Abellanosa, Anjanette Daily Journal Week 1

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Student Intern Name: Anjanette B. Abellanosa

Student ID Number 21211644

Lab School: Pinamungajan Central Elementary School


March 14, 2022

Today is our first day of school duty. I got up early today and went to my lab school early. It's my first
day of OJT, so I'm a bit nervous and at the same time very excited; I couldn't even sleep properly last
night because of too much overthinking and I just spent my time praying that hopefully my cooperating
teacher is a kind and supportive mentor.

We are four interns assigned in our lab school, Pinamungajan Central Elementary School. This school is
like a second home to me during my childhood. While strolling around the campus, I couldn't help but
feel a bit nostalgic; I had a great memories in this school since this school is where I joined and won
competitions during my elementary days— from Science quiz bowls, English festivals and Press
Conference/Journalism to poster making contests. I really had a great and fun memories here as a grade
school student, and now I'm back here as a student teacher, so I'm feeling quite emotional today.

The four of us arrived early at school, since it's tuesday, there's no flag ceremony since flag ceremony is
only on Mondays; our leader brought the documents needed and we went to the Principal's office for
the approval and for the orientation. We greeted and spoke with the Principal, Mrs. Villarin who's very
accommodating and welcoming to us; we had a very brief orientation and she then introduces us to the
teachers to whom we will be assigned. I was assigned in Grade 5 section 1 and my mentor is Mrs.
Geraline Cabato-an. My first impression to her is that she's very simple and has a great sense of humor,
her major is Science which is my favorite subject, I felt relieved that its not Math, my not so favorite
subject. Since it was my first day, I was assigned simple tasks such as photocopying the worksheets for
the day and observing the class; I photocopied 25 worksheets and gave them to the class; I was very
happy with the way the students responded when I gave them the worksheets by pair, they are saying
thank you to me and are wearing a big smiles on their faces. Mrs. Cabato-an informed me that she's very
busy within the week as she's evaluating the other classrooms, so she won't be able to monitor her class
in the classroom all the time, and it is also the evaluation week for teachers with the Supervisor.
Everytime Mrs. Cabato-an would go to another claasroom, she would asked me to observe and monitor
the class; she would give them activity and instructions first before leaving the classroom so I will only
have to watch the class while they are doing their activities. The class ended at around 4:30PM and I
decided to stay in the classroom until 5PM; Mrs. Cabato-an told me that it's okay to leave after the class
but I told her that I have to stay 'til 5PM to be able to fulfill my duty hours as an intern. Mrs. Cabato-an
agreed and told me about her past experiences with her former student interns and that one of her
former student interns would leave earlier before the students, so she's glad that I am very serious with
my duty as a student teacher. Before leaving, I asked Mrs. Cabato-an if she needs anything for me to do
at home, she then gave me the activities that the students performed during the day and told me to
check them at home, and if I couldn't finish checking everything, it's fine to check them tomorrow at
school. She then reminded me that tomorrow is her evaluation day with the School Principal and the
Supervisor and I have to be active in monitoring the class, I responded politely and assured her my

March 15, 2022

On the second day of OJT, I'm looking forward to what I'm doing today, I already sleep properly last
night knowing I have a very supportive cooperating teacher and my students were nice and polite. I was
assigned to check the students' performance tasks which are their drawings and Mrs. Cabato-an
instructed me on how to give the proper scores—not to give perfect scores since the tasks were given
with the teacher's instructions. I already finished checking half of the paperslast night and I decided to
finish the rest at school since I wanted to look busy at my table. It's the evaluation day today and Mrs.
Cabato-an already told me yesterday about what to do— to actively monitor the class and act as a real
teacher. So I kept walking around the classroom and had my eyes on the students all the time. The
evaluation went very well and the students were very polite and behave. After the evaluation, Mrs.
Cabato-an congratulated all of us our efforts for a job well done. During the cleaning time after the class,
I decided to help the students to interact with them more and to show them a good example. I get to
talk to most of them and they were asking me personal questions like where I live and what's my social
media accounts. It's nice that they also wanted to get to know me. Mrs. Cabato-an I also began talking
and discussing about my demo teaching, she asked me what subject I want to choose for my demo and
since she's a Science major and at the same time Science is my favorite subject, I chose Science as my
subject or topic. She then told me that we will discussed more about it after her evaluation. So after the
class ended, we discussed about the schedules of submitting my lesson plan and in demo teaching, she
assured me that she will give me topic 3-4 days before my demo so I could have a lot of time to prepare
myself. I am very thankful that I have a very supported mentor.

MARCH 16, 2022

Today is Thursday and my third day as a student teacher. The school have been very busy because there
will be an exhibit event at the DLRC– the school's learning resource center. The school Principal
requested us to help/assist the teachers in the learning resource center as the English Area there isn't
done yet. The four of us has to leave our respected classrooms for the rest of the day and we actively
helped the teachers in arranging, assisting and beautifying the English corner. It was fun and worthwhile
experience for the four of us. We get to interact with the other teachers and most especially with Ms.
Villarin who's very friendly and supportive to us. We finished our task and just right before we're done
and settled, the program/exhibit started and visitors from other schools and districts have arrived. Ms.
Villarin was very happy with our work and she was thankful for our efforts and cooperation. After that,
because we didn't have any tasks assigned to us by our cooperating teachers and it's almost 3PM
already, we used that time to hold a group meeting and go over all of the requirements we needed to
meet this week. We agreed to submit all our requirements on Saturday. We had a great and productive
day today and we asked permission with our respected mentors before going home.

MARCH 17, 2022

On this day, I began working with my requirements since we needed to submit them by tomorrow. I
started writing my daily journals for my weekly accomplishment reports. This day made me to reflect
that time is essential in our daily lives. Time management is the key in planning out your available time
and controlling the amount of time you spend on specific tasks inorder to work more efficiently.

Today is my fouth day as a student teacher. I observed a lesson with my cooperating teacher, Mrs.
Cabato-an and in the middle of her teaching, she had to go to another classroom and I was assigned to
substitute the class, if the next subject teacher is not yet around. So I decided to monitor the class while
they are doing their activity in Math. After a few minutes, Mrs. Mangyao, the English teacher arrived so I
decided to just let the students finish their work at home. I observed Mrs. Mangyao's lesson and her
way of teaching the class. She would often give examples and called those students who are not
participating during the discussion. I also observed a lesson with another subject teacher, Mrs. Galindo. I
have learned how important it is to get the student engaged early in the lesson. Aside from observing
lessons, Mrs Cabato-an also assigned me to help a faculty teacher in the DLRC.

After the class, I was given the textbooks and learning materials/modules that I will be teaching next
week. I will be teaching Science and my topic is "Circuits." Mrs. Cabato-an told me to give her my lesson
plan first and she'll have to check or approve it before I get to teach my lesson. This made me excited
and I could not wait to start teaching but at the same time my nerves are jangling. Mrs. Cabato-an gave
me some good advice and assures me that she will guide me in my teaching. She told not to be too hard
with myself and just do my best.

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