Recon 6 Player 11

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Version 1
November 2012

Design: Russell Brown

Playtesting: Nick Gubbins, Ryan Tuck, Kyle Holbach

D6Pool Rules Copyright 2011, 2012 Russell J. Brown

Logo font Neou v1.0 designed by André Uenojo
Art derived from public domain images

This document is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Out   of   every   hundred   citizens,   ninety-­four   are  
dead,   three   are   dying,   two   are   paralyzed   with   WHAT YOU KNOW
grief,  and  one  has  gone  insane.  -­  Colonel  Kellogg   Almost   everyone   has   died.   From   what   you’ve  
  heard,   most   of   the   survivors   have   banded  
Beginning   in   July   of   2015,   millions   of   people   together   in   small   groups,   either   to   defend  
across   the   world   contract   a   terrible   disease   themselves   and   rebuild,   or   to   wander   like  
that  is  almost  always  fatal.  The  disease  spreads   nomads  and  take  what  they  need  by  force.  
quickly,   and   the   basic   infrastructure   of     Most   of   the   food   stores   you   passed   on   the  
civilization  and  society  begins  to  crumble.  Over   way  to  settlement  had  already  been  scoured  by  
the   course   of   a   few   weeks,   police   forces   shrink,   others   or   burned   in   the   violent   riots   that   broke  
industry   stops   producing,   and   the   survivors   out   when   the   government   tried   to   establish  
resort  to  looting  and  vigilante  justice.   quarantine  areas.  It  was  harder  to  tell  if  the  gas  
  As  health  services,  basic  transportation  and   stations   had   been   drained   dry,   but   you   saw   a  
sanitation  fail,  bodies  pile  up  and  more  familiar   few  with  the  access  covers  to  the  underground  
diseases   and   starvation   add   to   the   death   toll.   tanks   removed.   Almost   everything   else   seemed  
By   late   August,   only   one   in   twenty   Americans   free  for  the  taking.  
is  still  alive.     Other   than   a   few   official   broadcasts   by  
  You   are   a   survivor.   You   have   been   exposed   remnants   of   the   military,   there   is   little   sign   of  
to   the   epidemic,   called   Strain   816,   and   the   former   US   government.   Whatever  
somehow   you   lived.   You   have   found   your   way   measures  they  took  to  protect  themselves  from  
to   a   colony   of   survivors   in   Arlington,   Virginia,   the   spread   of   Strain   816   don’t   appear   to   have  
just  outside  Washington,  D.C.   worked.

You  create  a  first  level  character  as  indicated  in  
the   D6Pool   Basic   Rules.   All   modern   skills   are   WEALTH AND POSESSIONS
available,  but  some  may  be  more  or  less  useful   It’s   difficult   to   use   the   D6Pool   Basic   Rules  
in  the  post-­‐apocalyptic  world  of  Recon  6.   wealth   system   in   the   Recon   6   setting.   Non-­‐
consumable  items,  like  homes,  cars,  and  tennis  
THE CARRIER DISADVANTAGE rackets,   are   basically   free   for   the   taking;   there  
You   have   been   exposed   to   Strain   816   and   are   far   too   many   around   for   the   number   of  
survived,   but   there   are   different   reasons   that   survivors.   However,   consumables   like   fuel,  
might   have   happened.   Roll   1   die.   If   you   don’t   canned   goods,   and   batteries   are   especially  
get  a  success,  you  must  take  one  die  of  a  special   precious  and  are  the  closest  thing  to  a  currency  
disadvantage  called  “Carrier”.  You  may  choose   in  the  settlements.  
to   voluntarily   take   one   die   of   Carrier   even   if     You’ve   managed   to   reach   the   settlement  
you  get  a  success.   with   enough   consumables   to   buy   your   way   in,  
but   you   also   managed   to   bring   along   two   items  
OTHER ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES as   personal   possessions.   Make   two   rolls   using  
Some   of   the   advantages   listed   in   the   basic   the   following   table   to   determine   your   two  
rules,   like   Wealth   for   example,   may   have   no   items,  rolling  3  dice  and  adding  them  together.    
bearing  on  the  post-­‐816  world,  at  least  at  first.    
Also,  many  disadvantages,  like  Criminal  Record  
or  Debt,  may  be  meaningless.  You  should  check   Table 2.1: Scavenged Items (Roll Twice)
with   your   gamemaster   to   make   sure   the   3d6  Roll Scavenged  Item
advantage   and   disadvantage   you   choose   make   3 12  gauge  shotgun  with  24  shells
sense  for  this  setting.   4 Police  body  armor
Working  handheld  GPS  (4  AA  
You   will   be   a   member   a   small   community   One  pound  of  thermite  welding  
where   everyone   pulls   their   weight,   so   you   6
should   make   sure   you   have   at   least   one   skill   7 Tazer  (stun  gun)
that   can   contribute.   Do   you   have   medical   8 Pepper  spray
training?   Can   you   hunt,   cook,   fix   radio   9 300  potassium  iodide  tablets
equipment,  or  are  you  deadly  with  a  particular   10 Flare  gun  with  6  flares
weapon?   Maybe   you’re   just   very   good   at   11   Med  kit  
organizing  or  leading  people.  If  all  of  your  skills   12   100  pain  killers  
relate   to   activities   that   disappeared   after   the   Red  Harley-­‐Davidson  “Fat  Boy”  
collapse,  you  may  have  trouble  being  accepted   13  
by  the  settlement.   14   Infrared  rangefinder  binoculars  
  On   the   other   hand,   it’s   not   a   bad   thing   to   15   Geiger  counter  
have  a  few  modern  skills,  like  Accounting,  that   16   Climbing  spikes  
will   be   needed   if   the   survivors   manage   to   30  rounds  of  armor  piercing  
rebuild  a  society.     17  
18   Kevlar  vest  

