Aguilar - 09 Activity 1 - ARG@Sustainable

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1. Read and understand the story.

2. Assess the situation in the story and provide your analysis on how you can provide
tourism sustainability measures in Lumba-Lumba Island using the following
sustainable tourism frameworks: Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS), Visitor
Impact Management (VIM), and Visitor Experience and Resource Protection
3. Place your output on a Word File and submit it via Elms Dropbox. You will be rated
using the rubric shown on the succeeding page.


Setting and implementing ROS is based on the compelling primary tenet of

offering a variety of visitor experiences to satisfy the needs of various visitor types as
well as environmental criteria. As a result, ROS has been widely used in the
management of natural areas and has also been a crucial part of many other planning
methodologies. It is a flexible and adaptable approach and depending on the size and
characteristics of an area, the spectrum of recreational opportunities defined can vary
greatly. According to my analysis, the management, locals, or Local Government Unit
of Lumba-Lumba island should forbid many stakeholders from constructing large
hotels, tourist recreation parks, or other establishments that could adversely affect the
area's sustainability and residents' ability to live in peace. Additionally, it might harm
the island of Lumba-environment.

It is useful for integrated planning, especially when conducting research and

planning in an area with a variety of natural environments. Its overuse and interpretation
have been its key weaknesses. The creation of ROS classes or zones was not meant to be
the culmination of management; however, this was widely assumed to be the case,
leaving managers without any additional instructions on how to deal with the complexity
of the settings and experiences that can be found within a single ROS class. Since high-
usage locations are not always the most resilient, the ROS architecture does not always
offer explicit guidelines for tying the uses of various ROS classes to use impacts and
managing those impacts. The lack of an explicit information-gathering component in the
setting of ROS classes and the failure to recognize stakeholder values are additional
issues with the New Zealand application, but it can be used by a variety of stakeholders
to actively participate in visitor planning in their communities.
Visitor Impact Management (VIM)

If visitor impacts are not closely observed, environmental quality may gradually
deteriorate without MPA employees becoming aware of it until the harm is severe.
Similar gradual negative changes may start to take place in regional communities.
Careful monitoring of impacts, both positive and negative, must be a core activity of the
site's overall management to identify and address issues before they get out of hand.
The idea of carrying capacity, which was initially used in the field of range
management for Lumba-Lumba island, was the foundation for the first approaches
created to address the effects of tourism. In the literature, different definitions of
carrying capacity have been produced based on how and where the idea was used.
Impacts will depend on a variety of factors, including visitor motivations and behaviors,
modes of transportation and lodging, the efficiency of tour guides, and the seasons
during which use is highest. The amount and type of use that can be sustained in each
area over time while maintaining desired biophysical resource conditions and
opportunities for high-quality visitor experiences at specific levels of management input
are referred to as carrying capacity in a recreational context.
With that in mind, the following is my analysis of how I can implement visitor
impact management to provide sustainable tourism measures on Lumba-Lumba Island:
• Seasonal or temporal limits on use, for example, limiting visiting times,
accommodation facilities, or public transport; ensuring visits occur at appropriate
times of the day.
• Regulating group size, particularly for specialist activities, requiring pre-
registration (visits only by prior arrangement), and providing guided tours that
allow for more control and maximize enjoyment.
• Restricting visitor behavior, for example, ensuring that visitors stay on specified
routes and do not trample vegetation or disturb animals and that noise and the use
of light at night (for example during visits to turtle nesting beaches) is minimized.
• Using zoning, for example, closing areas to visitors, or reducing visits to ecologically
important areas.
• Increasing entrance fees at peak periods or to popular areas.
• Constructing facilities and trails that reduce the impact but allow more visitors and
helpthem to see the wildlife - boardwalks, overlooks, hides, pontoons, etc.
• Provide garbage bins to encourage visitors to not leave litter.
• Educating visitors via visitor guidelines, codes of conduct, and information boards.
• Increased guide training to increase visitor education and monitor visitor behavior.
Visitor Impact Management (VIM)
There may be an implicit "zero tolerance" for effects on nonrenewable resources
on Lumba-Lumba island when it comes to cultural resources. While this might be true in
some circumstances, it is frequently not the case. The implicit "zero tolerance" for
impact, however, can make it difficult to choose the right metrics and benchmarks for
Several properties of the VERP process make it effective for assessing the carrying
capacity of cultural resources on the Lumba-Lumba island. The VERP framework's
preliminary components call for parks to ascertain the function and importance of the
resource. To achieve this, the inhabitants of the island of Lumba-Lumba must
comprehend what makes the resources they oversee unique and significant. The
advantages of this exercise include an understanding of the qualities that cultural
resources must possess to be listed, a deeper comprehension of the historical
occurrences, personality, or culture that the resource tries to interpret, and the potential
to enhance public interpretation of the site.

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