Unit Activities 6

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Unit 5: Bible as Histories

Activity One
1. Who is the central character of History as recount in the Bible? God

2. Who is the Subject of every sentence in the Bible? God

3. What great things did God do as recorded in the book of Genesis? Creates everything
in six days
4. God game Abraham three divine promises, what are they?
i. To possess the land.
ii. To become great Nation.
iii. To be a blessing to all mankind.

Activity Two
1. The stories of the Patriarch form what part of the history? The Great Theological
2. These stories in how many books of the OT? 6 Books
3. The setting of the Patriarch fit in with what period? In 2nd Millennium BC
4. The story in the book of Genesis explains what practices? The great migration of
individual clans
5. What is the name of the God of the Patriarchs?
a. According to J. Yahweh
b. According to E & P. EL or Elohim
Activity Three
1. Name Abraham original home town. Ur
2. What was the second thing that happens to Abram? His name change to
3. What was the biggest problem in Abram’s life? He did not have a Son from

4. What is the alternative plan to the problem? He took Hagar as wife and have
Ishmael as a son in trying to fulfil the promise.
Activity 4
1. What happen to Joseph? After he sold to Egypt, he become a minister of

Economic in the Egyptian government.

2. What causes Jacob and his sons to go to Egypt? Famine or shortage of food
3. In what way did the children of Israel set free? They were realises after a series
of 10 plagues the last one the death of every first born sons of the Egypt, both in
human being and animals.
4. What did God gave to Moses in the desert? The Ten Commandment
5. What did God gave the children of Israel to eat while in the desert? Quails for
meat and Mana from heaven, and water from rocks
Unit 6: Sources of the Old Testament
Activity One
1. Primary history tells us a special story, what story is it? How God deals with

2. God’s special commitment to Abraham and his descendant, is seen in what

action? The fall of Judah and Exile to Babylon

3. Difficulties in Biblical text, led to what particular work in the bible? Led to the
formation of the Sources

4. What are the main sources of Pentateuch? J, E, D and P Sources

Activity Two
1. Identify what sources do these letters stand for. No letters

2. Beside the Pentateuch, what other types of books do we find in the Old
Testament. Song of Songs, Lamentation, Psalms, Proverb, Ecclesiasticus,
Job and Daniel the Apocalyptic book.

3. Differentiate the two types of LAWs that found in the Pentateuch. The Case Law,
deals with making decision between two people, that is on condition, while
Apodictic law concern with Religious and moral aspect of life. It gives
command or orders.

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