Problem Set 6

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Problem Set VI

Course: Relativity (PHY341)

Class: BS-Physics

Q.1 Prove that for a unit sphere the Ricci scalar is, R = 2.

Q.2 Find the Ricci scalar for the following metric:

ds2 = y 2 sin(x)(dx)2 + x2 tan(x)(dy)2 .

Q.3 The four-dimensional spherically symmetric line element is

ds2 = eν(t,r) (dt)2 − eλ(t,r) (dr)2 − r2 (dθ)2 − r2 sin2 θ(dφ)2 ,

where ν(t, r) and λ(t, r) are arbitrary functions of t and r. Caluclate the compo-
nents of Einsterin’s gravitational tensor: Grr , Gθθ and Gφφ .

Q.4 Given the FLRW-metric for a homogenous, isotropic and expanding (or oth-
erwise, contracting) universe:

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
ds = −(dt) + a (t) + r (dθ) + r sin θ(dφ) ,
1 − kr2

where the symbols have their usual meanings. Evaluate the following (only non-
zero) Christoffel symbols:

Γ011 , Γ022 , Γ033 , Γ101 , Γ202 , Γ303 , Γ122 , Γ133 , Γ212 , Γ313 , Γ233 , Γ323 .

Prove the following (non-zero) components of the Ricci tensor

ä aä + 2ȧ2 + 2k
R00 = −3 , R11 = ,
a 1 − kr2

R22 = r2 aä + 2ȧ2 + 2k, R33 = r2 aä + 2ȧ2 + 2k, sin2 θ,


and the Ricci scalar

aä + ȧ2 + k .

R= 2

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