Arabic List of Occupations

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Arabic List of Occupations & School

algebra architect art banker barber book botany carpenter chemistry dentist dictionary doctor drawing electrician engineer eraser geography geometry history ink journalist languages lawyer letter linguistics map math Aljabr mohandes me'mari Alfan Masrefi Hallaq Ketaab Nabatiat Najjar kemia' tabeeb al asnaan Qamoos tabeeb Rasm kahrabaa'ee Mohandess Memhaat Joghraphia Handasah Tareekh Hebr Sahafi Lughaat Mohamee Resalah elm allogha Khareetah Reyadiyaat

mechanic music musician newspaper notebook novel nurse painter painting paper pen pencil pharmacist physics pilot policeman postman professor salesman science scissors secretary soldier stapler tape (audio) teacher writer zoology

Mekaniki Musiqa Musiqaar Saheefah daftar al molahadaat Rewayah Momarredah Rassaam Lawhah Waraq Qalam qalam rasas Saidalee feziaa' Tayyaar Shortee sa'ee el bareed Ostaad baa'e' elm Meqass Sekerteerah Jundee Dabbasah Shareet mo'allem Kaateb elm al hayawaan

Arabic List of House & Food

appetizer apple apricot armchair artichoke asparagus aunt baby baby (female) bacon banana bathing suit bathroom bathtub bed bedroom beef beet belt beret blackberry blouse bookcase bread breakfast brother brush butter Moqabbalaat Toffaha Meshmesh Kanabah ardy shawqi Helyoun 'ammah Tefl Teflah lahm khenzeer mawz mayooh hammam banio feraash ghorfat annawm lahm baqar shamandar hezaam bereh 'ollaiq blousa maktabah khobz fotoor akh furshaat zubdah

cabbage candy cap carpet carrot cauliflower ceiling celery chair cheese cherry chicken closet clothes clothing coat coffeepot collar comb cousin cousin cucumber cup curtain daughter desk dessert dining room dinner

malfoof halwaa qubba'a sajjadah jazar qarnabeet saqf korfoss korsee jubn qaraz dajajah khezaanah malabess malabess me'taf we'aa' qahwah yaaqah mosht ebn al 'amm bent al 'amm kheyaar fenjaan setaar ebnah maktab moaqqebaat ghorfat atta'aam 'ashaa'

dress dresser duck eggplant father fig fireplace fish floor food fork fruit furniture garlic glass gloves goose granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandson grapefruit grapes ground beef hall handbag hat house husband

lebaas khezanat al atbaaq batt baadenjaan ab teen mawqed samak ard ta'aam shawkah fawakeh athath (th as in thin) thawm (th as in thin) zujaaj quffazaat ewazzah hafeedah djad djaddah hafeed grapefruit 'enab kuftah qaa'ah shantah qubba'ah bayt zawj

ice cream jacket kitchen knife lamb lamp lemon lettuce lobster lotion lunch makeup meal meat melon mother napkin nephew niece onion orange overcoat pajamas pants parsley peach pear pepper picture

boothah (th as in that) sotrah matbakh sekeen kharoof mesbaah laymoun khass karkand ghasool ghadaa' makiyaaj wajbah lahm shammam umm mendeel ebn al akh bent al akh basal bortuqaal me'taf bejamah bantaloon baqdooness khookh ejjass felfel sourah

pineapple plate, dish plum pork potato purse radish raincoat raspberry refrigerator restaurant roasted roll (n) roof room rug salad salt sandwich sausage shampoo shellfish shirt shoes sink skirt slippers snack sneakers

ananaas tabaq barqooq lahm khenzeer batates mehfadah fajel me'taf al matar tuut thallajah (th as in thin) mat'am mashwey lafeef saqf ghorfah sajjadah salatah melh shateerah naqaneq shampoo mahhaar qamees hezaa' baloo'ah tannorah khofain wajbah khafeefah heda' reyadee

