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Think back to the time when a professor announced a change that you, the
student, did not want to adopt. What were the reasons for your resistance to
change? Was the professor able to overcome your resistance? If so, tell what she or
he did. If not, tell what he or she could have done that might have been successful. 

Reasons for resistance to change and effective strategies that can be used to
overcome it.
Resistance to change is a common reaction among people when they are faced with something
new, different or unfamiliar. Some reasons for resistance to change may include fear of the
unknown, the perception that the change may result in a loss of control, the belief that the current
way of doing things is better, lack of understanding or knowledge about the change, and
emotional attachment to the status quo.

When a professor announces a change that students do not want to adopt, it is important for the
professor to understand and address the reasons for resistance. Some strategies that may help to
overcome resistance to change include:

1. Communicate the reasons and benefits of the change: It is important for the professor to
communicate clearly the reasons for the change and how it will benefit the students. This can help
to alleviate fear of the unknown and provide clarity on the value of the change.

2. Involve students in the change process: When students are involved in the change process, they
are more likely to feel ownership and buy-in. The professor can solicit feedback from students
and incorporate their ideas into the change process.

3. Provide training and support: Lack of knowledge or understanding can be a significant barrier to
adopting a change. The professor can provide training and support to students to help them
understand the change and how to implement it effectively.

4. Address emotional attachment to the status quo: Sometimes, students may be resistant to change
because they have an emotional attachment to the current way of doing things. The professor can
acknowledge the value of the current system while also explaining why the change is necessary.

5. Create a sense of urgency: Creating a sense of urgency can help students understand the
importance of the change and motivate them to adopt it. The professor can explain why the
change needs to happen now and what will happen if it is not adopted.

In summary, overcoming resistance to change requires understanding the reasons for resistance
and using strategies that address those reasons. Effective communication, involvement, training
and support, acknowledging emotional attachment, and creating a sense of urgency are some
strategies that may help to overcome resistance to change.

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