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Ghost Train
By: Ernawati and Friend

Layouter :
Illustrator :
Cover Design :

First Printing, 2020

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Editorial address:

In the wake of this emotionally and physically exhausting period of pandemic,
we are modestly presenting the chilling narratives from the imagination of our
students. For each story tells a different theme, style, and perspective the way in
which fear creeps into our daily life.

We envision this collection as both an attempt to understand fear itself in our

narrative imagination or our way to cope with the fear that is systematically and
culturally imposed to us; and as a resource for the more horror-aware students turn
to for either ready reference or new ideas. Although this collection was preliminary
meant to be as a final project of writing class, we tried to table it in a way that can
be savored by an avid literature reader palate.

We injected our enthusiasm for the horror and our recognition on contemporary
sensibilities into the text. We hope that by sharing our project, we can provide you
with a unique reading experience.

M.Fakhran Ramadhan and Alwin Firdaus

Table of contents

Preface................................................................................................................ iii
Table of contens.................................................................................................. iv

Ghost Train.........................................................................................................................1
Tough guys.........................................................................................................................4
Who Are You?.................................................................................................................19
This is how you will die..................................................................................................25
The Untold Truth............................................................................................................29
Tangled in the Dusk.......................................................................................................41
The Moon Promises........................................................................................................47
The Deceased...................................................................................................................52
Dark Moon Secret in 2020.............................................................................................58

Author Profile.....................................................................................................65

Dark Moon Secret in 2020
Yessy Utari

Darkness rises, eeriness and mix up in the earth. It is because of Corona, a

deadly new virus. Viruses infiltrate the air, inhale into the respiratory tract, stick to
the walls of the respiratory tract, multiply, cover the airway, which causes humans
to have fever, chills, coughing, difficulty breathing and die at the end. However
daddy was not afraid. He came to Wisma Atlet hospital to help them, left me alone
and forgot about me.

So… I decided to meet him. Tonight I arrived in Jakarta. Jakarta city is very
noisy and dirty in contrast to where I live on the slopes of Mount Lawu. I think
I’m lost. I stand in the middle of a city that I don’t know. I’m alone, nobody can be
trusted to show me the way. Along the road there are only a bunch of gojek drivers
waiting for passengers. There is also an old beggar with a stick sitting under the
flyover asking for mercy. Not to miss a few food carts lined up selling their wares.

Soon the sound of an ambulance siren could be heard and louder. Several
officers dressed as astronauts came out. Oh no… it’s not that special outfit I saw
on television to handle this plague. It’s called Hazmat. The people wear white shirts
with masks, goggles, face shield, examination gloves and boots.

They pull us and force us to do a rapid test. Somebody run away. I am no

exception; they catch me and suck my blood. I think this is my chance. I go with
them and find my daddy. However they pull me forcefully and this is very painful.
They were very rude and treated me like trash, pushed me into the car and scolded
me for leaving my house. The ambulance took me to Wisma Atlet.

It is terrible to know that I am sitting among a crowd of people that I don’t know
who are among those infected. It’s like I’m sitting with aliens who are ready to eat
me without mercy. One by one I dare to look at them and their eyes as if to say “You
infected. You’re jinxed. You’re a killer.” Those eyes are like black devil’s eyes then
turn bright red and covered in blood and keep talking to each other.

Now I arrived at Wisma Atlet on the first floor. There is an Emergency room.
They push me into an isolation room in the emergency room. I smell bloody,
musty, and the aroma of coffee such as a diabetic ulcer patients. Could the patient
have died in this place? Could the patient be affected by this plague? How terrible.

And now from this place, I see a man coming into the emergency room and
health workers with their hazmat pacing back chaotic. I am overhearing their
conversation and know that the man was a gojek driver who was drunk. On either
side of the man is a dying patient. People passing by in the emergency room,
screaming for help, the sound of the ambulance that just come and then the patient
come out with stretcher in a state of unconsciousness, doctor run towards the
patient and seat on it by giving begging on the patient’s chest, even doctor take off
the mask and I see his face very tense and sweet pouring down his forehead and he
start screaming.

