Final Script Part 1

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(Our story is about a land, a bubble land and the people who live in

that land. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other bubble
lands all over the world. Decent. Safe. Innocent. Happy and full of
success stories.) Humaira


Doctor/surgeon: I’m glad to share that today I made a record of 101

successful surgeries without any complications. God has really been
kind to me. I waited for this day since long and look today I am living


Engineer: Finally, I created the world class futuristic infrastructure,

designed by standardized technologies and which also has
prominent features to be praised by the generations to come. I will
be rewarded soon for this! Yes!

Ahmed C.

Lawyer: After winning so many cases in the past, I can’t believe that in
today’s newspaper I am listed as one of the five topmost lawyers. This
means in few days; I will be in demand and people will prefer hiring
me more than anyone else.


Officer: I never thought that I would be able to solve so many perilous

criminal cases in so little time. I can’t believe that this has made a
record. This is how I wanted it to be always!!

(among these fortunate people there were also beginners or pupils)

(background: And the award for the topper of the year goes to..)

Ismah K. & Heet

Jones and Peter: (Write topper or numerical 1 on White T shirt)

Hurray!! I made it! I am still not able to believe the trophy

in my hand. This was the reciprocity I had longed for. The
pleasure seems eternal.

(get closer though, and you start seeing the bubble burst if
you try touching it) Humaira

Alarm ringing loud!!

(switching off the alarm with one eye open and thinking…)

Ismah K.

Jones: Ah!! That was just a dream. Another day in paradise. When will
I be actually living it in reality, I wonder? Soon we will have the result
listing names of the toppers and I am still stuck in my dreamland.

(dialogue in bubble, being in bed)

Zeba Q.
Mother: (sprinkling water using spray bottle) Kuk-doo-koo
Jones! Hurry up!

Ismah K.

Jones: Woh! What was that! You terrified me Mom!

In split screen
Zeba Q.
Jones reaction
Mother: You are getting late for your online classes. Why do
to Mom
you want the final warnings from me every day? I have other
household chores to look after. Please be responsible to complete
your duties on time at least.

Ismah K.

Jones: Let me first freshen up and then have breakfast after that I will
sit for my online classes.

Zeba Q.

Mother: Lazy bones, do you think with this attitude you

can achieve the award this year? You must avoid the
procrastination in everything you do. If you will not listen
then I know how to broom away this lazy ghost from your
head. ( putting broom on his head )

Ismah K.

Jones: Oh! Mom, you know me very well. I am the

smartest of all and like every year this year too I will be
able to achieve better grades and I am confident about

Zeba Q.

Mother: Well for that I wish you luck.


Brother: Well brother, that’s overconfidence! Not doing things

on time and still thinking yourself to be one of those winners!!
( pointing at Jones’ dream)

The teacher was asking about you today and like any
other day, I felt insulted and ashamed that my elder
brother is not on time for his morning classes.

All my impressions on my teachers goes in vain. For how long

will this continue dude?
Ismah K.

Jones: (rolling eyes)Hey don’t be mean! What siblings are for? To take

each other’s pain and support whenever needed. Okay! I got to go
now to attend my favourite subject class.
(interrupting in between)


Sister: Excuse me! Don’t we give exams for all the subjects? We must
take all the subjects seriously. Just like the way we wear our favourite
shirt with a trouser and it’s essential!
In split screen pointing
Here is your lucky charm which I believe will no longer a person without and
be lucky for you if you persist to be the same. with a trouser.
Ismah K.

Jones: Thanks for reminding me about my lucky charm Lara, you know
that without it I will never be able to concentrate and in past it had
been the reason for me to score well in all my exams.


Sister: You are delusional, brother. A grown up animal like you

must get out of this misconception or superstitious
(Jones gave the cold-shoulder)

Zeba Q.

Mother: (applauding) Oh God Youths!

The lucky charm did wonders because of your seriousness and
punctuality, lazy bones . Today your father called me again and
interrogated if you were in the class on time.

