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MARCH 2023


Situational Analysis
Mental illness is a global problem. According to the World Health

Organization (WHO), 450 million people worldwide are thought to be affected by

mental and behavioral problems, which make up around 14% of the world's

disease burden. As stated by the latest figures from the Department of

Education, 404 students died by suicide during the 2021-2022 school year,

with a staggering 2,147 attempting suicide during the same time period.

Mental health is an invaluable aspect of overall well-being and significantly

impacts individuals, particularly students. The school years are a formative

period in a person's life and can shape their future outlook and experiences.

Mental health issues can severely affect students' academic performance, social

relationships, and general life satisfaction. Among Filipino children aged 5 to

15, 10% to 15% are affected by mental health problems.

In recent years, there has been growing concern over the high rates of

mental health problems among students, including depression, anxiety, and

stress. These issues can stem from various sources, such as academic

pressure, bullying, family problems, and social media exposure. The

consequences of poor mental health in students can be severe, including

academic failure, substance abuse, and even suicide. Academic stressors

contributed significantly to stress and sleep disorders in medical students.

(Waqas A, Khan S, Sharif W, Khalid U, Ali A. 2015.) It is essential to

understand the factors contributing to poor mental health in students and

develop effective strategies to address these issues. This research aims to

explore the impact of mental health on students, including the prevalence and
severity of mental health problems, the causes and consequences, and effective

interventions to support students. This research will provide valuable insights

into the mental health needs of students and inform the development of

strategies to support their well-being.

Academic stress is a common experience among students in different

academic levels, including Grade 10 learners. The factors contributing to

academic stress can vary, including academic workload, pressure to succeed,

expectations from parents, teachers, and peers, and fear of failure. Such stress

can have an impact of academic success and overall well-being. Therefore, this

research aims to explore the academic stressors experienced by Grade 10

learners and the impact of these stressors on their academic success.

Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being are all parts of our

mental health. It influences our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Additionally, it affects how we respond to stress, interact with others, and

make decisions. Students' mental health issues can affect many aspects of

their lives, including their relationships with friends and family, academic

performance, physical health, and contentment with their college or high

school experience. These problems may also influence students' long-term

work prospects, financial stability, and general health. Academic demands

include adaptation to a new context, overwork, insufficient time to do their

academic tasks, preparation for and doing examinations, and the pressure to

perform (Beiter et al., 2015; Vizoso and Arias, 2016; Erschens et al., 2018;

Webber et al., 2019).

Reduced motivation, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss are just a

few of the issues that poor mental health can cause, all of which can harm

learners' ability to perform academically. Poor grades, a decline in academic

engagement, and a lower chance of graduating on time can all be consequences

of these challenges. Two of the most prevalent mental health issues among

students, depression, and anxiety, can make it challenging for them to finish

projects and efficiently study. Low mood, impatience, and sleep issues are

among the symptoms that can affect academic performance and make it harder

for students to concentrate in class. Students frequently suffer from stress,

which can be harmful to both their mental health and academic performance.

As stated by (K.M. Cooper, 2020) the increased levels of anxiety and sadness

can be brought on by persistent stress and depression. Students' mental

health impacts their physical health and general well-being. It can be

challenging for someone dealing with mental health problems like anxiety,

depression, an eating disorder, or addiction to stay focused, find motivation for

activities, and connect with peers and co-workers. All facets of our life can be

impacted by how our mental health affects our mood and capacity to perform

throughout the day. Teachers and students need to have good mental health

just as much as the general public does (Morgan, 2019). Walberg's theory of

academic achievement posits that the psychological characteristics of

individual students and their immediate psychological environments influence

educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioral, and attitudinal) (Reynolds &

Walberg, 1992). Research based on these and earlier surveys reveals that
students' experience of academic stress has drastically increased over the last

few decades (The Public Health Agency of Sweden, 2016).

We found that Grade 10 learners of San Alberto Magno Academy are also

fighting with these stressors. We will carry out a study to see how it impacts

them and how academic pressure affects their academic success positively and


The study's findings help parents better understand the impact that

academic stress can have on their children's physical and mental health,

academic performance, and general well-being. Research on academic

stressors can help parents understand the specific factors that contribute to

their children's stress and develop strategies to help them cope with these

stressors. Identifying risk factors: Academic stress can be a risk factor for

various mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Research on

academic stressors can help parents identify the specific factors that put their

children at risk for these issues, allowing them to take preventive measures

and seek help when necessary.

For guidance counselors, this research provides insights into the

different types of stressors that students face and how they impact their

mental health and academic performance. This knowledge can help counselors

develop effective interventions and support programs to help students manage

stress and improve their overall well-being.

For educators, it helps them understand the impact of academic stress

on student learning and achievement. This knowledge can help them develop
effective teaching strategies that reduce stress and promote a positive learning


The Figure 1.1 will show you the input, process, and output of this


The input includes the profile of respondents in terms of age, gender,

and their average in the second quarter. It also contains the questionnaire that

will be used for the survey.

The process is all about the development of the survey questionnaire,

validation, administration, and analysis of the result,

The output of this study is the action plan and recommendations for the

I. Profile of the I. Development of the
Respondents: Survey Questionnaire Action Plan for Students
a. Age Development and
b. Gender II. Validation of the Recommendations
c. Grade level Survey Questionnaire
d. Average of the second
quarter. III. Administration of the
II. What are the problems Survey Questionnaire
encountered by the students
under academic stressors: IV. Analysis of the results
a. physical problems of the Survey

b. mental problems

c. emotional problems

d. social problems


figure 1.1

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine students’ academic stressors and its potential

effects on their emotional well-being and physical health of Grade 10 learners

of San Alberto Magno Academy during Year 2022-2023.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of?

a. age

b. gender

c. grade level

d. average of the second quarter

2. What are the problems encountered by the students under academic


a. physical problems

b. mental problems

c. emotional problems

d. social problems

3. What are the coping mechanisms that can be used to deal with these

common life issues?

Definition of terms

The following terms are operationally defined in order for the study to be

Academic success refers to the achievement of educational goals and objectives,

which may include meeting or exceeding academic standards, earning high

grades or scores on exams and assessments, completing coursework and

degree requirements, and achieving recognition for academic excellence. It can

also refer to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies in a

particular field of study, as well as the development of critical thinking,

problem-solving, and other intellectual abilities. Academic success can vary

depending on individual goals and aspirations, as well as the standards and

expectations of the educational institution or program.

Academic stressors refer to the various factors and experiences that can cause

stress for students in an academic setting. These stressors can be related to a

variety of academic tasks and responsibilities, including studying for exams,

completing assignments, meeting deadlines, managing academic workload,

participating in class discussions, dealing with academic failures, and

maintaining academic performance standards. Academic stressors can have

negative impacts on students' mental health and well-being, including

increased anxiety, depression, and burnout. Therefore, it is important for

students to learn effective coping strategies and seek support when needed to

manage academic stressors.

Mental health refers to their psychological, emotional, physical, and social well-

being. It includes their ability to cope with the daily positive stresses in life,

form positive relationships with others, and make healthy decisions. It allows

them to reach their full potential in academics, extracurricular activities, and

personal growth.

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