“Come on, come back, please, come back…” he said.

I know that, he is not Daddy.

“No no no.. came back, came back…” The doctor screamed hysterically. I think
he is dead.

As if I could feel, what if that patient is my family? It’s like a queue. I’m waiting
for my death turn. I wonder, how will my death be? Talking about death, I’m afraid
of Daddy… Oooh no… It is impossible. Daddy will be fine. Daddy is the most
powerful and reliable father. He would come back to me.

I suddenly get goosebumps in this room. Amid the chaos of the emergency
room, the sound of rain and thunder, one by one the ambulance arrived and the
sound of sirens interlocking. I can’t stand wanting to meet Daddy and take him

away from that chaotic place.

Someone pat my shoulder. I turn towards him, no one there. People start
running into me and this big room is like a broken ship. Someone shouted calling a
nurse, the patient shouted calling the doctor, someone shouted calling the security,
someone shouted calling her family and all patients want to be first.

Again, someone holding my hand tightly and pulling me at once. I struggled,

screaming and trying to kick him. I don’t understand what happened? Why do they
arrest me?

“Who are you? Why did you do it?”

Two big, bald headed, black clad tall men drag me into the elevator. One of
them shut my mouth, so that I can see the floor that steps on is wet and slippery. I
think they caught the wrong person. I tried hard to break free but failed. We arrived
at the 13th floor. Exiting the elevator the room is very dark, quiet and only lit by a
flashlight. It is strange.

“You guys caught the wrong person. I’m just looking for my father. My father
hasn’t come home since March. My father is a doctor here. So let me go! You hear
me? Let me go!”

I bit his hand with all my strength and stepped on his feet. I run aimlessly. The
floor is so slippery that I slipped, rolled and hid behind a wall. I stop for a moment
to breathe and look for tricks to get out of this place but I can’t go out without

Oh my God, I can’t stop for long time. I feel nauseous, tightness and weakness.
I need light to be able to breathe again. I really can’t be in a dark place. I walk in
the dark, over and over again aimlessly. I fall and then rise, walk up the stairs, open
one door and another. I open all the rooms and no light. I return at first place and
sat quietly.

I hear footsteps. They walk towards me. I hid behind the stairs and tiptoe down
the stairs. They caught me and pulled me into a room. Once again I bit his hand

and ran down the stairs.

“Savana.. this way!” said an unknown voice and pulled me to the bright room
but he disappeared. The room is wall in blue like a cloud with hotel room facilities,
an old woman glared at me.

“Are you new here?” she said.

“No, I am not patient. I just looked at dr. Sunya.” said me and exited the room.
One by one people approach me and ask the same question. I trembled more, ran
faster and bumped into one patient with another.

It is like being in the middle of a planet with aliens, no one understands it. As
if I am in the middle of a zombie roaming about to ask for help but no one heard
my scream.

People call me but I ignore them and they think I am losing my mind because
I keep running and do not listen to them. Rumors begin to spread that I am mad
because I refused the fact

that I was infected with this plague and continued to argue as I looked for my
father. No one believed me in this place.

The two bald heads keep chasing me. I returned to the 13th floor and ran
towards the end of the room but someone called me.

“Savana, this way.” That voice again. “Dad?” said me but no one answer me. I
enter the room. This room was dark, quiet, cold, damp, with a watery floor and a
rope hanging near the window. I faintly see a white wall with blood spots. Could
there be something scary here?

A large room the size of a classroom with two beds, there is a television and
two air conditioners equipped with a pair of small multifunctional cabinets. There
is nothing wrong in the room. Everything is put in its position but the first time
I open the door of the room, I can feel the cold, loneliness, and fear. As if there is
something to say from the room. One thing is suspicious, why is that window open,

when this floor is empty uninhabited? As if there is a frightening event that no one
dared to approach this room and others.

“Savana… go right now. You’ll be safe or I’ll kill you?” A voice whispered right
near my ear. I felt frozen.

“Who are you? Why are you bothering me? Do you know me?” I trembled. I
really could not help being curious.