Anthony   Kellogg   is   a   retired   Air   Force   Colonel   THE SETTLERS
whose   home   in   Arlington   became   a   gathering   The   following   people   live   in   Colonel   Kellogg’s  
point  for  local  survivors.  When  the  water  in  his   settlement:  
neighborhood  gave  out  during  the  first  week  of    
August,  Colonel  Kellog  and  his  neighbor,  Police   Colonel   Anthony   Kellogg:   63,   USAF,   retired.  
Officer  Rebeka  Hayes,  led  their  band  of  twenty   De   facto   leader   and   commander   of   the  
followers   to   settle   in   the   homes   along   settlement.  
Randolph   Street,   near   a   hand-­‐operated   water    

pump  in  Alcova  Heights  Park.     Officer   Rebeka   Hayes:   35,   Local   Arlington  
police  officer.
Maynard   Wheldon:   38,   Curator   at  
Smithsonian  Museum  of  Arts  and  Industries.  
The   Bickman   Family:   Tourists   from   Dubuque,  
Iowa.   Arthur,   40,   bus   driver,   Brittany,   39,   3rd  
grade   teacher,   children   Megan,   15,   and   Gus,   13,  
collie  Avatar.  
Amy  Velenova:    41,  UPS  airplane  pilot.  
Justin   Palmer:   19,   political   science   student   at  
  Over   the   next   few   weeks,   the   settlers   Georgetown.  
established   daily   routines   of   survival   and    
security,   including   armed   patrols   of   their   new   Melvin   Reed:   26,   Crystal   City   Mall   security  
territory  and  the  systematic  looting  of  the  Food   guard.  
Star   Supermarket   across   George   Mason   Drive.    
They   have   accepted   new   residents     (including   Waylund  Oakhurst:  34,  music  teacher.  
you)   and   their   enclave   has   grown   to   nearly    
eighty   citizens.   They’ve   fought   off   attacks   by   Liz  Pontuschelli:  46,  Fannie  Mae  IT  manager.  
small   bands   of   desperate   looters,   and   sent   out    
scouting   parties   to   make   contact   with   other   Bill  Westerling:  58,  funeral  director.  
  Food  has  come  from  supplies  gathered  from   Mack   Deoro:   72,   retired   steamroller   driver,  
local   stores.   Solar   panels,   looted   batteries   and   construction  company  owner.  
hand  generators  have  been  enough  to  power  a    
few   lights   and   radios.   The   settlement   has   had   Jack   Hatch:   54,   congressman   from   Iowa’s   1st  
regular   contact   with   a   civil   defense   District.  
broadcasting   station   run   by   the   1101st   Signal    
Brigade  at  nearby  Fort  Myer.   Wendy  Duncan:  23,  producer  and  director  for  
“Theater  J”  in  D.C.  

Now  that  the  challenges  of  day-­‐to-­‐day  survival   Recon 6 Priorities (in order)
have  been  met,  Colonel  Kellog  is  forming  small  
Recon   teams   (short   for   Reconnaissance   or  
Reconstruction,   depending   who   you   ask).   The   Security
mission   of   these   teams   is   to   search   for   Food
resources,  locations  and  talented  individuals  to   Water
begin  rebuilding  a  sustainable  society.   Power
  Five   teams   have   already   left.   You   will   be   Medical
part  of  Recon  Team  Six.  Your  characters  should  
have   skills   or   knowledge   that   makes   them  
valuable  for  this  mission.  
  Your   main   priorities   are   security,   food,  
water,   power,   medical   supplies,   sanitation,  
education   and   entertainment,   in   that   order.   SUPPLIES  
Colonel   Kellogg   wants   the   members   of   the   Your   team   will   be   given   a   vehicle   with   a   few  
teams  to  be  able  to  recite  this  list  from  memory   gallons   of   gasoline,   an   emergency   radio   and  
before  they  leave.   enough   food   for   about   a   week.   If   you   can  
  The   Colonel   will   brief   you   with   more   details   demonstrate   skill   with   a   weapon   from   the  
of  you  mission  before  you  leave.   settlement’s   armory,   you   can   take   that   too,  
with  a  small  amount  of  ammunition.

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