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Empathy: Real Stories to Inspire and Enlighten Busy Clinicians >A Brief Clinician's Guide to Empathic

Daniel E. Epner+

Traditional Approach Empathic or Exploratory Approach

“I'm scared.”

•Provider: “Tell me what scares you the most.”

•“Many people are here to support you.” •Patient: “I'm scared of dying.”
•Or •Provider: “Thinking about the unknown is scary. Tell me more about what scares you about dying.”
•“Do you take medication for anxiety?” •And
•“Would you like to meet with a chaplain or other spiritual leader?”

“I can't even look in a mirror now. I'm so depressed.”

•“It's normal for people to be concerned about their body image when they go through such arduous
treatment. Have the changes in your body kept you from doing social activities like going out to eat or
visiting with friends? Have the changes in your body affected your relationship with your husband?”
•“Have you ever taken an antidepressant?”
•“The changes in your body are not your fault, and anyone would be upset under these circumstances.
•“I hate to ask such a sensitive question, but have you considered taking your own life?”
I know before your illness you took great care of yourself and exercised and ate well. These changes
must be shocking. I can't imagine how hard this is for you. Would you like to discuss these issues with
a counselor?”

“Will I be in pain like this forever?”

“No, of course not. We can't completely eliminate your pain, but we can adjust your medications and “That must be a scary thought. I think we can help you feel much better by adjusting your
help you feel much better.” medications.”

“I'm afraid I will suffer in the end.”

•Provider: “Tell me more about what you're most concerned about.”

“Our job is to make sure that you suffer as little as possible.” •Patient: “I'm afraid I'm going to suffocate. I'm already short of breath.”
•Provider: “That must be a really scary thought. We will make sure to give you medications to relieve
the sensation of breathlessness. We will help you no matter what.”

Date of download: 12/29/22 from AccessMedicine:, Copyright © McGraw Hill. All rights reserved.

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