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Title: Developing an Automated Fish Classification System using Machine Learning

Background: Fish classification is an essential task in aquatic research, fisheries management, and
wildlife conservation. Traditional fish classification methods rely on manual observation of fish
features, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. Advances in machine learning and computer
vision have made it possible to automate fish classification, leading to more accurate and efficient
identification of fish species.
Objective: The objective of this research proposal is to develop an automated fish classification
system using machine learning. The system will use computer vision techniques to extract fish
features from images and classify fish species using a deep learning model.
Methodology: The proposed research will involve the following steps:
Data collection: A dataset of fish images will be collected from various sources, including fish farms,
aquariums, and public databases. The dataset will include images of different fish species and
varying image qualities, such as lighting and background.
Data preprocessing: The collected images will be preprocessed to remove noise and standardize
image sizes and orientations.
Feature extraction: Computer vision techniques such as edge detection and feature detection will be
used to extract fish features from the preprocessed images.
Machine learning model: A deep learning model, such as convolutional neural networks (CNN), will
be trained on the extracted features to classify fish species.
Model evaluation: The accuracy of the trained model will be evaluated using various metrics such as
precision, recall, and F1 score.
Expected outcome: The expected outcome of this research is an automated fish classification system
that can accurately classify fish species using images. The proposed system will provide a faster and
more accurate method for fish classification, leading to improved aquatic research, fisheries
management, and wildlife conservation.
Conclusion: The proposed research will contribute to the development of an automated fish
classification system using machine learning. The system will have significant implications in
aquatic research, fisheries management, and wildlife conservation, where accurate and efficient fish
classification is crucial.

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