We were silent for a while and I guess it would be like this. The voice
disappeared and it was only me. I looked for the man who spoke, perhaps it is only
my imagination.

I seat on the bed and start to remember what happened. From the first I entered
Wisma Atlet Hospital everything seemed strange and creepy. Here there is no sign
of daddy existing, even everyone I ask is silent and avoiding. The weirdest things
are the two bald heads who keep chasing me and now in this room, the strange
voice always whispers around me.

The noise comes again. It seems like there are more than two people running up
the stairs. Flashlight is highlighted. I close the door and lock it. My breath begins
to short, my heart is pounding fast even as if my body is trembling so strong my

I was caught; they bang on the door and try to break it.

“Savanna gets out!” someone shouted. ‘Who is that? Do they know about me?’

I see vaguely daddy. Slowly the noise outside the room faded and my eyes focus
on daddy’s reflection. My hands trying to reach him, he floats further and further

“Dear Savanna, I really love you..” He whispers.

“Daddy come back, come back…”

Now I realize that daddy was dead. I don’t know what caused it, for some reason
I’m sure it’s all because of this plague. Daddy has been killed by this virus then what
should I do? Will they expel me or will they lock me up?

The light from the window is getting out. The screams of the people are getting
louder and I can’t help myself in the darkness. My mind is blank. My body feels easy
as if I see a blue light then I close my eyes and return to my eyes, now only red light.
I close my eyes again and when I open it, a bald headed man is before my eyes.

I see his eyes that are almost loose, drops of blood from bulging eyes on my face.
He had a big round face, brown less face, thick lips and he had big hands sticking
out my neck, the smell of fresh blood was very pungent. Whispers of murder are
heard more clearly even to scream of my unable, his hand clutches very strongly
until I feel my eyes had come out and the grim reaper had stolen my eyes. Someone
yelled at me trying to pull my hand. I keep hysterical; I took a few steps back. I look
to the right and there is the light. I run away. Those people are chasing me with a
bald headed man.

I run so fast that I am stuck. I think hard, all the doors were locked. Is this the
end of my life? Is this where I die? I don’t know. I see the window and the light.
Before I am jumping I hear screams from the crowd.

“Don’t give up even though you are infected, you can recover… no no no… oh
no…” and I am jumping.

Sounds like choking sounded very loud for only about three seconds and my
body slammed on the asphalt under the rain in front of Wisma Atlet. I can’t help
myself. I think the grim reaper stole my eyes and this plague stole my life with

Author Profile

Ernawati is a girl who loves cleanliness yet hates to

do cleaning. Her motto in life is simple; when life gives
you lemon, make it lemonade.


Ali Prima Badrian is a little boy who is obsessed

with Latin and Korean. Befriending with him will
make you like travelling around the globe.

Email :

Bunga Savira Aristya a girl who likes to write but

doesn’t want to read her writing. An absent-minded
person and an enemy of Durian.

Email :

Reza Anggriyashati Adara is an avid reader who
loves to teach and dream big.

Moza Nafisca is a student during the day, a weeaboo

all the time. She wants to be rich so that she can
make her two dimensional husband turn into three
dimensional husband.


Nabillah RF is an insecure girl from a deep dark

place. Now she is on the way to find the light.


Novia Narirati is a lost tiny girl from an unknown

place. She is on a mission to find a glittery sparkling
diamond in her life.


Novita Sari is the epitome of beauty. Her positive
energy could lighten up people’s dark feeling like a
magical fairy who comes to your miserable life.

Email :

Nur Fadhila is a shy big potato. Her ISTP ass makes

her hate attention. Seventeen and Thai boys are a
couple of things she really needs. Those boys will make
her smile bright as Teletubies’s sun.

Email :

Rahmat Ade Mulya Nasution is a fat house cat that

likes to play with his string. He also likes to share his
happiness with others. Exactly everything except his


Safira Maula Azkia a girl who has a great desire to
make her body fat but doesn’t like to eat.

Email :

Yessy Utari is an adventure-holic who dreams of

becoming a best-selling writer. Her life motto is to do
your best while you have the opportunity.



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