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1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW ‘Washington, DC 20229 U.S. Customs and Border Protection MAR - 20th 2023 Seizure Notice ‘Mr. Robert Blaine Yeats 18691 Viera Cyn Rd Prunedale, CA 93907 Dear Mr. Yeats; This is to officially notify you that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seized the property described below being transported by FedEx. '$20,000,000.00 U:S. curreney and a Tesla Model X, ‘The property was seized and is subject to forfeiture under the provisions of 31 US.C. § 5317 for violation of 31 US.C.§ 5316, and 31 CER. § 1010.340(a), Pursuant to 31 US.C. § 5316(a)(1(B) and 31 C. FR. § 1010.340(a), a person who transports, is about to transport, or has transported monetary instruments of more than $10,000, toa place in the United States from or through a place outside the United States is required to file a report with CBP. In addition to other information, the report shall identify "the amount and kind of monetary instruments transported.” 31 US.C. § 5316(b)(4) Federal regulations require that reports be filed with the CBP Officer in charge at the port of entry at the time into the United States. 31 C.F.R. 1010,306(b\1), (3). Pursuant to 31 US.C.§5317(c), any property involved in, or traceable to,a violation of the currency reporting requirements in 31 US.C. § 5316 may be seized and forfeited to the United States. Ifthe report required by section 5316 is, not filed or contains material omissions or misstatements of fact with respect to any monetary instrument, the instrument transported is subject to seizure and forfeiture to the United States. 31 US.C. § 5317(0). At the time of seizure, the FedEx driver attempted to exit Alberquerque, New Mexico. When met by a CBP officer, the officer explained to the FedEx Driver the currency reporting requirements forthe transportation or attempted transportation of more than $10,000.00 US. value in currency or monetary instruments within the United States. The driver then referred by a CBP officer for an inspection. During the inspection, the CBP officer found the sum of $20,000,00.00 United States Dollars in Cash alongside the Tesla Model X worth approximately $120,000.00 USD which is more than $810,000.00 USD. ‘The package was seized on the Ist of February, 2023. ‘Based on the facts that packages are a from registered lottery organization, a flagging of fee of $900.00 USD is required to paid in order to issue you a Package Report filed by the CBS before your package can be released to get delivered to you, ‘otherwise, the property will be forfeited and disposed of according to law. Sincerely, ‘A. Miller Commissioner, US. Customs and Border Protection

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