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SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 1

SPCA Speech to the Prince George’s Rotary Club

[The Patuxent Ballroom is 90 feet wide by 50 feet long with 12-

foot ceilings and will be arranged in a banquet style with circular tables

for a lunch seating. The room can accommodate 370 attendees, and we

anticipate at least 200 attendees though that number is a conservative

estimate. Most of the lighting will be natural while there will also be

some illumination provided by wall sconces. When you enter the venue,

you will be at the back of the room, and the stage will be to your left at

the front of the room. Your assigned table is #3 and will be positioned

front row to the right of the stage. Billy Lewis, Rotary Club President,

will provide the opening remarks and will introduce you. Walk from

your seat to the steps that are to the right of the stage. Your table is the

closets to these stairs. The podium is positioned center stage next to a

projector and off to the side of a screen. Shake hands with Mr. Lewis

before taking your place behind the podium. Smile, wave to Dr. Cloyd

and Ms. Tsai at table #5 which is second row stage downstage right, then

begin speaking.]
SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 2

Thank you, Rotarians, for inviting me to speak on behalf of the

Humane Society of Calvert County. Please allow me to introduce our

newest team members: Executive Director Ellie Tsai and Dr. Oliver

Cloyd, our COO [gesture downstage right for them to stand and pause

for audience recognition]. Dr. Cloyd and Ms. Tsai bring abundant

experience, creativity, and compassion to the Humane Society. We

recently took a leadership retreat to focus on improving operations at the

shelter. After that getaway, I am invigorated to take our organization to

the next level. I know they are too and that is why I am here today. Not

only have we enlisted them, but I am here to recruit you as well [come

out from behind the podium and gesture towards Rotarian leadership,

seated front row center stage, then pause for dramatic effect].

Before I get into that though, I want to share a story about

Daenerys [click to reveal picture of the pit bull mix]. As residents of

Prince George’s County, you probably know that a dog like this is illegal

to own in this county. Pit bulls seized here are routinely euthanized.
SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 3

Fortunately, some of those animals, like Daenerys, find their way to the

Humane Society of Calvert County.

This may be the strongest dog I have ever seen. When our staff

picked her up from Animal Control, two grown men tried to restrain her,

and she thrashed them around like the tail on a kite. We couldn’t keep

her near other animals because she could not discern the difference

between playing and maiming. Now, you may think this is a vicious

beast unfit for society. Maybe euthanasia would be the best option for

such a monster [Pause for dramatic effect while taking a step back from

the podium].

Then Debbie came along. She saw the real Daenerys: fun, sweet, a

misunderstood puppy with the strength of a bronco. Debbie and her

family visited Daenerys nearly every day. They built a relationship over

a gradual acclimation period. Admittedly, it was a long six months.

Nevertheless, Daenerys was rehabilitated and comfortable enough with

Debbie’s family that they were able to take her home in time for the

holidays [Advance slide to holiday photo. Pause for applause].

SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 4

Now, I am not here to tell a heart-warming story. Rather, I came to

ask, what kind of future do you want for our children [Emphatically

point at Rotarian leadership seated front row center stage]? The Humane

Society of Calvert County has a vision for the future that I will share

with you today. Dr. Cloyd and Ms. Tsai are part of that vision, but

achieving our goals requires more than two talented executives. It

requires a bold investment in our community from our community. The

Prince George’s County Rotary Club is a compassionate and committed

community leader. Our vision [gesture to yourself by placing fingertips

on your chest] is your vision [open hands and spread arms wide like a

welcoming embrace]: one where we carry on a legacy of selfless civic

service by revitalizing our facilities, uniting our organizations, and

empowering our children.

First, allow me to provide a little background on the Humane

Society of Calvert County. Our organization built a state-of-the-art

facility in 1975. I remember 1975, and it is evident that I am showing

the effects of time, so it makes sense that our facility would be as well
SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 5

[pause for laughter]. That’s why I am proud to unveil plans for a new

facility [click to reveal image]. In our current home, we coordinate

approximately 300 adoptions per year. I am honored that nearly every

single day, our phenomenal staff [gesture to SPCA representatives

seated downstage right] finds the perfect fit for one of our dogs.

However, I know there are many, just like Daenerys, who never make it

to our shelter thus never find a home. Or worse, face a grimmer fate

[pause for dramatic effect while peering down at the podium]. With this

new facility, we can accommodate twice as many dogs. Though we need

a substantial and sacrificial monetary contribution to make this rendering

[gesture towards the screen] a reality.

Furthermore, I have already had the pleasure of introducing Dr.

Cloyd, Ms. Tsai, and Daenerys, but I would also like to introduce you to

Lilly [advance slide to image of a girl holding a book next to one of our

dogs—move away from podium towards screen and pause before

returning to the podium]. On Wednesdays, this young lady visits the

shelter and reads to our dogs. She is developing her literacy while
SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 6

providing socialization for our animals. This opportunity is available

because of the partnership we have with The Center for Life Enrichment

[Step away from the podium and gaze at screen as audience absorbs the

impact of your words]. Our vision for the future is to improve lives.

Admittedly, it is a monumental task. No individual or group can do it

alone. Imagine the children, like Lilly, we can help by working together

to make a significant investment in our infrastructure.

