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EaSDGs Action Plan 2021 (Initiatives and Actions in 2021)

|I. Countering infectious disease and preparing for the next crisis
Comprehensively support and ensure fair access to the development, manufacture and dissemination of treatrments, vaccines and diagnostics, in order to
enhance the capabilitiesin response to infectious diseases
Build robust and inclusive health systems and promotes efforts to achieve unversal health coverage (UHC)in preparation for the next crisis. Domestically, 1apan
establishes strategic and systemati sstems of PCR tests and antigen tests etc. and strengthens the functions of health centers, so as to secure systems to
protect the lives of the people.
Promote maintenance of environment resstant to infectious diseases through aross-sectoral efforts such as nutrition, water, and sanitation. Holding the Tokyo
NutitionSsummit, Japan promotes efforts for worldwide improvement of nutrition, and domestically promotes policies on dietary education and nutrition.
| . Business for building back better and growth
strategies through innovation
Advancingthecorventional etforts aimed at realization ofSociety5.0 further, oromote.digitaltransformation, establish a system where everyone can benefit
from digitalization, and make efforts to hold on and accelerate "New Normal".
Promote the incorporation of theSDsintocorporate management through the promotion ofESG investment, and the realization of decent
such as telework, and aim to create a society where indviduals shine and everyone can feel affluence
wwork through work
reforms everywhere through the realization of work
Acceleratingscence and technoloRyinnovation ISTI) such as bio-strategy and pramotion of smart agrikuture, forestry and fisheries and promoting the
achievementof the SDGs bysovingsociali5sues, realize economicgrowth through productvityimprovement,and promoteasustainablerecycling society.
M. SDGs-driven regional revitalization, Creating a virtuous cycle of economy and environment

Through thechallenge ofcarbon.neutralto.reduceareenhounegas.emissiom.tovirtually.zeroiy2050,lead the world's greenindustry,createavirtuoUscycle of

economy and environmentand continueto promote the disaster.prevention.and mitisation, national resilience andahish.auality.ofinfrastructure
Taking measuresagainst marine plasticwaste to realize the"Osaka Blue Ocean Vision, "forinstance, conserveand sustainably use marine and marine resources
Promote regional revitalitationdriven bythe SDGsthroaugh SDGs Euture Cties, SDGs for Regional Revitalization.Publi.Private.Partnershin Platform, SDGsfor
BagionalRevitalization inance, etc.
N.Accelerating actions through empowerment and strengthening bonds among poople

Promoting women's participation, dnversity and barrier-free in ll fields, whde investing in people and providing sufficient safety net, aim for an inclusive society
where everyone can develop and perform thelr ablties and feel a sense of purpose, leaving no one behind.
Promote Echcatinfor Satainatble
standardued for the next Develiopment.IESDLaswelas themesutes agaimstchild.poerty anddiaitalremateization.of education,sothatthe so6s
Taking advantage ofcpportunitiesinternational
such as theoto Congres and the Tokyo Olvmpics and Paralmpis to promotethe rule of lawand sports sDs,leadthe
cooperation and solidarity global isues, earn the trust and respect of the international community and aim to
Decome arn indispensabie countr
(1) Progress on all 17 Goals (Government Evaluation, Including Data on DGs Indicators)

International organizations and think tanks have conducted various evaluations of Japan's progress in achieving
the SD6s, and while there are areas where Japan has been recognized as making advanced efforts, there are also
studies which point out areas where Japan needs to further strengthen its efforts.

Forexample, in a report released in June 2020 by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Sustainable
Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Japan was rated as having a high level of achievement in SDG 4
SDG 9 (infrastructure, industrialization, and innovation), and SDG 16 (peace and justice), while SDG 5 (gender
equality), sDG 13 (climate change), SDG 14 (marine resources), SDG 15 (terrestrial resources), and SDG 17 (means
of implementation) were rated as low.

As is mentioned above, at present, there are no indicators which are in line with all the of the SDGs.
Although it is difficult to assess the
progress of each target, the following section will discuss the main progress and
challenges of the SDGs targets, using statistical data.


1 FY 2 3 T 5 TY

8 10 11 12

13 14 w T 16 17

Major challenges Significant challenges Challemges remain SDG achieved infomation unavailabie
Decreasim Stagnating9 A Moderately improving TOn track or maintaining
None: The fhul te df God 2"em Hunger is End hungt SDG achievement nformation unavailabie
he bil tie df each S0G s aailabie hewe: achiee food secunty and mproved nuton and prmdte sustanbie
hrps/ihustanabiedndcpmet agrcutae
From the report "Sustainable Development Report 2021" by the Bertelsmann Foundation and

6"Sustainable Development Report2021",


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