soap sock socks sofa son soup spinach spoon stairway stove strawberry sugar suit supper sweater table teapot tie toilet toothbrush toothpaste towel tray t-shirt turkey turnip umbrella uncle underwear

saaboon jawrab jawaareb areekah ebn hasaa' sabanekh mel'aqah dorj forn farawlah sukkar bedlah 'ashaa' kanzah taawelah ebreeq ashay rabtat 'onoq merhaad or hammam forshaat al asnaan ma'joun al asnaan footah seneyah qamees deek roomi left medallah 'amm tawb dakhely

vegetables vinegar wall wallet wardrobe watermelon wife window

khadraawaat khal jedaar mahfadah khezaanah batteekh zawjah naafedah

Arabic List of Time expressions & Weather

after always April August bad weather cloudy cold cool December everyday February foggy hot January July June March May nice weather ba'd da'eman Abreel or Nesaan ghusht or aab taqs saye' ghaa'em baared ratb dojamber or kanoon al awwal yawmiyan fabrayer or shobaat dababi haar yanayer or kanoon attanee youlyouz or tamouz younyou or hozairan mares or athaar (th as in that) may or ayyar aljaw jameel

November now October over there pouring raining September snow snowing sometimes sunny there usually windy

nowanber or teshreen attanee al'aan oktober or teshreen alawwal honaak tomtero beghazaarah tomter shutanber or ayloul thalj (th as in thin) tothlej (th as in thin) ahyaanan moshmess honaak 'aadatan aasef

Arabic List of Body Parts

abdomen ankle arm back calf cheek cheeks chest chin ear elbow eye batn kaahel deraa' dthahr (th as in that) saaq khad khodood sadr thaqn (th as in that) odon merfaq 'ayn

face finger fingers fingernail foot hair hand head Heart hip knee leg lip mouth neck nipple nose shin shoulder stomach thigh throat thumb toe tongue tooth teeth waist wrist

wajh esba' asaabe' dthufr (th as in that) qadam sha'r yad ra's qalb werk rukbah saaq shafah fam 'onuq halamah anf qasabat assaaq katef ma'edah fakhed halq ebhaam esba' al qadam lesaan sen asnaan khesr me'sam

Arabic List of Occupations & School

algebra architect art banker barber book botany carpenter chemistry dentist dictionary doctor drawing electrician engineer eraser geography geometry history ink journalist languages lawyer letter linguistics map math aljabr mohandes me'mari alfan masrefi hallaq ketaab nabatiat najjar kemia' tabeeb al asnaan qamoos tabeeb rasm kahrabaa'ee mohandess memhaat joghraphia handasah tareekh hebr sahafi lughaat mohamee resalah elm allogha khareetah reyadiyaat

mechanic music musician newspaper notebook novel nurse painter painting paper pen pencil pharmacist physics pilot policeman postman professor salesman science scissors secretary soldier stapler tape (audio) teacher writer zoology

mekaniki musiqa musiqaar saheefah daftar al molahadaat rewayah momarredah rassaam lawhah waraq qalam qalam rasas saidalee feziaa' tayyaar shortee sa'ee el bareed ostaad baa'e' elm meqass sekerteerah jundee dabbasah shareet mo'allem kaateb elm al hayawaan

Arabic Animals List!

alligator antler bear bird bison temsaah qarn dob Taer athawr alameriki (th as in thin)

bull cat cow deer dog donkey eagle elephant fish fox giraffe goat hippopotamus hog horse lion llama monkey moose mouse parrot

tawr qett baqarah gazal kalb hemaar nasr feel samak (plural) ta'lab zarafah maa'ez faras annahr kalb albahr hesaan asad laamah qerd ayl fa'r babaghaa'

pig rabbit rhinoceros sheep snake tiger trunk turtle tusk whale wolf zebra

khenzeer arnab waheed al qarn kharoof af'aa namer khortoom solhofaat naab hoot the'b (th as in that) al himaar al wahshi