Ismah K.

Jones: Mom, I know you handle my troubles like a superwoman, and

you will save be from all troubles so shhhhhh! no sharing of secrets.

Zeba Q.

Mother: I feel like cooking you for the dinner today and presenting
it to your father.

(teasing mom , hearing the voice at the background and rushing

towards his laptop/tablet/desktop)

Mariam K.

Teacher: Jones! Jones are you there? Will you mind acknowledging
your presence? Jones give the answer for which novel is this passage
taken from? Or else reluctantly I have to remove you from the group
and also mark you absent.

Ismah K.

Jones: Hello! Hello! I can’t hear anyone…Romeo and

Juliet..anyone there??

Mariam K.

Teacher: Oh Lord! We are not discussing any romantic novel today

Jones!!! Few days back you said microphone was not working and
yesterday you said your camera wasn’t functioning. I gave you
a weeks’ time and now it’s been a month. (take a pause)

Students, when you can see and hear me every day, then
why I can’t hear and see you all every day? I mean we all are from the
same planet and using same application then why are there so many

Jones, should I call your Father and let him know the problems you are

Ismah K.

Jones: Good morning Ms, I had some network issues at

home therefore couldn’t hear you. Did you say something?

Mariam K.

Teacher: (controlling her anger) No dear, I was just waiting to

hear your melodious voice stating about network issues.

Ismah K.

Jones: Ms, I think your screen is frozen I really can’t

see what you are presenting.


Peter: I don’t agree with Jones. We can see what you are
presenting. Maybe today is another day of excuses.

Mariam K.
Teacher: Look generation, all of you get serious regarding your
studies because soon you will have your exams and I don’t want you
to see the letters dancing in your head.
Student1(online class): (Playing music and
(two to three students on unmute
reacting-laughing- at Roger’s dance)

Mariam K.
Teacher: Oh my God! All of you, mute yourself hurry up! What is
happening, Roger? Why are you dancing? Is this your dance class?

Rehan B.
Roger: No miss, I could hear you saying ‘dancing’ so I
thought you were asking us to dance to release our stress.

Mariam K.

Teacher: How can I ask you to dance in your English class,

Roger? Keep these Cardio moves for Annual day preparation or may
be on receiving your marks.
Mariam Q.

Student2(online class):
(Suddenly a Bollywood song is played in the background)

Singing (microphone on unmute)

Mariam K.

Teacher: Now what was that! Is someone preparing hard

to enroll for Indian Idol??

(students laughing in the background)

Mariam Q

Student2: No miss, I am so sorry I didn’t realize when and how

my microphone turned unmute.
Mariam K.

Teacher: Am I in a zoo meet or google meet? Why none

ofyou are serious for your exams?
Amphibians! I must tell you though this time you will have
multiple choice questions but it will still not make your
task easy. You need to work harder than earlier and pay
attention to each option.

Ismah K.

Jones: Ms.we have a solution if we feel stuck.

Mariam K.

Teacher: Quite thoughtful of you! So, what would you recommend to

your classmates in this situation, Jones?

Ismah K.

Jones: Inki pinki ponki is the only

option in such a situation. (others

Mariam K.

Teacher: Jones, I could see a drastic change in you. You must have a
control on yourself. You should know that we learn when we are
focused, also remember the more you learn the more you realize your
ignorance and I don’t want any one of you to suffer the ignorance. I
wish I could scan you so that I would know how much serious you are
from inside.

Ismah K.
Jones: ……(presenting X-ray of body on screen and suddenly the screen
went off)


(This was Jones whose school life revolves around his lucky charm and
his past scores made him believe that he could behave in any which
ways in the class with his teachers and they won’t mind anything as he
was in the list  good  graders but in the same class was a boy, Peter, who
had no lucky charm but was trying hard to keep up the scores he had in
past and wanted to be listed in 2020-2021 toppers-remember the same
dream that Jones had)

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