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Evaluation of the current network

Enclave films is an unmistakable motion picture making organization which gives top notch
recordings that makes it accessible for the individuals to download it through a site called Vivid
Zone. The administration of Enclave Films Company have chosen to combine the agreement
and improve things with VividZone by including effective staff and machines.
It has been expressed that the part of the Enclave films has developed without an appropriate
arranging. Henceforth, ends up being a downside to the film organization.
Cat6e Ethernet association is suggested since it is viewed as a lot quicker than its more
seasoned form, Cate5e Ethernet. Else, they could utilize remote associations since Cat5e
Ethernet has framework prerequisites. Additionally, such a large number of wires can get
tangled together and unraveling those wires can be a significant irritating undertaking, which is
the reason it is smarter to utilize cat6e Ethernet association.
Having a level system configuration can prompt security issues. Since Enclave films have
become a significant enormous system after the conglomeration with VividZone, they can
utilize a greater system framework like WAN with better security frameworks. Likewise,
insignificant excess could imply that assume there is some framework disappointment, there
wouldn't be any reinforcement for the Enclave films organization to recover their records back.
There is a small wireless LAN every so often utilized by the supervisors with workstations and
the visitors at Building B. This can prompt security issues since the venture supervisors may
have something private put away in those PCs which might be seen by the visitors. Else, Enclave
movies could utilize some wired system since the system here is littler and a remote association
isn't generally required. Should speed up inside the region.
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lOMoAR cPSD| 20750698


1.2Network Types
The Network enables PCs to connect and communication with various PCs by means of any
medium. LAN, MAN and WAN are the three main types of the systems made to work over the
area they cover. There are a couple of similarities and dissimilarities between them. One of the
genuine complexities is the geographical area they spread.
There are different kinds of network types too they are as follows:
• PAN (Personal Area Network)
• SAN (Storage Area Network)
• EPN (Enterprise Private Network)
• VPN (Virtual Private Network)
1.2.1 PAN (Personal Area Network)
A PAN is system of associated gadgets utilized by one individual. It permits gadgets, for
example, PCs, tablets, cell phones, and smartwatches to speak with one another. A PAN may
fuse various associations, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. For instance, a work station
may interface with an individual switch by means of Ethernet and a tablet may associate by
means of Wi-Fi. A cell phone may speak with a PC through Wi-Fi and a smartwatch by means of
Bluetooth. (TechTerms, 2018)
Figure 1 - PAN
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1.2.2 LAN (Local Area Network)
A LAN is a system of associated gadgets that exist inside a particular area. LANs might be found
in homes, workplaces, instructive establishment, or different zones. A LAN might be wired,
remote, or a mix of the two. A standard wired LAN utilizes Ethernet to interface gadgets
together. Remote LANs are normally made utilizing a Wi-Fi signal. In the event that a switch
underpins both Ethernet and Wi-Fi associations, it very well may be utilized to make a LAN with
both wired and remote gadgets. (TechTerms, 2016)
Figure 2 - LAN
1.2.3 Man (Metropolitan Area Network)
A MAN is a network that spans a large area, such as a town or city. It is larger than a campus
area network (CAN), but smaller than a wide area network (WAN). MANs are in some cases
considered wide zone systems since they range enormous zones. Nonetheless, a MAN is a
solitary system, not a few interconnected systems, which is the thing that contains a WAN.
Figure 3 – MAN
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1.2.4 WAN (Wide Area Network)
It is like a Local Area Network (LAN), however it's much greater. In contrast to LANs, WANs are
not constrained to a solitary area. Numerous wide zone systems length long separations by
means of phone lines, fiber optic links, or satellite connections. They can likewise be made out
of littler LANs that are interconnected. The Internet could be portrayed as the greatest WAN on
the planet. You could even consider the Internet a Super WAN BAM in the event that you
needed to. Or on the other hand possibly not. (TechTerms, n.d.)
Figure 4 – WAN
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Table 1- Differences between PAN, LAN, MAN and WAN
PAN (Personal LAN (Local Area WAN (Wide Area
AreaNetwork) Network Network)
Area Network)
Connects nodes
Connects nodes found in a Covers a small area
found in same Covers a wide area
very Small area (local area)
Metro area
Wireless PAN – Whether wired or MANMicrowave Wired WAN - fiber
BluetoothWired PAN - Wireless LANs are Transmission opticWireless WAN -
USB Based on Ethernet TechnologyWired Infrared/ microwave
– fiber opticcables
Expensive when it
Easy to setup and Comes to wiring of
Cheap and easy to connect Quite expensive
affordable Fiber optic cables for
a wired WA

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