Arabic Adjectives & Adverbs!

absolutely active bad beautiful best better cheerful clearly clever correctly difficult easily kat'an nasheet sayye' jameel alafdal ahsan or afdal mobhej bewodooh thaki (th as in that) beshakl saheeh sa'b besohoulah

easy fat (person) friendly good great greater hard heavy High large least less light little long loving low more most much narrow nice polite poor pretty punctual rapidly rich sensitive

sahl badeen lateef jayed azeem a'zam salb taqeel mortafe waase' aqal aqal khafeef qaleel taweel moheb monkhafed aktar mo'zam katheer (th as in thin) dayeq jameel mohazab faqeer jameel zaqeeq besor'a ghanee hassaas

. .

. . . .

serious short shy small soft sour strong sweet tall the best the greatest the least the worst thin ugly weak well wide witty worse worst

jeddy qaseer khajoul sagheer na'em haamed (sharp H) qawi holw taweel al afdal al a'dam al aqal al aswa' raqeeq qabeeh da'eef jayed areed zaki aswa' al aswa'

. .

Arabic List of Verbs

accept add admit advise agree allow qabela adaafa e'tarafa nasaha waafaqa samaha

announce annoy answer apologize appear argue arrange arrest arrive ask attach attack avoid bake be bear beat become beg begin behave bend bet bind bite bleed bless blow boast

a'lana az'aja ajaaba e'tadara dahara naaqasha rattaba e'taqala wasala sa'ala rabata haajam tajannaba khabaza kaana ehtamala daraba asbaha tawassala badaa tasarrafa thanaa (th as in thin) raahana rabata adda nazafa baaraka nafakha tabaaha

boil borrow bow break breathe breed bring broadcast build burn burst buy calculate call care carry cast catch cause change chase cheat chew choose clap clean cling close collect

ghallaa esta'aara enhanaa kasara tanaffasa rabba ahdara (sharp h) athaa (th as in that) banaa haraqa (sharp h) enfajara eshtaraa hasaba ettasala ehtamma hamala sabba amsaka tasabbaba ghayyara taarada ghashsha madagha ekhtaara saffaqa naddafa tamassaka aghlaqa jama'a

come compare compete complain complete concentrate confess confuse consider continue copy correct cost cover crash crawl creep cross cry cut

ataa qaarana tanaafasa tadammara akmala rakkaza e'tarafa arbaka e'tabara estamarra nasakha sahhaha saawaa ghatta tahattama zahafa zahafa 'abara baka jaraha

dance deal decide deliver describe deserve destroy detect

raqasa taaamala qarrara naqala wasafa estahaqqa dammara kashafa

dig disagree disappear discover dislike dive divide do doubt draw dream dress drink drive earn eat educate end enjoy enter escape expect explain explode face fail fall fear feed

hafara 'aarada ekhtafa ektashafa kareha ghaasa qassama amala shakka rasama halama labesa shareba qaada kasaba akala 'allama anha estamta'a dakhala haraba tawaqqa'a sharaha enfajara waajaha akhfaqa saqata khaafa ghaddaa

feel fight fill find fit fix flee fling fly fold follow forbid forget forgive form forsake freeze fry get give go greet grind grow guard guess guide hang hate

shaara taqaatala mala'a wajada naasaba sallaha farra endafaa taara tawa tabe'a harrama nasia saamaha shakkala hajara jamada qalaa ahdara (sharp h) ataa dahaba hayya tahana namaa harasa khammana dalla allaqa kareha

hear help hide hit hope hug hunt hurry hurt ignore imagine improve intend introduce invite joke jump keep kill kiss kneel knit know laugh lay lead leap learn learn

samea saa'ada ekhtabaa daraba amala 'aanaqa estaada asra'a jaraha tajaahala takhayyala hassana nawaa qaddama da'aa mazaha qafaza ehtafada qatala qabbala rakaa haaka arafa daheka raqada qaada wathaba (th as in thin) taallama ta'allama

