82 Announcement of The Article-Widowati

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Jakarta, August 28, 2021

Number : 82/SE/IIC/VIII/2021
Attachments : Review Articles, Plagiarism Check Results by Turnitin
Subject : Announcement about the Paper Output of the ILOMATA International
Conference 2021
Direct :
Widowati & Team

Dear Authors,
We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for participating in the Call of Paper of
the Ilomata International Conference with the theme ''Digital Transformation Society 5.0''
which will be held on August 21, 2021.

Based on the results of the review that has been carried out, we hereby inform you that your
paper entitled ‘‘Analisis Faktor Pendukung dan Penghambat Implementasi SIMDA Keuanan
pada Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Simeulue’’ is recommended to be
published on Ilomata Journal of Social Science (Copernicus Indexing), with the following
1. Revision as suggested by the reviewer.
2. Using templates according to each output journal.
3. Submit independently through ojs : https://ilomata.org/index.php/ijss
4. If there is a publication fee in an external journal, the author is willing to bear the cost.

In connection with those provisions, we are waiting for the author's decision to continue / not
continue the process of the article.

Thus we convey this information. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Chairman of The Ilomata International Conference

Dr. Novianita Rulandari, M.Si, CiQar., CTT

(Scopus ID : 57205056581)
Phone +62 812 8993 5858
(Click Folder to Access Data)

Review Articles

Plagiarism Check Results by Turnitin

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