Rotarians, [advance slide to display both organization’s logos] we

need your help to be an exemplar of civic responsibility for our young

people. With your financial support of one hundred thousand dollars, we

can build a facility that will be the most superb shelter in the state. This

new facility will directly result in more adoptions and fewer

euthanasians. We can expand our current programs and initiate

endeavors to benefit young people like Lilly and pets like Daenerys.

Envision an engaged generation of gallant volunteers committed to

serving their communities at the finest facility in the state. Together,

[wave an upward-turned open palm towards the audience] we can

SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 7

enhance lives, and we can save lives. Together, we are the leaders of a

more humane future [Move out from behind the podium and gesture to

Rotary leadership seated front row center stage. Receive applause and

return to seat].
SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 8

Q&A w/ Talking Points

1. You hired two highly paid executives despite employing a low-income, overworked staff.
Do you find that contrast acceptable?
 Begin by acknowledging that the pay disparity is a reasonable concern.
 Pivot to expressing your deepest appreciation for the staff who operate the shelter.
 Acknowledge that Dr. Cloyd and Ms. Tsai receive fair compensation and that they
could receive more lucrative salaries in other industries.
 Promote the idea that their hiring will result in more volunteerism which will
alleviate some of the staff’s burden.
 Mention an anticipated increase in funding which will allow for staff pay
increases and an expansion of other benefits.

2. Why is a brand-new facility necessary? Couldn’t you just renovate or upgrade the old
one? How much is it going to cost?
 Acknowledge the cost of the new facility as a legitimate concern.
 Indicate that the shelter is still negotiating with contractors and that an initial cost
estimate is forthcoming. There will be a news release when a contractor has been
selected and plans have been finalized.
 Mention that renovating the current facility has been considered but consultation
with contractors has indicated that the cost for a new facility would not be
substantially more expensive.
 Promote the idea that this new facility is not just about necessity, but it is a
message to the community that
i. this new facility will result in more jobs for residents,
ii. caring for companion pets is a priority, and
iii. it is designed to be community center to enrich our residents’ lives,
especially kids and teens.

3. What is your position on the pit bull ban in Prince George’s County?
 Thank questioner for bringing awareness to this important issue.
 Acknowledge the noble intention of the breed-specific law (BSL) is to minimize
attacks on humans.
 Point out there is no evidence to suggest that BSLs make communities safer.
 Mention that the CDC opposes BSLs because they are discriminatory, costly, and
difficult to enforce.
 Assert that a better alternative is breed-neutral laws (BNL) such as enforcement of
dog licenses and access to low-cost sterilization (spay/neuter) services. (What is
breed-specific legislation?, n.d.)

4. What is your proudest achievement having served as president of the Humane Society?
 Avoid hesitation on this question—indicate there is much to be proud of.
 Mention that the shelter has recently navigated turbulent times due to the
pandemic—never shut down, animals always experienced optimal care, and that
we are positioned to come out of the pandemic stronger than before.
SPCA Speech and Q&A Prep 9

 Recognize the local support—volunteers, corporate sponsors, and emphasize

community partnerships (like the one we are trying to establish with the
 Express the pride you feel knowing that the community has such a favorable
impression of the shelter which is thanks to tremendous staff members and

5. We have numerous projects on our plate right now, so why should the Rotarians help
your organization?
 Thank the questioner for the various endeavors undertaken by the Rotarians to
improve the community.
 Assert that a partnership between the Rotary Club and the Humane Society unites
two the most revered organizations in the community. By tackling a few projects
together, we will have a larger impact.
 This relationship is beneficial to both groups and will advance each’s mission and
standings in the community.

6. What do you think of the other animal shelters in the county?

 Thank questioner for acknowledging the other organizations whose missions are
similar to ours.
 Bring awareness to the confusion surrounding the services provided by the
county’s Animal Control department—distinguish that their primary role is that of
public safety.
 Emphasize that the Linda Kelley Animal Shelter is government-funded whereas
we are not.
 Mention that the Calvert Animal Welfare League is similar in funding acquisition,
but they adopt various species (cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc.) whereas we adopt
dogs exclusively which allows us to provide a specialized service.

7. What is the Humane Society of Calvert County doing to shut down the “Puppy Pipeline?”
 Thank the questioner for broaching this important topic.
 Give a brief background of this topic to establish context. A puppy is…
i. born at a cruel breeding facility
ii. taken from its mother and sold to a broker
iii. trucked for days while being caged with little eat or drink
iv. finally delivered to a pet store (The puppy pipeline, n.d.).
 Describe the rigorous adoption process that ensures puppies are only going to
good homes and not a broker.
 Mention that we bring awareness to the issue with our social media platforms.
 Enforce the notion that part of attracting youth volunteers to the shelter is not just
for maintenance but to be advocates and activists.
 Emphasize that the organization conducts letter writing campaigns to
representatives in congress to pass strict anti-puppy mill laws.

8. If not government-funded, what is the source of your income?

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 Thank the questioner for bringing up the delicate topic of funding.

 Emphasize that the primary source of income is the $350 adoption fee.
 Mention that on occasion someone (corporate sponsor or generous donor) will
cover that fee for a specific dog or for a period of time like a weekend or holiday.
 Apply for grants which can be time-consuming and never a certainty to receive
any funds.
 Refer to events (e.g. Howl-o-ween and Bruderfest) that act as fundraisers.
 Encourage the Rotarians to be donors and set-up monthly contributions.

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