leave lend let lie lie light like listen live look lose love make marry mean meet miss misspell mistake (make a ) move murder need notice obtain open order overcome overtake overthrow

taraka aaara taraka kathaba (th as in that) kadaba athaaa (th as in that) ahabba same'a same'a nadara khasera ahabba sanaa tazawwaja kasada eltaqaa eshtaaqa ela akhtaa fe attahjea akhtaa entaqala qatala ehtaaja laahatha (th as in that) hasala fataha amara taghallaba ala baaghata ataaha

paint pause pay permit place plan plant play plead pray prefer pretend prevent promise protect prove punish push put quit reach read receive refuse regret relax remain remember remind

lawwana tawaqqafa dafaa adena wada'a khattata zara'a la'eba barrara sallaa faddala edda'aa mana'a wa'ada hamaa athbata (th as in thin) 'aaqaba dafa'a wadaa tawaqqafa an wasala qaraa estalama rafada nadema estarkhaa baqia tadakkara dakkara

remove repair repeat replace reply report request rescue return rid (get ~ of) ride ring rise rule run rush sail save saw saw say scream search see seek sell send sew shake

azaala aslaha karrara baddala ajaaba ablagha talaba anqada 'aada takhallasa men rakeba ranna nahada hakama rakada endafa'a abhara anqada nashara nashara qaala sarakha bahatha (th as in thin) raaa bahasa baaa arsala khaata hazza

share shave shine shoot shop show shrink shut sign sing sink sit slay sleep slide sling smile smoke sneeze speak speed spell spend spill spit split spread squeeze stand

sharaka halaqa lamaa atlaqa annaar tasawwaqa arada taqallasa aghlaqa waqqa'a ghanna gharaqa jalasa dabaha naama enzalaqa tawwaha ebtasama dakhkhana 'atasa takallama asraa tahajja'a anfaqa dalaqa basaqa qasama nashara 'asara waqafa

stay steal sting stop strike strive succeed suffer suggest surprise swear sweep swell swing take talk taste teach tear tell test thank think thrive throw touch train travel try

baqia saraqa lasaa tawaqqafa daraba kaafaha najaha 'aanaa eqtaraha faaja'a halafa masaha entafakha taarjaha akhada tahaddatha (th as in think) tadawwaqa allama mazzaka akhabara ekhtabara shakara fakkara najaha ramaa lamasa darraba saafara haawala

twist understand upset use visit wait wake up walk want warn wash watch wear wed weep welcome win wind wish withhold withstand work worry write

lawaa fahema aghdaba esta'mala zaara entadara estaiqada tamashshaa araada haddar ghasala raaqaba labesa tazawwaja bakaa rahhaba rabeha laffa tamanaa emtanaa qaawama 'amela qaleqa kataba

Arabic Pronouns! Arabic Subject Pronouns




Ana Anta

you (dual male or female) Antuma they (dual male or female) Humaa



you (singular masculine.)

you (plural masculine) Antum you (plural feminine) Antunna they (plural masculine) Hum they (plural feminine) Hunna

you (singular feminine) Anti he she Howa Hiya

Im a boy = Ana walad! (Ana = I, walad = boy) as you have noticed am and a are omitted in Arabic, so its like saying I boy, same thing with all other subject pronouns. He is a boy = Howa walad (he boy), were boys = Nahnu Awlad (we boys), You may also have noticed that Arabic has a dual form, meaning that Arabic is being more specific about not only the gender but also the number, so the dual form is used to refer to two people, so if you want to talk to Salim and Karim by telling them: you both speak Arabic! = Antuma tatakallamani al arabia, if you want to talkabout them: they both speak Arabic = Humaa yatakalamani al arabia. For the plural there are five pronouns, We = Nahnu (for females and males). You = Antum (when you talk to 3 males or more, or one male and the 2 females or more) You = Antunna (when you talk to 3 females or more). They = Hum (when you talk about 3 males or more, or one male and the 2 females or more). They = Hunna (when you talk about 3 females or more)

