Application For MBA (MIS)

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Bahria Business School

Date: February 08, 2023

Subject: Request for the Introduction of Master of Business Administration in

Management Information Systems (MIS) in Islamabad Campus

Respected Sir,

We hope that this application finds you in good health and high spirits. We are writing to you to
bring to your attention an important matter concerning the curriculum of the Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program offered at the Islamabad Campus.

We are the students enrolled in the MBA program at the Islamabad Campus during Fall, 2022.
During our enrollment process, we were informed that the university offered MBA in
Management Information Systems (MIS) and this information was also displayed on the website
and on various billboards in the campus.

However, when it came time to select our specialization, we were disappointed to learn that the
university does not offer MIS in the Islamabad Campus. This has caused a great deal of
inconvenience and frustration for us. We are around 9 students in our class who intended to
specialize in MIS.

Given the current demand and interest in MIS among students, We respectfully request that you
consider introducing the MIS specialization in the MBA program at the Islamabad Campus. We
would like to propose the inclusion of any 04 of the following courses in the MIS specialization:
▪ MIS 657 - Knowledge Management Systems and Technologies
▪ MIS 658 - Business Intelligence and Decisions Support
▪ MIS 679 - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation
▪ MIS 672 - Web Application Development
▪ MIS 681 - Information Security and System Auditing
▪ MIS 680 - Data Communication and Networking
▪ MIS 608 - Digital Analytics
▪ MKT 607 - Electronic CRM

We are confident that there will be a significant number of students who will be interested in
pursuing this specialization and it would benefit both the university and the students.

We would be grateful if you could take this matter into consideration and provide us with a
favorable response at the earliest. We really want to pursue this specialization and we look
forward to you for offering us in this coming semester.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Zainab Mir
Areeb Amir
Malik Abdullah
Sami Ullah
Ali Nisar


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