KLV-48W652D B

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Full Specifications

KLV-48W652D (48” LED Smart Television)

Dimensions and Weight
Screen Si ze (i nch, mea s ured di a gona l l y) 40" (47.6")
Screen Si ze (cm, mea s ured di a gona l l y) 120.9 cm
Di mens i on of TV wi thout Sta nd (W x H x D) Approx. 1092x643x66 mm
Di mens i on of TV wi th Sta nd (W x H x D) Approx. 1092x683x235 mm
Di mens i on of Pa cka ge Ca rton (W x H x D) Approx. 1182 x 756 x 163 mm
Sta nd Wi dth Approx. 712 mm

Ethernet i nputs 1 (Bo�om)
Sma rtphone connec� vi ty Screen mi rrori ng(Mi ra ca s t™)
RF (Terres tri a l /Ca bl e) Connec� on Input(s ) 1 (Bo�om)
Compos i te Vi deo Input(s ) 1 (Bo�om)
HDMI i nputs tota l 2 (1 Rea r/1 Si de)
HDMI Audi o Return Cha nnel (ARC) Yes
Audi o/Hea dphone Output(s ) 1 (Si de/Hybri d wi th Hea dphone a nd SubWoofer Out)

Picture (Panel)
Di s pl a y type LCD
Di s pl a y res ol u� on (H x V, pi xel s ) 1920x1080
Ba ckl i ght type Di rect LED
Ba ckl i ght di mmi ng type Fra me Di mmi ng

Picture (processing)
Cl a ri ty enha ncement X-Rea l i ty™ PRO
Col our enha ncement Li ve Col our™ Technol ogy
Contra s t enha ncement Dyna mi c Contra s t Enha ncer
Mo� on enha ncer (Na � ve Hz) Mo� onfl ow™ XR 200Hz(na � ve50Hz)
Vi vi d, Sta nda rd, Cus tom, Photo-Vi vi d, Photo-Sta nda rd, Photo-Cus tom,
Pi cture modes
Ci nema , Ga me, Gra phi cs , Sports

Sound (Processing)
Dol by a udi o forma t s upport Dol by™ Di gi ta l , Dol by™ Di gi ta l Pl us , Dol by™ pul s e
DTS a udi o forma t s upport DTS 2.0+Di gi ta l Out
FM Ra di o Yes
Sound modes Sta nda rd/Mus i c/Ci nema /Ga me/Sports
Audi o Power Output 5W+5W
Spea ker Type Open Ba ffl e Spea ker

Opera � ng Sys tem Li nux
On-boa rd Stora ge (GB) 4GB
Di s pl a y La ngua ge
Internet Brows er ∅(Depends on Country)
On/Off Ti mer Yes
Sl eep Ti mer Yes
Tel etext Yes
Cl os ed Ca p� ons (Ana l og/Di gi ta l ) (Ana l og)-

Power and Energy saving

Power Cons ump� on (i n opera � on) 75W
Annua l Power Cons ump� on* 80kWh/Year
Power Cons ump� on (i n s ta ndby) 0.50W
Pea k l umi na nce ra � o for EU 71%
Power Requi rements (vol ta ge/frequency) DC 19.5V
Power Sa vi ng Mode / Ba ck Li ght Off Mode Yes
Dyna mi c Ba ckl i ght Control Yes

Built-in Tuner
Number of Tuners (Terres tri a l /Ca bl e) 1(Ana l og)
Tuner Cha nnel Covera ge (Ana l og) 45.25MHz-863.25MHz, (Depends on country)
*Features & specifications subject to change without prior notice

SIEDLES (PVT)LTD - 150/3, Ward Place, Colombo -007. [T.P ] 011-2697952 [e-mail] spl@siedles.com [Fax] 11-269-8704 [Web]www.siedles.com [Web-store] www.siedles-webstore.com

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