Arabic Determinative Possessive Pronouns

My (the word +i) your (sing masculine, the word+ka or k) your (singular feminine, the word+ki or k) his (the word+ho or simply h) her (the word+ha or simply h)

your (dual male or female) word+kumaa their (dual male or female) word+humaa

Our (the word+na) your (plural masculine, the word+kum) your (plural feminine, the word+kun) their (plural masculine, the word+hum) their (plural feminine, the word+hun)

Book = Kitab My book = Kitabi Your book = kitabuka

Your book = Kitabuki His book = Kitabuho Her book = Kitabuha Your book (dual male or female) = Kitabukumaa Their book (dual male or female) = Kitabuhumaa Our book = Kitabuna Your book (plural masculine) = Kitabukum Your book (plural feminine) = Kitabukun Their book (plural masculine) = Kitabuhum Their book (plural feminine) = kitabuhun

Arabic Independent Possessive Pronouns

Mine lee yours (sing masculine) laka

yours (dual male or female) word+kumaa theirs (dual male or female) word+humaa

Ours (the word+na) yours (plural masculine, the word+kum) yours (plural feminine, the word+kun) theirs (plural masculine, the word+hum) theirs (plural feminine, the word+hun)

yours (singular feminine) his (the word+ho or simply h) hers (the word+ha or simply h)

English Hello! Welcome! Hi! Good Morning! Good Afternoon/ Evening! Good Night (when leaving) Good Bye! See You Later! How Are You? Transliteration Ahlan! (or) Marhaban Salam! Sabah el kheer Masaa el kheer Tosbeho/ tosbeheena (fem) ala khair/ Maa salama Araka/ (Araki for female) fee maba'd Kaifa haloka/ haloki ( female) Arabic

/ .

I'm Fine! And You? Thank You (Very Much)! You're Welcome! What's New? - Nothing new! How is everything going? Pretty good! Hey Friend! I Missed You So Much!

Ana bekhair, wa anta? wa anti? (female) Shokran (jazeelan) Alafw Maljadeed? - Lashai jadeed Kaifa taseeru al omoor? Bekhair, alhamdu lellah Ahlan sadiqi/ sadiqati! Eshtaqto elaika/ elaiki (female) katheeran Etanee benafsek/ benafseki (female)

( -

, ! /

Take Care!

Help & Directions

Hal beemkani mosaadatak/(add i for female)? Hal beemkanek mosaadati? Ayna ajed (saidaliah/ alhaleeb) Almakan laisa baeedan Abhatu an John Lahda men fadlek/ (fadleki for female) Lahda men fadlek/ (fadleki for female) Kam howa thamanoh? (th as in bath) Okee? Tayeb Hal beleemkan? Taban! Men fadlek/ (fadleki for female) Alma'derah! Tafaddal/ (Tafaddali for female) ma'ee Etba'nee/ etba'eeni!

Can I Help You? Can You Help Me? Where Can I Find (a drugstore/ milk)? It's Not Far! I'm Looking For John.

One Moment Please! Hold On Please! ( phone) How Much Is This? Ok? (Is that alright?) Ok (answer) Can I? Sure! Excuse Me! ( to ask for something) Excuse Me! ( to pass by) Come With Me! Follow Me!

