8 сам работа Нурлан

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Факультет: Аэрокосмический факультет

Специальность: Информационные технологии

Группа: 2442R
Предмет: Английский язык
Тема: Celebrity
Учитель: Севда Бабаева
Студент: Мамедли Нурлан
Курс: 1
Our world is full of famous people who have fans. They can be writers, creators,
scientists, actors, artists, etc. Some became famous thanks to acting, others for
discoveries and were remembered in the minds of people as the most talented
and intelligent. There are people who became famous unfortunately
posthumously. For example, Heath Ledger, a famous actor, got used to the role of
the Joker from the movie "The Dark Knight" so much that he was remembered as
a great actor, although he was famous before, but thanks to the role of the Joker
he became more famous.
However, there are other personalities who have become famous because of
their evil motives. You don't have to look far, because Hitler, for example, is
remembered in history as one of the most brutal dictators in the world.
However, do all celebrities remain in the minds of people forever? After all, there
are those people who became famous and were forgotten after a few years.
Speaking frankly, popularity allows famous people to use the army in the form of
fans and fans to achieve their goals. If a celebrity is accused of a crime for any
reason, whether he is guilty or not, fans and admirers will support him, and
especially devotees will organize rallies for the celebrity's release.
Famous can be not only people, but also characters. For example, Winnie the
Pooh is a folk hero and almost the whole world knows him.
There is a misconception that celebrities are sometimes very smart and have no
flaws. However, it is not. For example, Mozart is a famous musician, but despite
his wonderful songs, he sent letters to his acquaintances, letters with threats and
The same Albert Einstein was married to his cousin, and Hollywood actors have
had and are having scandals and conflicts among themselves.
There are also celebrities who have vanished several times in other roles. For
example, Arnold Schwarzenegger, he used to be a bodybuilder, then he became
famous as an actor in the movie "Terminator", and now he is also the governor.
Dwayne Johnson was at the beginning a famous wrestler, then became famous as
an actor.
But sometimes you can go crazy about being famous and don't know what to do.
There are celebrities who, in the end, could not master their popularity.
For example, Shyle Labouf, who, due to his popularity from transformers, went
crazy and no longer appears as a Hollywood actor.

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