry, but examples include units sold,
top customers, and sales objectives. Additionally, to make efficient judgments, decision-makers
must be able to access and integrate data from other systems, such as marketing, sales, and
customer relationship management (CRM). They will be able to answer critical questions about
their firm, such as how many complaints they got from VIP clients, revenue compared to
previous times, and the influence of their marketing initiatives on sales, by doing so.
The last video is about building a data warehouse, and the speaker describes their
experience as a project manager and leads architect on a difficult project. Their company
purchases other firms and brands to develop, and their role is to supervise the BI data warehouse
environment for all of the brands. The process of creating a data warehouse requires prior
analysis and design work, and the speaker discusses the star and snowflake schemas, the two
most common forms of data warehousing schemas. The speaker highlights the significance of
dimensions, which are data categories, and provides examples such as product, location, and

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