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The Problem and its Background

Pregnancy is a wonderful gift in the life of a woman as she enjoys moment of holding her
own child. In addition, it brings joyful feeling and positive atmosphere among her close relatives.
However, early pregnancy is considered as a pandemic and a burden to the underage child, her
family and the world. Arthur Campbell stated that, “The girl who has an illegitimate child at the
age of 16 suddenly has 90 percent of her life’s script written for her” (Hoffman &
Maynard,2008). Besides, the National Research Council Report has shown that underage mother
has a higher chance of social and economic detriment in their lives (Hoffman & Maynard, 2008).
In another way, early pregnancy is a pandemic, which leads to negative impact on the society. In
order to promote the well-being of child and reduce the negative impacts on the society.Most
countries in the world are going through this problem with questions on how they can control
and present this teenage pregnancy from continuing. Teenage pregnancy is a block to majority of
young teenagers who are becoming pregnant at primary level and secondary level which kill
their dream of filling the gaps that they are seeing vacant and wishing to represent ladies to
international level and national levels but because of teenage pregnancy which affect their
performance in schools is the major hindrance to the educational success of girls.
Cunningham and Boult (1996) stated that early pregnancy has many social effects such as
interrupted, schooling or school dropout, school adjustments challenge. Education is basic
human right that is entitled to every child in people to secondary school and that is why the
pregnant girls are not allowed to be expelled in school because of pregnancy and they are also
allowed to come back to school after delivery in order to have bright future for the child and
mother. Education is the backbone of every country, economic political social development and
so any country or government and hence reduce an inequality among the citizens. Teachers have
observed several teenagers who have been performing well before failing pregnant but after
pregnancy, their performance drops at 40 percent of which most of teen fail to join university
and the end of their secondary education.
Teenage Pregnancy is a serious social issue that has a negative impact to the future of
Mohon National High School students. It also affects their academic performance during their
pregnancy. They might not finish their Senior High School or Junior High School because they
are dealing stress and exhausted of school works. They can’t also focus and study in the
upcoming summative test and lastly, they can’t thoroughly participate in performance task. The
rates of student’s pregnancy of Mohon National High School indicates that teachers need to
assist and have their guidance for those students who are pregnant also their classmates must
help them so they can finish Junior High School or Senior High School. The study is limited to
the members of teenage pregnant students of Mohon National High School. There are many
banishments of the pregnant students due to the problem of how they can consistently still
manage their academic performance while they are pregnant the research, we’ve made is all
about teen students who is pregnant and how does their pregnancy affect their academic
The study found that the cases of teenage pregnancies were lack of education and poverty.
Teenage pregnancies are associated with social issues including lower educational levels and
poverty. Many reasons are here why teenage pregnancy keeps on increasing in rate. Some of
them just do an early pregnant just because they have a problem with their surroundings
especially with their family. They think having baby in early age is the answer of their facing
problems. In this very important has provided understanding of the effect of someone’s life, in
this study shows the causes and effect of teenage pregnancy and also shows how might destroy
studies of many teenagers and experience discrimination of others people.

We aim to study the pregnant young women of Mohon National High School and how they
cope up and provide answer on the social issue of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is a
serious issue that has negative impact to the future of Mohon National High School students.

1. What is the profile of pregnant students?

1.1. Age:
1.2. Family Background:
1.3. Financial Status:
1.4. Civil Status:

2.The case study of teenage pregnancy:

2.1. Absence of affectionate supervision of parents or guardians

2.2. Why do you engage in premarital sex?
2.3. How does pregnancy affect your education?

3.Their academic performance include:

3.1. Summative test:
3.2. Class participation:
3.3. Performance task:


This investigation is conducted to determine the rate often age students that is engaged
in teenage pregnancy. This way, we could determine the status and profile of the teenager
indulged in teenage pregnancy. The aspects looked into were the qualitative information of
number of teen aged students indulged in teenage pregnancy and the data behind this.

The significance of the study is to shade light in our current pregnancy policy and
how to improve it and to ensure that regulations are forced at ground level for school girls who
get pregnant to be re-integrated in the mainstream educational system. In most cases, schoolgirls
who become pregnant in rural areas and towns have to either resort to unsafe abortions or they
face official school expulsion due to pregnancy The learner may choose to return to school as
soon as she can supply the specified documentation or she may choose to take a longer period of
leave up to a maximum of one calendar year from the date on which she left school because of
the pregnancy. She may take a longer leave of absence, but then her place at school will not be
reserved. In order to ensure that her place at school will be reserved during her leave, the learner
and her family must maintain clear communication with the school regarding the date on which
she intends to return

Pregnant Students. This study will give the information about the cause and possible effect of
teenage pregnancy to the students who are pregnant. In one way or in another, this paper will
guide them to focus first their attention to the other students.
Parents. They could expect a better future and a progressive and a more valuable and worthy
support to their sons and daughters.
Teachers. They will help the students to gain more knowledge though they are dealing
pregnancy so the pregnant students have a broader knowledge about the lessons they tackled
every day.
Future Researcher. This study benefit to the future researcher of teenage pregnancy and
academic performance of Mohon National High School students and it would help them to be a
better analyst and it can be a help as a future reference for more studies in the future.
Researcher. The study will be conducted to find out the extent of how extreme is the affect of
the major causes of teenage pregnancy to the educational development of students of Mohon
National High School.

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