4 А грамматика повтор

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Grammar Revision:

Ex.1 Fill in  am/is/are

     +(am/is/are) -       (am not/isn`t/aren`t)       ? Am I/Is/Are
1. I ………  a boy. 1. I ……. a  pilot. 1. ……   I a pupil?
2.You  …….  happy. 2. You and I ….. doctors. 2. …… they sad?
3.He  ……..  a man. 3. Sam …… a pupil. 3.  ……  we nurses?
4.She ……… a girl. 4. She ……. my mother. 4.  ……   he a doctor?
5.It ……..   a cat. 5. It ……. my dog. 5. …… she a singer?
6.We ……. children. 6. He …… an old man. 6. ……   it sad?
7.You  ……. cousins. 7. You ……. my friend. 7. …..  Sam  a driver?
8.They  ……. my friends 8. We ……. at school. 8. …..   Dave a farmer?
9.Betty ……. a child. 9. They  ….. in the park. 9. ……. the men hungry?
10.They  …….  doctors. 10. Miss Ann … a vet. 10 ….. he old?
11.It  ………  a dog. 11. The dogs ….  grey. 11. Where …..  my brother?
12.I ……… a nurse. 12. Mr. Brown …. from London. 12. How old ……  you?
13.We  …….. pupils. 13. The dogs …..  sad. 13.  …… you  tired?
14.Your sister …… a  vet 14. The children ……. happy. 14.  ……   his pen  black?
15.Kate …….a teacher. 15. The man …… clever. 15. ….    the toys  green?
Ex.2 Put the words into the plural form (множественное число)
A book two A dress two A child two
A game five A class five A wife five
A teacher six A bus six A man six
A sister two A fox two A woman two
A city two A box two A husband two
A baby five A watch five A boy five
A family six A dish six A toy six
A berry two A rose two A day two
Ex.3 Form the Possessive Case .
1.Peter-cat:Peter`s  cat                     6.Mary-toy:____________
2.Simon-bus:__________                    7.My sisters-pens:____________
3.The boys-books;__________             8.The boys-pencils:_______________
4.Tom-bike:____________                  9. Brother-hat:_____________
5.Rose-dog:______________              10.Your sisters-cat:_______________
Ex.4 Present Simple Tense
                     +      -       (don`t/doesn`t)
1.She_____up in the morning.(get) 1.My dog __________like oranges.
2.Kate ____ games in the afternoon .(play) 2.Dave  _________ name the numbers.
3.Her sons______ with  their dog on Sunday.(play) 3.A pilot _______ work at the hospital.
4.We______ songs on Fridays.(sing) 4.He and she   _________ play games.
5.They______TV in the morning.(watch) 5.Meg  _______ live in London.
6.Sam  ______dinner.(have) 6.An actress  _____ work  at school .
7.You ______chess.(play) 7.Your sister   _________ read a book.
8.Ann  ______home at 10  o’clock.(come) 8.My sons  _______  work  in an office. 
9.Children _____to bed at 9 o`clock.(go) 9.We  _________  go to school.
10.We______ supper at 6 o`clock.(have) 10. They  __________ like  cats.
                    ? Do …..?/Does ……?
1. …… she work  at school?                                  2.  ……. you watch TV?
3.  ………. you live in Moldova?                              4.  …….. I work  in  a flower shop?
5. ……  my cousin get up at 7 o`clock?                  6. …….. Betty   do homework?
7. ………. Ann  play chess?                                    8. ……… they  like   cats?
9. ……….my sisters wash hands?                          10. ……… children have dinner?

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