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Hannibal Barca Once there he had hoped the locals

Would want to become his allies.

A poem by Paul Perro
But they all seemed to think that
A military genius Fighting with Rome would be unwise.
(Or so most experts say)
So Hannibal and his army
He came from somewhere called Carthage
Fought on nevertheless.
(Known as Tunisia today).
They were tactically astute and
Hannibal fell out with the Romans They did have some success.
After he moved to Spain.
Despite winning some battles though,
They quarrelled over territory;
They never conquered Rome,
He thought they were a pain.
And one day Hannibal got some
Hannibal built up an army - Disturbing news from home.
Thousands of soldiers, and
Apparently the Romans who’d
He even had some elephants
Seen Spain left unprotected,
He'd brought from his homeland.
Had conquered it, an outcome which
He marched them all to Italy, Our hero had not expected.
A journey filled with dangers -
But that’s not all, now Carthage too
They crossed the Pyrenees and Alps
Was under Roman attack.
(Both massive mountain ranges).
Carthage was Hannibal's homeland
"But Elephants can't climb mountains! And so they all rushed back.
No way!" it's often muttered.
The Battle of Zama was where
But yes, they can, because they are
The two armies would meet.
Surprisingly sure-footed.
Unfortunately, for Hannibal
It ended in defeat.
Spartacus So Crassus marched with his army
To take on the slave army, and
by Paul Perro After a few battles
He was a soldier, then a slave, The Romans had the upper hand.
Who famously led a revolt. So Spartacus and his army
Spartacus took on the Romans, Went south, until they reached the sea.
And gave them quite a jolt. Once there they asked some pirates to
It was while he was in training Take them to Sicily.
In a school for gladiators - Unfortunately however,
Slaves forced to fight with each other The pirates betrayed them.
In the Roman amphitheatres. They did not give the slaves the ships
None of these slaves wanted to die Even though they’d paid them.
A violent death in the coliseum The slaves were finally defeated
So when Spartacus did escape At The Battle of Siler River
He decided he would free ‘em. Spartacus himself was killed
The escapees travelled around And the revolt crushed forever.
Freeing slaves in other regions The battle was very bloody
Most gave their thanks and joined the And most of the slave army died.
ranks. More than 6000 prisoners
Together they fought off Roman legions. Were caught and crucified.
The Romans sent a general Today Spartacus is known as
Named Crassus on a mission. A man of valour and conviction,
He was clever and he was tough Even though his revolt ended
And he was quite a tactician. In defeat and crucifixion.
by Paul Perro
There once was a Roman city
And it was called Pompeii.
Disaster struck it in the year
79 Anno Domine.
Nearby there was a mountain and
Just in case you’re curious,
I will tell you the mountain’s name –
It was called Mount Vesuvius.
Except it wasn’t a mountain
It was really a volcano,
Something which the Pompeiians
Sadly did not know.
One August night it spewed out fire,
Lava, rocks - volcanic.
The Pompeiians were all afraid
And ran about in panic.
The city was destroyed that night
With heat and bangs and crashes
And buried under hundreds of tons
Of volcanic ashes.
Pompeii lay lost and forgotten
For hundreds and hundreds of years
Until the 1800s when
It was found by engineers.
They dug the ruins out and now
It’s a tourist attraction today.
Every year millions
Visit ancient Pompeii.
The California Gold Rush Were just lying around.

by Paul Perro Lots of people really believed

James worked on a farm in the West The hills were filled with gold.
He dreamed of being rich. Men and families packed their things and
One day he found something shiny From the East wagons rolled.
Just lying in a ditch.
Others came from across the sea
“It’s gold!” thought James, excited, and From Mexico and Peru,
He showed it to farmer Sutter. From Hawaii, China, Chile,
The farmer was not happy though, From France, and Britain too.
He started to frown and mutter.
They all left their lives behind them
“Don’t tell anyone” said Sutter To become gold miners.
“About what you have found. The year was 1849
If people hear there's gold about They were the forty-niners.
They’ll come from miles around.
Some people did not look for gold
They’ll come to search the area But still got rich enough.
And trample on my farm. They set up shops for miners and
They’ll trample on my vegetables They sold expensive stuff.
And do my livestock harm.”
But after a few years has passed
James said for him not to worry Gold was harder to find.
He would button his lip. So many people were looking
But two days later in a bar All the land had been mined.
He let the secret slip.
And poor old Sutter the farmer
He mentioned it to his cousin Looked out across his land.
Who then told his own brother His fields were thoroughly trampled
Who mentioned it to his friend His rivers, thoroughly panned.
And that friend told another.
And so California had changed
Soon people started to arrive Not boring old fields, no,
To see what could be found. There was an exciting city,
They’d heard rumours that gold nuggets were 'Twas called "San Francisco"!
Francis Drake and the Spanish Armada
by Paul Perro
Francis Drake was a pirate who
Sailed all around the world.
He liked to attack Spanish ships
And steal their jewels and gold.

He gave the treasure to the queen,

She thought him a hero.
The Spanish were scared and called him
The dragon, "El Draco."

One day Francis was playing bowls

With some friends by the sea,
When he spied some Spanish ships coming,
They'd come for their jewellery.
"Quick" said his friends, "Let's go at once
And chase those ships away!"
But Drake said "No, let's finish our game,
We still have time to play."

And when at last the game was over,

Francis Drake said "Right!
Let's play a trick on the Spanish,
We'll give them such a fright."

He took an empty ship and he

Set fire to the mast,
Then pushed it at the Spanish who
Were looking on, aghast.

They saw the fireship coming

And they were filled with fear.
"The dragon!" they said,"Vamanos!
Let's get out of here!"

The Armada turned around

And headed back to Spain.
Drake laughed and shouted out at them
"Don't dare come back again!"

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