Lesson 12 - Lesson Plan

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Get in touch
your feelings

Aims: Learning vocabulary related to feelings

Talking about feelings
Predicting the content of a short video
Performing a roleplay

1 10’ Warmer
• Show the word “FEELINGS” on the computer.
 What comes into your mind seeing this word?
 Can you try to give me a definition? Some examples?
2 5’ In touch with your feelings…
• Show the sentence “in touch with your feelings”.
 What does it mean?
o Being aware of what you feel and how you feel
Example: By developing your emotional intelligence, you’ll be better able to get in touch with your feelings.

3 5’ Lose touch with your feelings…

• Show the sentence “lose touch with your feelings”.
 What does it mean?
o Not being aware of what you feel and how you feel
Example: Avoiding conflicts is a clear sign you’re out of touch with your feelings.
4 15’ Vocabulary
Acceptance ➔ the quality of being willing to accept an unpleasant or difficult situation
Belittle ➔ to make someone seem unimportant
Disdain ➔ to think that someone does not deserve your respect
Astonished ➔ feeling very surprised or impressed
Bitter ➔ angry and unhappy because treated unfairly
Breathtaking ➔ arousing great excitement, surprise or admiration in someone/something.
Dull ➔ describing someone or something that is not interesting nor exciting
Relief ➔ a feeling of comfort that comes when something upsetting is gone
5 5’- Pre-viewing activity
10’ • Show the questions.
 I’ll let you think for few minutes before you answer me.
Questions : Why is it important to be in touch with our emotions?
Why might a person be out of touch with their emotions?
How can we get in touch with our emotions?
6 10’ Viewing activity
• We are going to watch a short video titled How to Get in Touch with Your Feelings. As you watch, can you check if any of the ideas you
talked about earlier are mentioned in the video?
• We are watching the video two more times. Try to answer these questions while watching.


15’ Post viewing activity

• Now I’d like you to reflect on the video we just watch. To do some, I’ll ask you some questions:
20’ To perform a roleplay
• We are going to perform some roleplay. Do you know what is it?
To do so, I’ll give you a card with the role described on it and some questions to help you build you character. I want you to play and
some questions to develop your character. I want you to get into the role and to empathise with the character.

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