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So it is conbiadictign Sos (y4y) is rat ve pelts Yoo jtsation gl iuinbey \s issationa (> ¢ Sol 5 inhets rae gg oye let a. jz sb. oh. &) br) whese So itteten| Oy, 2 Ris fationg | Wis statement is cotong ©} Product oF a howl og ithe No. is wations |. SSt a et eine Aled int ad bea aba dr lo tationar| 3 22 ; - ~ of Two jiationa( Me iy | a 242 | bE Orbe Pee) 29 \ O15 Ry jong] No | $e, Stateme + : 7 \ 2 ny Property Shaw tha AE 5, iStctieng | | BE oy pr, 3>0 "Ne assume that JE, ation| Soo A Pe me Ne? oy tat) cohete ™n 67 h#eo Onn) a] Vok rh SNucte of 0 ond py "eng Cr. mt ouy mn@ nie Mm 2a Dat. By pe >> wis odd. => mis odd Som is divisble by 3 aay mh ts divisible by 3 res Aisible oyd a 2 is diutsble by 3 S>r Ag = h 5 edd Sectos 3 je (mnt 3 which is @ contyadi ction Ow essuinpbion i's weny Jonct ony PB Tot is pr 3 Meen Ae 1S tations Qinot Ds as) | Do NIOts Gir iI Mowsin) Salve Vind W Ybockinal Pad the batest in teget Sunctiory cach oF Me Sollovind dj.) @ tvujelo2s}- 0 @) 8/5 i 6) Ct) ss 2 {ole o-(al “= 8 (4 © (Pr) + {-o15} =4 afi te) c 4g GD {iia} Ua}. [esd sea) eee ‘ (o vo] -(o| <0 cD - "Vy ©») «ul => 8h oe (ae @ Ex v3) trtesl a gis 322 cle ae Cee) eee : Airy | D. NX OM Ging Whe Slevin wludse5 te) (eh cold = 4 {] gueotedt mveges Sunction « WRONG he eel @® Clay + Go. 26} -—4 ! : 1 & Canh «d= 4 Q@ Wal. owe t co) " Sorte diweles | ee = EO @OWrl ~ Gr}. i tig i gota eu 1D a Mp) el the Be na eo d{a- tal) . a We 3 \q@-4 NIO1W What is the value oS px} by] hese HK is a teal Kumbes wie Mis an integers ther {xJ+etal - X-220 Otheswires %« BAY whete "Zi5 intages cind 8 is Seal number ilk scye0ee o = {zee} + Ge 6] a le \ ) s 2-2-) in Slave ) hich 13 OMe Map vf kis st ounta ble Yo He saticna! umber. hich owtible Xx So, at bYT set Di NO23 Show that the unon of tug countable seks as countyble . Case T AL Agar an —} B.{bb-— br — 3 We have to Pave theb | AUB & countable | Cose U ANB. @ SIN —S Ay ((r) 2a hy zu ~ by, Sw ts even Gis bijective . AUB” és “Countable. Care I N AR ee Piz BA WB =D WUR. = AUR bee Ban gots. dR be THO cauntsh We: BolR N and & ote douwu Care \S nis wf\ Corel) eee Nh oncd & ave Sinite e Rs Lass areas | Beths wwye- i AUB fs Sinite AUB 3s countable arial gut) one of A ond B V5 Sinte ond ote ‘ys denumeta ble Let A be Site ad & de denunetable ye Avy Nm» BV N Sos As VOatrase on | Bafhobsby | BAsec Cet Bis nhnite Ais Sate 8-4 —s jSinite C ts inSinite Nlow , Cs inSinite subschoh g hich is denumetable Jo Psow AUB Is countable, Cayo. 9S both A and Bote Sinke Core TL. Ono oF A and Bs Smite an) thes 1s denumevahle Ce LeilsCosey 4 RUC = lass ars asy—am tie, 9 Define a Sunctian FS. NDtuc Gla). a > xX 15253 — a, Co =m % > m | Cleas ly 7s one-one Sis byjectr se AUCHIN AuB- Aue AURREN AuB is county ble Care aw $5 A anh Kate hohe denuma.ble j-e ANN > BUN A 21%, ons 03.0t-} ® =a -b— J ce *%¢ & € € e * BAs C B-A cb CCB AVB = Aue Aes ccG denumeSable F Sub cuse T is Sinihe Auc. Denuretable trite Rue i's countoble by call 0 Sub cove T Cis infin te Coes inSini Subset o§ deunetable sek => cu we can wtite CeL Ose, o0y- -} Aucsta, DeSine S$ NSAUC by dehumevable CisOrs02 ses5e_ f Gla) <( at Gris add | ‘1 o. iS Xo even “opp n Jechy a) Clearly $a bidet ive aaa Aue \ AURNN A VRos denumetah le AUR os countable = 2. a pe 2 77 Q NO) Show Iheit he union ova countable jumbos — oS cauntsble sets iy countable Sol. 4S Aik te coubablo sets then On is countable Ne Ny {ons on Pay = j \, te ons aus { \ \ aces 20sy { \ \ Gio leet (ds isethe K™ element 6 “| fet Ay the “height oF a te be \ ek . | | by tow 9.0, Disydadyderrssicins—} U Ans Lo vsoas 501.004 s0n,¢u0ns0H nen nits same elem cat's Cant its all the elements abe i) distinst W set i, countably infinite if ‘ko can be put ia the CS Jistinet element's Sone Uy dno cumtable Ses ay Pe eanare

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