/ /

Personal Info

Do You Speak (English/ Arabic)! Just A Little. Yes, Very Well What's Your Name? My Name Is . Nice To Meet You! Where Are You From? I'm From (the U.S/ Morocco)/

Hal tatakallamo alloghah alenjleziah/alarabiah? Qaleelan! Na'am, Jayedan! Ma esmouk? Ma esmouki? Esmee Motasharefon/ motashar efatun (f)bema'refatek Men ayna anta/(anti for female)? Ana men (amreeka/ almaghreb) Ana (amreeki/ amrekiah for female) Ayna taskun? Ayna taskuneen? for female A'eesho fel welayat almotaheda/ faransa Ma mehnatuk? (Mehnatuki for female) A'mal ka(modarres/ motarjem) Adrosu (al arabia) mundu (set) san awat Kam howa omrok? (mrokee for female) Omri ( 'eshreen/ thalatheen) sanah (th as in bath)

/ , .... / ( / / / / ( ) ( ) )

Im (American) Where Do You Live? I live in (the U.S/ France) What Do You Do For A Living? I Work As (Teacher/ Translator) Ive been Studying (Arabic) for (6) years

How Old Are You? I'm (twenty, thirty) Years Old

/ !

Good Luck! Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! Enjoy! (For meals) I'd Like To Visit Your Country Say Hi To (John) For me. Bettawfeeq Eid meelad sa'eed! Sana sa'eedah! Shahia tayebah! Arghabo bezeyarat baladekom. Sallem ala (John) men ajlee


I'm Sorry! (when you don't hear a word) Sorry (for a mistake) That's All Right! I Don't Understand! Say It Again Please! Can You Speak Slowly? I Don't Know! What's That Called In Arabic?

Afwan! Aasef! La alaik! La laiki! for female La afham! Aed/ Aeedi (fem) men fadlek! fadleki (fem) Takalam bebot men fadlek/ fadleki (fem) La aref! Ma esmoho bel arabiah? Hal tasmaonee? tasmaeen ani (fem) Maza hadath? La adree! La taqlaq! La taqlaqi (fem) La moshkelah Loghati al arabiah laisat kama yajeb Oktobha men fadlek/ Oktobeeha men fadleki (fem)

Can You Hear Me? What Happened? I Have No Idea! Don't Worry! No Problem! My Arabic is Rusty.

Write It Down Please!

/ / / / / / /

Expressions & Words

Good/ Bad/ So-So. Big/ Small Today/ Now Tomorrow/ Yesterday Yes/ No Of Course Here You Go! (giving something) Oh! That's Good! Mr.../ Mrs./ Miss I Will Be Right Back! I Have To Go Now Jayed/ saye'/ 'adee Kabeer/ Sagheer Alyawm/ Al aan Ghadan/ Albareha Naam/ Laa Taban Khod! Yala Arrawa Assayed/ Assayedah / Al anesah Sa arjeo halan Yajebu an adhaba al aan!




Do You Like It? I Really Like It! I'm Hungry/ Im Thirsty. I'm Just Joking! It Doesn't Matter (no big deal) In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. This/ That. Here/There Really! Shut Up! What? Where? How? Me/ You. Him/ Her. What Time Is It Now? It's 10 o'clock. 06:30pm. 09:15 am I'm (Muslim/ Christian) I'm (Muslim/ Christian)

Hal ajabak? Hal aabaki? (fem) Ajabanee haqqan! Ana jae/ ana atshaan Amzah faqat La yahom! Sabahan/ masaan/ laylan Haza/ zalek. Huna/ hunak Haqqan! Ekhrass! Ekhrassee! for female Maza? / Ayn? Kaif? Ana/ anta/ anti (you female). Houwa/ Hiya Kam assaa al aan? Al 'asherah. Asadesah wannesf. Atase'ah warub' Ana (muslem/ maseehi) Ana (muslemah/ maseehiah) for female Entazernee / entazereene! for female Laysa baa'd Onzor / Onzori for female Atenee hatheh! (th as in bath) Ohebbo attabkh! / alloghaat Ohayyeeka/ ohayyeki for female Asre'/ Asre'ee for female Ohebbok/ Ohebboki for female

/ / ! / . ( ( ! ! / ! / ! / .

/ / !

/! . . ) ) /

Wait For Me! Not Yet. Look! Give Me This! I Love Cooking/ Languages! I Congratulate You! Hurry Up! I Love You!

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